NBE Accreditation for DNB, DrNB, FNB January, February 2021 Cycle: View Application process, eligibility criteria, stipend, all details here

Published On 2021-04-04 05:30 GMT   |   Update On 2021-08-23 08:03 GMT

New Delhi: The National Board of Examinations (NBE) has invited applications for Accreditation with NBE for DNB, DrNB, and FNB – January/February 2021 Cycle by all applicant Hospitals, Institutions as well as Medical Colleges. 

All the concerned medical colleges, hospitals and institutions are requested to take note of the following important points pertaining to the Accreditation with NBE for DNB, DrNB, and FNB – January/February 2021 Cycle as released by the Natboard in its information bulletin.

1. The last date for submission of the application form has been extended further as tabulated below:

Last Date for online submission of the application form: 15-04-2021
Last Date for receipt of the Hard Copy of the application form at NBE Office: 22-04-2021
2. DNB, DrNB & FNB Courses
2.1. Applications are invited from hospitals for:
Fresh and Renewal of accreditation for Broad Specialty courses including direct 6 years courses.
Renewal of accreditation for Fellowship courses
Renewal of accreditation for Super specialty courses.
2.2. Hospitals/Institutes accredited till June 2021 for Super specialty courses and Fellowship courses may apply for renewal of accreditation.
2.3. Hospitals/Institutes accredited till December 2021 for Broad specialty courses including Direct 6 years courses may also apply for renewal of accreditation. NBE offers the following courses:
A. Broad Specialty:(Diplomate of National Board-DNB)
Post MBBS 3 Year Courses 
i. Anaesthesiology *
ii. Anatomy
iii. Biochemistry
v. Community Medicine
v. Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy *
vi. Emergency Medicine
vii. Family Medicine
viii. Forensic Medicine
ix. General Medicine
x. General Surgery
xi. Hospital Administration
xii. Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion
xiii. Maternal and Child Health
xiv. Microbiology
xv. Nuclear Medicine *
xvi. Obstetrics and Gynaecology *
xvii. Ophthalmology *
xviii. Orthopaedics *
xix. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)*
xx. Paediatrics *
xxi. Palliative Medicine
xxii. Pathology *
xxiii. Pharmacology
xxiv. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation *
xxv. Physiology
xxvi. Psychiatry *
xxvii. Radiation Oncology * (Previously Radio Therapy)
xxviii. Radio Diagnosis *
xxix. Respiratory Medicine*
Post Diploma 2 Year Courses
* Post Diploma (2 years) DNB course is also available in addition to Post MBBS 3-years DNB course. The application for Post MBBS 3 years course in these specialties (with Asterisk mark) will be automatically considered for the Post Diploma 2 years course also.
B. Super Specialty: (Doctorate of National Board-DrNB)
Post MD/MS/DNB 3 Year Courses
i. Cardiac Anaesthesia
ii. Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery
iii. Cardiology
iv. Clinical Haematology
v. Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
vi. Critical Care Medicine
vii. Endocrinology
viii. Gynaecological Oncology
ix. Interventional Radiology
x. Medical Gastroenterology
xi. Medical Genetics
xii. Medical Oncology
xiii. Neonatology
xiv. Nephrology
xv. Neuro Anaesthesia
xvi. Neuro Surgery
xvii. Neurology
xviii. Paediatric Cardiology
xix. Paediatric Critical Care
xx. Paediatric Surgery
xxi. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
xxii. Surgical Gastroenterology 
xxiii. Surgical Oncology
xxiv. Thoracic Surgery
xxv. Urology
xxvi. Vascular Surgery
C. Direct 6 Years Super Specialty:
Doctorate of National Board- DrNB: Post MBBS 6 Years Course
i. Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)
ii. Neuro Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)
iii. Paediatric Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)
iv. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)
D. Fellowship: (Fellow of National Board-FNB)
2 Years Post Graduate / Post Doctoral Course
Post Graduate FNB Courses (FNB)
i. Arthroplasty
ii. Breast Imaging
iii. Hand & Micro Surgery
iv. Infectious Diseases
v. Laboratory Medicine
vi. Maternal & Foetal Medicine (Previously High Risk Pregnancy & Perinatology)
vii. Minimal Access Surgery
viii. Paediatric Gastroenterology
ix. Paediatric Hemato-Oncology
x. Paediatric Nephrology
xi. Pain Medicine
xii. Reproductive Medicine xiii. Spine Surgery
xiv. Sports Medicine
xv. Trauma & Acute Care Surgery (previously Trauma Care)
xvi. Vitreo Retinal Surgery
Post Doctoral FNB Courses (FNB-PD)
i. Interventional Cardiology
ii. Liver Transplantation
iii. Neurovascular Intervention

