Violence at Raiganj Medical College: On-duty doctors suffer injuries in mob attack, Colleagues boycott OPD

Published On 2024-06-29 08:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-06-29 08:31 GMT

Raiganj: A clash broke out between the patient's kin and doctors at Raiganj Medical College and Hospital on Thursday night, resulting in injuries to several doctors. In response to the incident, the doctors have initiated a boycott of the Outpatient Department (OPD) protesting the attack and demanding stringent action against those responsible.  

The medical community has expressed deep concern over the rising incidents of violence against healthcare professionals. The clash occurred amidst allegations of medical negligence, with the patient’s family accusing the medical staff of prioritizing a T20 Cricket World Cup match over their duties. 


The patient’s family claimed that the patient, a one and half year old did not receive timely medical attention because the doctors were engrossed in the cricket match. Contrary to these allegations, an intern doctor from the medical college, who wished to remain anonymous, provided a different account of the events.

According to the intern, the incident unfolded rapidly and took an unexpected turn on 27th June at 11:30 PM in the Surgery Department of Raiganj Medical College and Hospital. A child came to the hospital with abdominal pain. After one of the doctors attended her, she was referred to the surgery department. The child was accompanied by 6 to 7 guardians and relatives, one of them was a former councillor and they enquired about the availability of beds. However, as no bed was available the house staff requested them to stay put for 15 to 20 minutes. They can only start the treatment after the bed becomes available.

The doctor told Medical Dialogues, “The child was not critical and as there were no beds, the on-duty doctor asked them to wait. One moment they were discussing taking the child to a private facility, the next moment they started having a heated discussion with the house staff alleging medical negligence. One of the male relatives suddenly punched the on-duty doctor in the face. When the doctor tried to appease them, another woman slapped him. When three interns, including two female interns, tried to intervene, they were assaulted also along with the house staff.”  

“The remaining doctors from the other wards rushed to their aid but the situation escalated leaving many doctors with serious injuries. The situation was contained after police and CRF rushed to the spot. The allegation of medical negligence or watching cricket on duty was a vile attempt to destroy our reputation and validate their act of violence,” he added. Some of the doctors have sustained serious injuries and they have been boycotting OPD work in protest but emergency services remained unaffected.

According to The Indian Express, the family of the child, on the other hand, stated that the junior doctors present were angry as the child's family repeatedly asked the doctors to start treatment. When the patient’s family confronted them for not starting the treatment and watching cricket instead, they suddenly attacked the child's family. They alleged that the doctors assaulted them and even women were also not exempted. Police are investigating the matter and the claims of both parties are yet to be verified. 


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