Delhi AIIMS to set up Robotic Surgery Training Facility for doctors

Published On 2023-03-05 06:00 GMT   |   Update On 2023-03-05 06:00 GMT

New Delhi: The premier health institution, the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, has decided to set up a robotic surgery training facility to train doctors and other healthcare providers across India. This type of training will be imparted for the first time in the country.

AIIMS Delhi will be establishing a robotic surgery training facility to ensure adequate availability of trained experts, provide innovative minimally invasive surgery and establish other such centres in the country.

According to the Office memorandum issued by Dr M Srinivas, Director, AIIMS, Delhi, “It is desired that an open expression of interest (EOI) should be floated to invite Robotic Surgery System manufacturers (OEMs) to co-create and develop Robotic Surgery Training facilities at various Campuses of AlMS, New Delhi on the not-for-profit basis within the next 3-6 months. For the said facility, AIlMS New Delhi shall provide approx. 500 sq. ft. of space, academic spaces, cadavers /tissues for training, the pool of trained faculty, etc.”


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AIIMS New Delhi has been a pioneer in the field of patient care, teaching and research. Robotic-assisted surgery is one of the newest areas of innovation in minimally invasive surgery.

“AIIMS, New Delhi has been an early adopter of this innovation in medical technology and has a talent pool of faculty using the Robotic Surgical Systems for many years. Keeping in view the availability of an adequate number of master trainers at AIlMS New Delhi, there is an immediate requirement to establish Robotic Surgery Training Facilities herein for imparting training to doctors from AIIMS New Delhi and other healthcare facilities in India,” the Office memorandum read.

The memorandum further stated, “The OEMs shall be expected to install the Complete Robotic Surgery Training Platform and provide related accessories and consumables, etc. free of cost. OEMs may at their own cost, also invite external experts for imparting training on any newer techniques with the prior permission of AIlMS, New Delhi.”

Article Source : with inputs

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