3. Applying for NBE Accreditation
A. General Instructions
3.1. National Board of Examinations (NBE) accredits hospitals/institutions for running DNB/DrNB courses in various Broad & Super Specialty and Fellowship courses.
3.2. The grant of accreditation is solely at the discretion of NBE and subject to fulfilment of criteria prescribed by NBE.
3.3. Mere online registration of applicant hospital/ online application submission/ payment of accreditation fee/ submission of hard copy of application to NBE/ fulfilment of NBE accreditation criteria does not render an applicant hospital/institute eligible for grant of accreditation or imply that NBE must accredit the applicant hospital/institute.
3.4. NBE reserves its absolute rights to alter/modify/delete/amend any or all of the criteria as given in this information bulletin at any stage during the process.
3.5. Applicant hospital/institute shall have no rights or equity in their favor merely because they have submitted their application seeking accreditation with NBE.
3.6. Applicant hospitals/institutes are required to study the Information Bulletin and instructions for fulfilment of eligibility criteria before submitting the application form.
3.7. Instructions in this Information Bulletin are liable to be changed on the decisions taken by NBE from time to time. Please refer to the NBE website www.natboard.edu.in for updates.
3.8. The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines for accreditation are for ready reference only but are not to be treated for the fact that the NBE is bound to follow the same in future. In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/terms / rules / criteria regarding the determination of eligibility / grant of accreditation/any of the information contained in the information bulletin the interpretation of NBE shall be final and binding on all parties. NBE reserves its rights to relax any of the criteria/clause if so deemed appropriate in case of grant of renewal/ fresh accreditation.
 3.9. Submission of false information or fabricated records for the purpose of seeking accreditation may lead to disqualification for accreditation and debarment from seeking accreditation in future as well.
3.10. Applications of applicant hospitals/institutes seeking accreditation with NBE which do not fulfil the prescribed minimum accreditation criteria may be summarily rejected by NBE at Pre - Assessment stage i.e. before undertaking physical inspection of the hospital by NBE appointed assessor.
3.11. The grant of accreditation by NBE is purely provisional and is governed by the terms and conditions as stated in the accreditation agreement. A copy of the same will be sent across to the applicant hospitals/institutes after it has been accredited by NBE.
3.12. Applicant hospital/institute may kindly note that the use of any agent or agency or any party who is not an employee or office bearer of the applicant hospital/institute for the purpose of preparing, drafting, submitting and/or representing the applicant hospital/institute is strictly prohibited. In the event of such an instance been brought to the notice of NBE, NBE reserves its absolute right to summarily reject the application besides further action as may be deemed appropriate including but not limited to debarment from filing application seeking accreditation in future.
3.13. Statements made by the applicant hospital shall be certified by the Head of the Institute at appropriate place and the claims made in the application shall be supported by relevant document(s).
3.14. Applications submitted by the hospital/institute which are incomplete are likely to be rejected.
3.15. The applicant hospitals are required to provide correct, updated and factual information at the time of submission of application form. Additional information is required to be furnished by the applicant hospitals whenever sought by NBE or if there are changes in the faculty or infrastructure of the applicant hospitals pursuant to the submission of application form.
3.16. Request for change in specialty/clubbing of applications will not be considered under any circumstances.
3.17. The application form has to be submitted as per the guidelines contained in the Information Bulletin and Online Accreditation Application Portal.
3.18. Parallel programme (in affiliation with other universities/organizations) of similar nature with duration of 2 – 3 years (or more), shall not be allowed in the same department along with DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses. Hospitals which administer such parallel programme shall be required to discontinue with the parallel programme after introduction of DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses in the department over a period of 01 year. If the concerned hospital/institue fails to do so, the respective DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses shall be discontinued.
3.19. All NBE accredited departments are permitted a maximum window of 01 year to discontinue with their parallel programme, if any.
3.20. The jurisdiction for any dispute shall be at New Delhi only.
B. Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP)
3.21. Applicant hospitals/institutes shall be required to submit the application form online through Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) as per the steps indicated below.
• Create a User – Online (Click here for details)*
• Create a profile of the applicant hospital – Online (Click here for details)
• Fill the Main application form & Specialty Application form online – (Click here for details)
• Complete the application form and upload Annexure / Documents - Online
• Fee payment through online payment portal – Online
• Print and submit the hard copy of the Main & Specialty Application form (separately) – Offline
* Hospital/Institute which has already created a user & profile on OAAP in the past is not required to create another user/profile. 
C. Application Compilation & Submission
The application form has two parts:
3.22. Main Application Form: This part of application comprises of information which is common/applicable to all specialties. The main application forms need to be completed and submitted online only once in an application session.
3.23. Specialty Specific Application Form : This part of application comprises of specialty specific information and the online forms are unique for each specialty in which accreditation is being sought.
3.24. On successful online submission of application forms, the hospital shall be able to take print out of the application forms and the annexures/Documents that have been uploaded.
3.25. The applicant hospital shall be required to submit the duly signed & stamped hard copy print-outs of the both Main & the specialty specific application form along with the necessary annexures//Documents, covering letter and the payment receipt.
3.26. The hard copy of the application form should reach NBE office at the following address latest by 31-03-2021. Applications received thereafter shall not be considered.
Accreditation Department
National Board of Examinations,
Medical Enclave, Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi -110029
Annexures/Documents are available at https://accr. natboard.edu.in/ under the quick link 'Download'
3.27. The application forms should be spirally bound. Main and each Specialty Specific Application Forms with relevant enclosures/documents should be spirally bound separately. Applications submitted as loose papers/ without being bound spirally shall be returned to the applicant hospital/institute without processing. Main and Specialty specific forms should not be bound together. 
3.28. The hospital shall be required to submit definite compliance to deficiencies pointed out to the hospital/institute by NBE. Please be apprised that fulfilment of minimum accreditation requirements is a pre-requisite for grant of accreditation and cannot be fulfilled post-facto.
3.29. Through Online Accreditation Application Portal, the hospital/institute can access the following:
 Notices & Circulars issued by NBE
 Information Bulletin
 Submission of Application Forms
 Status of Application Forms
 Submit of Application form for Annual Review
 Accredited seats
 Approved faculty for the Accredited Specialty
 Addition/Change the SPOC/HOD/DNB coordinator
 Submit consent for Seat Matrix for the purpose of counseling
 Download Accreditation related Annexures/Documents
 Update Hospital Profile
 View Grievance Committee Details
 Change Password
3.30. Information submitted under various parameters (such as number of operational beds, single or multi-specialty, management type, Date of starting clinical operations etc.) shall be updated in NBE records only if it is supported with authenticated documents submitted along with the application.
D. Accreditation Fee
3.31. Applicant hospital/institute seeking fresh accreditation or renewal of accreditation in any specialty are required to pay an accreditation fee of Rs. 2,00,000/- Plus GST @ 18% for each specialty specific application. The application form fee for each specialty specific application is Rs. 3,000/- Plus GST @ 5%.
The total fee to be paid for each speciality-specific application is as follows:

Accreditation Fee for each Specialty *

Rs 2,00,000/-

GST @ 18% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 36,000/-

Application Form Fee

Rs. 3,000/-

GST @ 5% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 150/-

Total fee to be paid per specialty

Rs. 2,39,150/-

* Defense Institutions are exempted from submitting accreditation fee of Rs. 2,00,000/- . However, the application form fee of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% shall be required to be paid.
3.32. Applicant hospital/institute shall be able to pay the above-mentioned fee only through Online Payment Portal of NBE. Payment made through any other portal shall not be accepted.
3.33. The application form shall only be considered as successfully submitted only if the accreditation fee has been paid successfully to NBE. NBE shall. not be responsible for any transaction failure or delay in processing of the transaction.
3.34. In case of applying for more than one specialty, the accreditation fee for each application form has to be paid separately.
3.35. Partial refund of Accreditation Fee is admissible under the following conditions:

Refund of Accreditation Fee*

Terms & Conditions

90% of total fee#

·If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital/institute within 4 weeks of last date of online application submission to NBE

·Incomplete applications which are summarily rejected without subjecting them to a detailed "Pre- assessment processing".

