Delhi AIIMS launches Facial Recognition Access Control System to enhance patient safety

Published On 2024-10-20 10:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-20 10:00 GMT

New Delhi: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi has launched a groundbreaking initiative with a pilot project in the Mother and Child Block. This project introduces a sophisticated facial recognition-based access control system (FR-ACS) along with a visitor management system (VMS).

This pilot program aims to create a safer environment for the patients. The premier institute has indicated that this initiative is driven by an increased emphasis on security and adherence to visiting hours, particularly in critical areas such as the operating theatre and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

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AIMS has identified security gaps in the healthcare system and explained that the current admission policy is unrestricted and poses significant risks to the patients. These unrestricted admission policies to sensitive areas increase the chances of hospital-acquired infections and unauthorized access to clinical areas, particularly at night.


These programs introduce several innovative measures aimed at reducing unauthorized access to areas such as inpatient zones, diagnostic labs, office spaces, and research facilities by employing facial recognition software.

The key features of this initiative include enrolling all patients, except those in emergency or critical conditions, in the facial recognition system. Through this system, their authorization will be linked to their Unique Health Identification Number (UHID). Patients' access rights will be automatically revoked upon discharge, maintaining a secure environment in the hospital.

According to The Statesman, AIIMS Director Dr M Srinivas said, “The introduction of FR-ACS and VMS integration is a significant step towards enhancing the health and safety of our patients and workforce. Our objective is to leverage technology to ensure safety without compromising the quality of care provided to patients.”

By implementing this advanced security measure, AIIMS aims to create a more controlled environment that prioritizes patient safety. As a result, it will be difficult to enter the wards, ICU, or operation theatres without a valid reason.

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