Forceps Left in patient's Abdomen for 12 Years! Medical Negligence allegations rock Sikkim's Hospital

Published On 2024-10-19 11:25 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-19 13:31 GMT

Gangtok: An shocking instance of alleged medical negligence has come to light at Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial (STNM) Hospital, after a pair of surgical forceps was found in the abdomen of a woman who underwent an appendectomy operation at the hospital around 12 years ago.

Recently when the patient faced urinary issues, tests were conducted and on October 07, 2024, an X-ray revealed that the forceps were still there in her abdomen. Consequently, they were removed on October 8.

Meanwhile, after this shocking incident came to light, the STNM Hospital authorities announced a high-level meeting to discuss the matter. Further updates will be provided after that.

The history of the case goes back to 2012 when the 51-year-old woman underwent appendectomy surgery at STNM Hospital in the month of January. After the surgery, she was discharged after 17 days. However, she continued having recurring health complaints. 


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As per the latest media report by India Today, the husband of the patient explained that even though the patient continued to have persistent stomach aches, the doctors attributed her discomfort to gastric issues and prescribed various medications without uncovering the root cause.

"We were given medications for gastric problems and vitamins, but no one thought to investigate further...Sometimes, she felt unwell, but we had no idea that something serious was left inside her," he told the Daily.

After that, years passed but there was no clear diagnosis until this year, when the patient started experiencing urinary issues. A biopsy was conducted in Namchi and revealed concerning results. Following this, she was referred back to STNM for further examination. Consequently, on October 7, doctors noticed an infection. An X-ray was conducted and it shockingly revealed that there were forceps inside the patient's abdomen.

Referring to this, her husband said, "I couldn't believe it when they told me...I thought it was impossible. The doctors assured us they could remove it, and on October 8, they did just that."

After conducting the surgery, the hospital authorities confirmed to the patient that the forcepts were successfully extracted from the patient's abdomen.

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Article Source : with inputs

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