50% of total fee#

·If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital / institute after 4 weeks of last date for online application submission to NBE, but before the physical assessment/inspection of the applicant department by NBE appointed assessor.

·If the application is rejected at pre-assessment level (prior to physical assessment/inspection of the department by NBE appointed assessor) due to non- fulfilment of minimum accreditation criteria and/or the hospital fails to submit definite compliance within stipulated time (if so required) to the Pre - Assessment deficiencies communicated to the hospital by NBE.

Refund of Accreditation Fee*

Terms & Conditions

No refund shall be admissible

·Once the physical assessment/inspection of the applicant department has been conducted by NBE appointed assessor.

* Application form fee of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% (i.e. a total of Rs. 3150/-) is non-refundable under any circumstances.

# GST paid by the hospital shall be refunded proportionately.
For example:

Refundable Fee


GST Refundable

Total Refund

90% of the

Accreditation fee




50% of the Accreditation fee




3.36. The accreditation fee will not be carried forward to a future date and/or for another application.
3.37. Application form submitted to NBE without payment of accreditation fee including GST shall not be processed.
E. Processing of the Applications:
The major steps in processing of the application forms are as follows:


3.38. Grossly incomplete applications or applications not fulfilling the minimum accreditation criteria shall be closed at Pre assessment level i.e. without undertaking any physical assessment/ inspection of the hospital.
3.39. Compliance submission to Pre - Assessment Deficiencies: The applicant hospital shall be given an opportunity to submit compliance to the deficiencies noted in the pre-assessment processing of the application form. The hospital shall be able to upload the required documents/compliance through OAAP or at Submission of online application form by the Hospital Scrutiny of the application form by NBE in terms of minimum accreditation criteria Deficiency informed to the hospital for rectification and compliance Carrying out physical assessment of the hospital by NBE appointed assessor. Submission of the assessment report by the assessor Evaluation of the assessment report by Accreditation department Application form and the compliance submitted by hospital along with assessment report is examined by Accreditation Committee of NBE Decision of the Accreditation Committee is ratified by the Governing Body of NBE Compliance to be submitted by the hospital Final outcome is communicated to the hospital 16 accr@natboard.edu.in OR at any other email ID indicated to the hospital/institute by the Accreditation Department of NBE.
3.40. Assessment of the applicant hospital: NBE shall be appointing an independent assessor to undertake the physical assessment/inspection of the hospital with regards to infrastructure, facilities, faculty, patient load and other related information. The assessment schedule will be intimated to the applicant hospital 2 weeks in advance. The exact date of the physical assessment along with the details of NBE appointed assessor shall be informed to the hospital 1-2 days prior to the date of assessment/Inspection.
3.41. Application form and the documents submitted by the hospital along with the assessment report of NBE appointed assessor shall be placed before the NBE Accreditation Committee for deciding the matter.
3.42. The decision of the Accreditation Committee shall be communicated to the hospital after it is approved by Governing Body, NBE.
3.43. It usually takes 6-9 months for completing the processing of application form (from the date of receipt of the hard copy of the application form at NBE till approval from the Governing Body, NBE and communication to the applicant hospital).
3.44. The accreditation, if granted by NBE, is purely provisional and is valid for a period of up to five years. Once the accreditation is granted to the applicant hospital in any specialty, the hospital will be required to sign an Accreditation Agreement which contains the various terms & conditions applicable to the accredited hospital. A copy of draft Accreditation Agreement can be seen at Annexure I. The applicant hospital may note that the grant of accreditation is purely provisional and noncompliance of the Accreditation Agreement shall lead to withdrawal of accreditation by NBE.
3.45. Annual Review of Accreditation:
 The grant of accreditation by NBE to a department for a DNB/DrNB/FNB programme is purely provisional and is governed by the terms and conditions as stated in the accreditation agreement and compliance to the same as verified in annual review of the department.
 NBE shall undertake an annual review of the accredited department in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th year of the accreditation cycle, to ensure that the hospital is complying with the terms & conditions of the accreditation agreement and is fulfilling the minimum NBE accreditation criteria. 
 The accredited DNB/DrNB/FNB seat of a department may be excluded from the counseling seat matrix if the hospital fails to successfully complete the annual review of the concerned specialty.
3.46. NBE has introduced Post MBBS 02 years Diploma (NBE) courses in the following eight Broad specialties:



Name of the Qualification





Obstetrics & Gynaecology






Family Medicine

DFam.Med. (NBE)





Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)



Radio Diagnosis



Tuberculosis & Chest Disease


3.47. The Information Bulletin for the Diploma courses can be seen at NBE website www.natboard.edu.in . Applications not fulfilling the accreditation criteria for the DNB courses may be considered by NBE for the Diploma courses (subject to consent from the concerned hospital), if found suitable in terms of minimum accreditation criteria for the Diploma courses.

4. Minimum Accreditation Criteria
(I). The Applicant Hospital
A. Clinical Establishment:
4.1. The applicant Hospital/Institute should be a clinical establishment having requisite infrastructure of minimum prescribed beds providing comprehensive OPD and IPD based medical services in a single campus. Any clubbing of infrastructure, facilities and faculty of multiple hospitals/units of the applicant hospital is not permitted for seeking accreditation in the name of the applicant hospital.
4.2. The applicant hospital should have a minimum of 02 years of standing in clinical establishment before it can be considered for commencement of DNB, DrNB or FNB courses. However, the hospital can apply for seeking accreditation with NBE after completing 01 year in clinical operations. Years in clinical operation should be substantiated with supportive documents such as certificate of registration of the applicant hospital under applicable Acts & Rules. The hospitals failing to submit the required documents to substantiate the minimum required period in clinical operations (i.e. at least 01 year by the last date of application submission) shall not be processed.
4.3. Mandatory regulatory/ licensing approvals and all statutory requirement/clearances should have been obtained from the appropriate administrative authorities/ State Government/ Central Government/ Pollution Control Board/ Municipal Corporations /Councils. It shall be the responsibility of the hospital to obtain the necessary clearances and NBE shall not be responsible if the hospital fails to obtain or comply any required mandatory certifications such as, but not limited to:
 Certificate of Registration of the hospital under the applicable Acts and Rules
 Pollution Control Board Certificate issued by the State Government for Biomedical waste Management
 Valid Fire Safety Certificate from the State Fire Department
 Building Complex Occupancy Certificate
 Certificate of Incorporation of Parent Company/ Certificate of Registrar of Society (if applicable)
 AERB approval for operations of Medical Diagnostic Equipments (X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, PET Scan, Linear Accelerator etc.)
 Certificate issued by the State Government to the agency which is authorized for Bio-Medical waste management of the applicant hospital 
 Other regulatory approvals which may be specific to the specialty applied for seeking accreditation
B. Bed strength of the Applicant Hospital
4.4. Following categories of hospitals are eligible to seek accreditation with NBE for various DNB, DrNB & FNB courses as detailed under:
 Category - 1: Multi-Specialty hospital (offering services in more than 01 specialty area) with at least 200 beds can apply for accreditation in any number of DNB, DrNB & FNB courses, in accordance with the minimum number of beds required in each specialty and the total number of beds in the applicant hospital.
 Category - 2: Multi-Specialty hospital (offering services in multiple specialty areas) with 150 or more but less than 200 total operational beds in the hospital can seek accreditation only in any 03 courses (All DNB/DrNB or All FNB or DNB/ DrNB & FNB).
 Category - 3: Multi-Specialty hospital (offering services in multiple specialty areas) with 100 or more but less than 150 total operational beds in hospital can seek accreditation only in any 01 DNB, DrNB or FNB course.
 Category - 4: Multi-Specialty hospital (offering services predominantly in 01 specialty area only; Other specialties being ancillary in nature) with less than 200 total operational beds but at least 100 beds dedicated to the predominant specialty area can seek accreditation in all allied DNB/ DrNB/ FNB course of that 01 specialty area which is the area of its predominant practice. For e.g. A 140 bedded predominant neuroscience centre with at least 100 beds dedicated for neurosciences and other specialty services being ancillary in nature can seek accreditation for DrNB Neurology, DrNB Neurosurgery, DrNB Neuro Anaesthesia, FNB Neurovascular Intervention. However, a 140 bedded multispecialty hospital which is not a predominant neuroscience centre (i.e. at least 100 beds are not dedicated to neurosciences) can seek accreditation in only 01 of these 04 neuro-sciences related programme.
 Category – 5: Single Specialty hospital (offering services exclusively in 01 specialty area only) with at least 100 beds can seek accreditation in all allied DNB & FNB course of that 01 specialty area. For e.g. an exclusive Cardiac Sciences centre with 100 beds can apply for DrNB Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery, DrNB Cardiology, DrNB Cardiac Anaesthesia, FNB Interventional Cardiology. A 100 bedded multi-specialty hospital in contrast can seek accreditation in only 01 of these 04 cardiac-sciences programme. 
 Some examples of 01 specialty area and respective eligible DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses which single specialty centres or predominant practice centres can seek accreditation are as under:

Maternal & Child Health centre

· DNB Obstetrics & Gynaecology

· DNB Paediatrics

· DrNB Neonatology

· FNB Reproductive Medicine

· FNB Maternal and Foetal Medicine

Oncology centre

· DNB Radiation Oncology

· DrNB Surgical Oncology

· DrNB Medical Oncology.

Orthopaedics & Plastic Surgery centre

· DNB Orthopaedics

· DrNB Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

· FNB Hand & Micro Surgery

· FNB Spine Surgery

· FNB Sports Medicine

· FNB Trauma & Acute Care Surgery.

Neuroscience centre

· DrNB Neurology

· DrNB Neurosurgery

· DrNB Neuro Anaesthesia

· FNB Neurovascular Intervention.

Cardiac Science centre

· DrNB Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery

· DrNB Cardiology

· DrNB Cardiac Anaesthesia

· DrNB Paediatric Cardiology

· DrNB Thoracic Surgery

· FNB Interventional Cardiology.

4.5. In case of exclusive centres for specialties wherein clinical care is primarily day care or consultation based such as Endocrinology, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Ophthalmology, Reproductive Medicine, etc. the work load shall be evaluated on the basis of OPD case load, cross-referencing between the departments, day care surgeries (if applicable) etc.
4.6. The total number of operational beds in the hospital (as claimed to be authorized for commissioning) has to be certified with supportive documents such as "Consent to Operate" authorization from State Pollution Control Board (SPCB).
4.7. The "Consent to Operate" for the total beds should have been granted by SPCB by the last date of application submission. Applications submitted to SPCB for seeking consent for expansion of beds shall not be considered in lieu of "Consent to Operate" certificate issued by SPCB. Failure to substantiate the claimed number of total operational beds in the hospital with supportive documents shall invite closure of the application.
(II). Requirements in Applicant Departments
A. Beds in the applicant department/specialty of the hospital:
4.8. The applicant hospital should have a minimum number of operational beds in each applicant department as prescribed by NBE.
4.9. Patient care facilities (OPD, IPD, OT, ICUs, Labs, Equipments etc.) as applicable for the specialty applied for should be available.
4.10. General Beds: General Beds are those 'earmarked' beds / cases whose patients shall be accessible at all times for supervised clinical work to NBE trainees. Data of patients admitted on such beds or such cases shall be accessible to NBE trainees for research purposes subject to applicable ethical guidelines and clearances from Institutional Ethics Committee & Institutional policies. The applicant department should have a minimum of 30% beds under this category.
4.11. General patients: General patients are those patients that shall be accessible at all times for supervised clinical work to NBE trainees. Data of General patients shall be accessible to NBE trainees for research purposes subject to applicable ethical guidelines and clearances from Institutional Ethics Committee & Institutional policies. The applicant department should have a minimum of 30% Patients under this category.
4.12. Beds & other Infrastructural requirement: The minimum prescribed beds for each specialty are tabulated below.
Broad Specialty (DNB) Courses

S. No.


Minimum Beds in the applicant department and other infrastructural requirements



The department of Anaesthesiology should be having the in-house departments of the following core areas:

· General Surgery

· Orthopaedics / Trauma / Emergency Medicine


· Gynaecology

· Obstetrics/ labour Room

· Pain Clinic


Emergency Medicine

10 ER Beds; 15 ICU beds (MICU, SICU, PICU, ICCU)

in the hospital

·At least 15 ICU beds in the hospital of which minimum 3 should be ventilated beds and all should have required facilities for bed side monitoring of critical patients

·24 hr Ambulance services adequately equipped for onsite resuscitation and transfer of critically injured/ill patients with trained manpower.

24 hr adequately equipped in-house blood storage facility; Hospitals wherein component preparation facility is not available in-house, a tie up with nearby

blood bank shall be required


Family Medicine

80 Beds comprising of 20 beds each in General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Paediatrics.

·Beds for DNB Family Medicine Course may overla with other specialties. For example: 200 bedded hospital with 35 beds each in General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and 30 beds in Paediatrics may seek accreditation for DNB courses in each of the respective specialties and also

in Family Medicine.

·The General Medicine or Paediatrics department shall be the nodal department for Family Medicine.

·At least 30% beds should be General beds


General Medicine

35 beds;

At least 30% should be General beds,

Out of these 35 beds, not more than 15 beds could be ICU beds. The ICU beds should be dedicated Medical ICU beds (not CCU or any other ICU beds).


General Surgery

35 beds;

At least 30% should be General beds.

The applicant hospital shall have at least a 5 bedded ICU that may be shared with other specialties as well.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

35 beds;

At least 30% should be General beds



25 Beds;

At least 30% should be General beds


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

20 Beds;

At least 30% should be General beds



30 beds;

At least 30% should be General beds

Of 30 beds, at least 15 should be General Paediatrics and rest of the 15 can be from various Paediatric sub-



Palliative Medicine

Department of Palliative Medicine should have 24 beds distributed as follow:

  • Acute Palliative Care Beds – 4
  • End of Life Care Beds – 4
  • Consultation Liaison Beds – 16

Should have a DNB/MD program running in at least two broad specialities or Super specialities like General Medicine, Paediatrics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Radiotherapy, Medical Oncology and Surgical Oncology.

Should have a cancer centre or oncology departmen

with 2,000 new cancer cases every year.

Should have a dedicated palliative medicine department with full-time staff


Physical Medicine and


25 Beds;

At least 30% should be General beds



35 Beds;

At least 30% should be General beds


Radiation Oncology (Previously Radio Therapy)

25 Beds;

At least 30% should be General beds

Essential modalities for Radiation Oncology are:

·Two-dimensional Radiation Therapy (2D-RT)

·Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT)

·Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)

·Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)

·Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

·Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)

·Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)



Respiratory Medicine

35 beds;

At least 30% should be General beds



There is no requirement of inpatient beds in these specialties. However, optimal case load in clinical disciplines and labs/associated facilities shall be considered.

Essential equipments and specialty specific modalities required should be available. In certain disciplines, access to IPD services and operative infrastructure shall be assessed.

For DNB Forensic medicine, the applicant department shall have minimum 250 medico legal autopsy/Post mortem per year.

For DNB Hospital Administration, the applicant hospital must be a multi-specialty hospital.

For DNB Radio Diagnosis, the department of Radio Diagnosis should be an integral part of the hospital and MUST have the following imaging modalities:


· Fluoroscopy

· Mammography

· Ultrasound including colour Doppler

· Spiral / Multi Slice CT^

· MRI^ facilities

· Cath-lab/interventional radiology facilities

^can be outsourced but installed within the hospital premises.

The department of Radio Diagnosis should be in possession of all regulatory clearances namely AERB / Bio-medical radioactive waste management / radiation

physics and radiology workstation.




Community Medicine



Venereology and Leprosy


Forensic Medicine


Hospital Administration


Immunohematology and

Blood Transfusion




Nuclear Medicine










Radio Diagnosis

Super Specialty (DrNB) Courses

S. No.


Minimum Beds in the applicant department and other infrastructural



Cardiac Anaesthesia

10 Cardiac ICU beds


Cardio Vascular & Thoracic


20 beds in each specialty

At least 30% should be General beds




Clinical Haematology


Medical Gastroenterology


Medical Oncology




Neuro Surgery




Paediatric Cardiology


Paediatric Surgery


Plastic & Reconstructive



Surgical Gastroenterology


Surgical Oncology


Thoracic Surgery




Vascular Surgery


Critical Care Medicine

10 ICU Beds


Gynaecological Oncology

Dedicated 15 bedded Gynaecological Oncology division in the applicant hospital. At least 30% should be General beds.

The applicant hospital should preferably have the following departments In-house (In case of non-availability, MoU with a recognized center shall be required):

· Medical Oncology

· Radiation Oncology

· Surgical & Cyto-Pathology and Radiology


Interventional Radiology

Hospital/Institute should have dedicated Interventional Radiology facilities having following equipment under one roof / one campus:

· CT capable of CT angiography (16 slice or better)

· MRI 1.5 T or better

· Advanced Colour Doppler

· Digital Subtraction Angiography (Single or Bi-plane) with C Arm.



10 NICU Beds


Neuro Anaesthesia

10 Neuro ICU beds


Paediatric Critical Care

10 PICU Beds


Clinical Immunology and


Primarily day Care/Consultation based Specialty;

Bed requirement is work load related;

Department should have minimum prescribed patient load




Medical Genetics


Cardio Vascular & Thoracic

Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)

20 beds in each specialty

At least 30% should be General beds


Neuro Surgery (Direct 6

Years Course)


Paediatric Surgery (Direct 6

Years Course)


Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Direct 6 Years


Fellowship (FNB) courses




Minimum Beds in the applicant department and other infrastructural




Fellowship courses are sub-specialty skill- based programme wherein requirement of beds & IPD services can be part and parcel of the main clinical department;

The hospital should have minimum beds in respective broad/super specialty department and required case load and spectrum of diagnosis in respective sub-specialty.

For Liver Transplantation:

· The department should be conducting Liver Transplants for the last 07 years;

· Minimum of 60 liver transplants should be performed in a year by the applicant department.


Hand & Micro Surgery


Infectious Diseases


Interventional Cardiology


Liver Transplantation


Maternal & Foetal Medicine

(Previously High Risk Pregnancy & Perinatology)


Minimal Access Surgery


Paediatric Gastroenterology


Paediatric Hemato-Oncology


Paediatric Nephrology


Reproductive Medicine


Spine Surgery


Sports Medicine


Vitreo Retinal Surgery


Breast Imaging

Hospital/Institute should have dedicated breast imaging facilities having following equipment under one roof / one campus:

· Digital mammography

· High Resolution Ultrasound with Elastography

· One breast Imaging MRI Coil

· Breast tomosynthesis (Twinning arrangement with other medical Institution/ Hospital)

· Stereotactic Biopsy

· Vacuum assisted breast biopsy device


Laboratory Medicine

The mix of patient load in Biochemistry

/Microbiology /Pathology shall be considered.


Neurovascular Intervention

A dedicated division of Neurovascular Interventions should be there in the applicant hospital.

The applicant hospital should have an in- house Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology set up.

The requirement of beds can be part & parcel of the main clinical department. The hospital should have minimum beds in parent super- specialty department (Neurology/ Neurosurgery) with minimum sub-specialty case load & spectrum of diagnosis as mentioned under patient load.

The department should have Neurovascular Intervention facilities having following equipment:

· Cath lab with Digital Subtraction Angiography (Single or Bi-plane) with roadmap

· Multi-slice CT

· At least 1.5 T MRI

· USG with Colour Doppler

· Sophisticated Anaesthesia module with monitoring


Pain Medicine

10 Beds;

Recovery Room/PACU Beds/Special Ward/ General Ward /Post Procedure Room Beds can be included.

· Dedicated Pain Clinic OPD preferably in Main OPD Complex of Hospital (Daily)

· Fully equipped Pain OT

  • Fluoroscope
  • Radio Frequency Ablation Machine
  • Ultrasound Machine
  • Peripheral Nerve Stimulator
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Centrifugation Machine

  • Vital Sign Monitor
  • Resuscitation Cart
  • Anaesthesia Machine


· Post Procedure room

· Pain Charts, Bone models


Trauma & Acute Care Surgery (Previously Trauma Care)

i.Hospital should be multi-specialty hospital with 250 IPD beds

ii. Number of resuscitation bay in emergency department (ED)- Minimum 5 beds for surgical emergencies.

iii. Minor OT- One

iv. Plaster room- One

v. Number of beds for In-patient department (IPD)- Minimum 25 beds for surgical emergencies (traumatic and non-traumatic).

vi. Number of ICU beds- Minimum 05 beds for surgical emergencies (traumatic and non-traumatic)

vii. Operation theatres (OT)- Minimum two with facility for general Anaesthesia, out of which one should be dedicated and available 24 x 7 for surgical emergencies

viii. Essential facilities-

· In-house 24x 7 multi-slice Computed Tomography Scan.

·Portable X ray machine

· Portable Ultrasound machine with Color Doppler

· Availability of 24 x 7 Blood bank/Blood storage facility

· Laboratory facility 24 x 7

B. Faculty in the applicant department/specialty
4.13. The applicant hospital should have minimum required faculty in each applicant department.
4.14. The applicant department should have at least 01 Senior Consultant & 01 Senior /Junior Consultant working together for being considered eligible for DNB/DrNB /FNB courses.
4.15. The qualification of the faculty should be a recognized qualification as per the provisions of IMC (repealed) Act / NMC Act.
4.16. The number of seats granted in each specialty [Post MBBS seats (Primary seats) & Post Diploma seats (Secondary seats)] shall be in accordance with the case load, infrastructure available and number of Senior Consultants and Junior Consultants in the applicant department.
4.17. PG Teacher: All consultants in the department who qualify to be a Senior Consultant as per NBE criteria shall qualify as PG teacher for NBE courses.
4.18. The minimum eligible qualifications & required minimum experience in the specialty to qualify as Senior or Junior consultants for different NBE courses are indicated as under:
Eligibility Criteria for Faculty- Qualification & Experience (Broad Specialty (DNB) Courses)

S. No.


Minimum Eligible Qualification(s)

Minimum Experience after PG

in Minimum Eligible Qualification







DNB/MD (Anaesthesiology)

OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD/MS (Anatomy) OR


8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Biochemistry) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Community Medicine

DNB/MD (Social & Preventive Medicine / Community Medicine) OR


8 Years

5 Years



Venereology and Leprosy

DNB/MD (Dermatology,

Venereology & Leprosy) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Emergency Medicine

DNB/MD (Emergency Medicine)

5 Years of experience after DNB/MD

(Emergency Medicine)

2 Years of experience after DNB/MD

(Emergency Medicine)


DNB/MD/MS (or equivalent* qualification) in General Medicine/ Anesthesiology /General Surgery.

8 Years of experience in Emergency Medicine/ General Medicine/ Anesthesiolo gy /General Surgery

5 Years of experience in Emergency Medicine / General Medicine/ Anesthesiology

/General Surgery


Family Medicine

Minimum four (04) Faculties (one faculty

each from the specialty of General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

DNB/MD (Family Medicine)

5 Years of experience after DNB/MD

(Family Medicine)

2 Years of experience after DNB/MD (Family Medicine)


DNB/MD/MS (or equivalent* qualification) in General Medicine, Paediatrics, General Surgery or Obstetrics & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of experience in General Medicine/ Paediatrics/ General Surgery/ Obstetrics &


5 Years of experience in General Medicine/ Paediatrics/ General Surgery/ Obstetrics & Gynaecology

· All the applicant hospitals/Institutes for DNB Family Medicine course shall have at-least one faculty each in General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Faculty with MD/DNB –Family Medicine may replace one of the faculty of General Medicine or Paediatrics.

· Facility counted for the purpose of accreditation in Family Medicine, shall also be counted as faculty for accreditation in their respective specialties. Overlapping of faculty is allowed for DNB Family Medicine courses. For eg: The faculty counted for the purpose of DNB General Medicine or DNB Genera Surgery course shall also be eligible as faculty for DNB Family Medicine Course.


Forensic Medicine

DNB/MD (Forensic Medicine) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


General Medicine

DNB/MD (General Medicine/Internal Medicine) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


General Surgery

DNB/MS (General Surgery)

OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Hospital Administration

Primary Degree MBBS and


A) or MHM/MHA from deemed/Government recognized universities (full

time course)

8 Years

5 Years


Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion


(IHTM/Transfusion Medicine) or

DNB/MD (Pathology) OR


8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Microbiology) OR


8 Years

5 Years


Nuclear Medicine

DNB/MD (Nuclear Medicine) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Obstetrics and Gynaecology

DNB/MS/MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years




(Ophthalmology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MS (Orthopaedics) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)



8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Palliative Medicine

MD Palliative Medicine OR Transition Specialities.

Specialties eligible for transition:

  • MD/DNB General Medicine
  • MS/DNB General Surgery
  • MD/DNB Paediatrics
  • MD/DNB Anaesthesiology
  • MD/DNB Radiotherapy
  • MD/DNB Geriatric Medicine
  • MD/DNB Psychiatry
  • MD/DNB Family Medicine

08 Years out of which 3 years exclusive

experience in Palliative Medicine

05 Years out of which 3 years exclusive experience in

Palliative Medicine



DNB/MD (Pathology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Pharmacology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

DNB/MD (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)

OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Physiology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years



DNB/MD (Psychiatry) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Radiation Oncology (Previously Radio Therapy)


(Radiotherapy/Radiation Oncology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Radio Diagnosis

DNB/MD (Radio Diagnosis) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Respiratory Medicine

DNB/MD (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases

/Respiratory Diseases/ Pulmonary Medicine) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years

* Where an equivalent qualification in the specialty concerned is provided for a proposed faculty by the applicant hospital, the same shall be deliberated by NBE on a case-to-case basis for being considered as a faculty in the applicant department.
Eligibility Criteria for Faculty- Qualification & Experience (Super Specialty (DrNB) Courses)




Minimum Eligible Qualification(s)

Minimum Experience after qualifying Minimum Eligible







Cardiac Anaesthesia

DNB/DM (Cardiac Anaesthesia)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Cardiac Anaesthesia)

2 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Cardiac Anaesthesia)



(Anaesthesiology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Cardiac Anaesthesia after DNB/MD (Anaesthesiolog


5 Years of exclusive experience in Cardiac Anaesthesia after DNB/MD (Anaesthesiolog



Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery

DNB/MCh (Cardio Thoracic Surgery/Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years



DNB/DM (Cardiology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Clinical Haematology


(Hematology/ Clinical Hematology/ Haemato-Pathology)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Hematology/ Clinical Hematology/ Haemato-


2 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Hematology/ Clinical Hematology/ Haemato-



DNB/MD(General Medicine/Pathology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Hematology after DNB/MD (General Medicine/


5 Years of exclusive experience in Hematology after DNB/MD (General Medicine/



Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology



5 Years of experience after DNB/DM


2 Years of experience after DNB/DM



DNB/MD (General Medicine) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Rheumatology after DNB/MD (General Medicine)

5 Years of exclusive experience in Rheumatology after DNB/MD (General Medicine)


Critical Care Medicine

DNB/DM (Critical Care Medicine)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Critical Care Medicine)

2 Years of Experience after DNB/DM

(Critical Care Medicine)



(Anaesthesiology/Gen eral Medicine/Respiratory Diseases) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Critical Care Medicine after DNB/MD

(Anaesthesiolog y/ General Medicine/ Respiratory


5 Years of exclusive experience in Critical Care Medicine after DNB/MD

(Anaesthesiolog y/ General Medicine/ Respiratory





(Endocrinology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Gynaecological Oncology


(Gynaecological Oncology)

5 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh

(Gynaecological Oncology)

2 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh

(Gynaecological Oncology)


DNB/MD/MS(Obstetri cs & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in DNB/MS/MD

(Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

5 Years of post PG experience of which 3 years of exclusive experience in Gynaecological Oncology after DNB/MS/MD

(Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

· The hospital should have provisions for a Tumour Board.

· Apart from the division of Gynaecological Oncology, following specialists should be available either on full time or visiting basis to provide necessary supportive care to the Gynaecological Oncology patients in the hospital and requisite training to DNB trainees:

  • Radiation Oncologist

o Medical Oncologist

o Radiologist

o Pathologist


Interventional Radiology

DNB/MD (Radio Diagnosis) OR equivalent*

10 Years

5 Years


Medical Gastroenterology


(Gastroenterology/Me dical Gastroenterology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Medical Genetics

DNB/DM (Medical Genetics) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


DNB/MD/MS (General Medicine / Paediatrics

/ Obstetrics & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Medical Genetics

5 Years of exclusive experience in Medical Genetics


Medical Oncology

DM/DNB (Medical

Oncology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years




(Neonatology) OR equivalent

5 Years

2 Years




(Nephrology) OR equivalent

5 Years

2 Years


Neuro Anaesthesia

DM (Neuro - Anaesthesia)

5 Years of experience after DM (Neuro Anaesthesia)

2 Years of experience after DM (Neuro Anaesthesia)



(Anaesthesiology) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Neuro Anaesthesia after DNB/MD (Anaesthesiolog


5 Years of exclusive experience in Neuro Anaesthesia after DNB/MD (Anaesthesiolog



Neuro Surgery

DNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years



DNB/DM (Neurology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Paediatric Cardiology

DNB/DM (Cardiology)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Cardiology) after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)

2 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Cardiology) after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)


DNB (Paediatric Cardiology)

5 Years of experience after DNB (Paediatric Cardiology)

2 Years of experience after DNB (Paediatric Cardiology)


DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Cardiology after DNB/MD


5 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Cardiology after DNB/MD



Paediatric Critical Care

DM/DNB (Paediatric Intensive Care/Paediatric Critical Care)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Paediatric Intensive Care/ Paediatric Critical Care)

2 Years of experience after DNB (Paediatric Intensive Care)


DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Intensive Care after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)

5 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Intensive Care experience after DNB/MD



Paediatric Surgery

DNB/MCh (Paediatric

Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

DNB/MCh (Plastic

Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Surgical Gastroenterology

DNB/MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Surgical Oncology

DNB/MCh (Surgical Oncology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Thoracic Surgery

DNB/MCh (Thoracic Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)

5 Years of experience after DNB/MCh

(Thoracic Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular


2 Years of experience after DNB/MCh

(Thoracic Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular



DNB/MS (General

Surgery) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Thoracic Surgery after DNB/MS



5 Years of exclusive experience in Thoracic Surgery after DNB/MS






(Urology/Genito- Urinary Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Vascular Surgery

DNB/MCh (Peripheral Vascular Surgery/Vascular Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)

5 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh

(Peripheral Vascular Surgery/Vascula r Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)

2 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh

(Peripheral Vascular Surgery/Vascula r Surgery/Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery)


DNB/MS (General

Surgery) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Vascular Surgery after DNB/MS



5 Years of exclusive experience in Vascular Surgery after DNB/MS




Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)

DNB/MCh (Cardio Thoracic Surgery/Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) OR


5 Years

2 Years


Neuro Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)

DNB/MCh (Neuro

Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Paediatric Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)

DNB/MCh (Paediatric Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (Direct 6 Years Course)

DNB/MCh (Plastic Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years

* Where an equivalent qualification in the specialty concerned is provided for a proposed faculty by the applicant hospital, the same shall be deliberated by NBE on a case-to-case basis for being considered as a faculty in the applicant department.

Eligibility Criteria for Faculty- Qualification & Experience (Fellowship (FNB) Courses)




Minimum Eligible Qualification(s)

Minimum exclusive Experience after

qualifying Minimum Eligible Qualification

Senior Consultant

Junior Consultant




(Orthopaedics) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Breast Imaging

DNB/MD (Radio Diagnosis) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Hand & Micro Surgery



8 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MS


5 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MS



DNB/MCh (Plastic Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh (Plastic Surgery)

2 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/MCh (Plastic Surgery)


Infectious Diseases

DNB/MD (General Medicine/Internal Medicine) OR


8 Years

5 Years


Laboratory Medicine


(Biochemistry/Patholog y/Microbiology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Maternal & Foetal Medicine (Previously High Risk Pregnancy &


DNB/MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Minimal Access Surgery

DNB/MS (General Surgery) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Paediatric Gastroenterology

DNB/DM (Medical Gastroenterology)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM (Medical Gastroenterology) after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)

2 Years of experience after DNB/DM (Medical Gastroenterology) after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)


FNB (Paediatric Gastroenterology)

5 Years of experience after FNB (Paediatric Gastroenterology)

2 Years of experience after FNB (Paediatric Gastroenterology)


DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Gastroenterology after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)

5 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Gastroenterology after DNB/MD (Paediatrics)


Paediatric Hemato-Oncology


(Hematology/Medical Oncology)

5 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/DM

(Hematology/ Medical Oncology) after DNB/MD


2 Years of exclusive experience after DNB/DM

(Hematology/ Medical Oncology) after DNB/MD



FNB (Paediatric Hemato-Oncology)

5 Years of experience after FNB (Paediatric Hemato-Oncology)

2 Years of experience after FNB (Paediatric Hemato-Oncology)


DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Hemato- Oncology after DNB/MD


5 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Hemato- Oncology after DNB/MD



Paediatric Nephrology

DNB/DM (Nephrology)

5 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Nephrology) after DNB/MD


2 Years of experience after DNB/DM

(Nephrology) after DNB/MD



DNB/MD (Paediatrics) OR equivalent*

8 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Nephrology after DNB/MD


5 Years of exclusive experience in Paediatric Nephrology after DNB/MD



Pain Medicine


(Anaesthesiology) OR equivalent*

8 years Post PG Experience out of which at least 5 years should in the area of pain management practice (certificate from Dean / Principal / Director /


5 years Post PG Experience out of which at least 2 years should in the area of pain management practice (certificate from Dean / Principal / Director /



Reproductive Medicine

DNB/MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Spine Surgery



8 Years of experience after DNB/MS


5 Years of experience after DNB/MS



DNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery) OR equivalent*

5 Years of experience after DNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery)

2 Years of experience after DNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery)


Sports Medicine


(Orthopaedics) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Trauma & Acute Care Surgery (previously Trauma Care)


(General Surgery)

8 Years

5 Years


MS (Traumatology & Surgery) OR equivalent*


Vitreo Retinal Surgery


(Ophthalmology) OR equivalent*

8 Years

5 Years


Interventional Cardiology

DNB/DM (Cardiology) OR equivalent*

5 Years

2 Years


Liver Transplantation

DNB/MCh (Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery) OR


5 Years

2 Years


Neurovascular Intervention

MCh/DNB/DM or equivalent* post- doctoral qualification in either

Neurosurgery or

Neurology or Neuroradiology

5 years of experience in Neurovascular Interventions after qualifying MCh/DNB/DM or equivalent post- doctoral qualification in either Neurosurgery or Neurology or


2 years of experience in Neurovascular Interventions after qualifying MCh/DNB/DM or equivalent post- doctoral qualification in either Neurosurgery or Neurology or



MD/DNB or equivalent* in the specialty of Radio diagnosis

8 years of experience in the area of neurovascular interventions after qualifying MD/DNB or equivalent in the specialty of Radio


5 years of experience in the area of neurovascular interventions after qualifying MD/DNB or equivalent in the specialty of Radio


* Where an equivalent qualification in the subject concerned is provided for a faculty, the same shall be deliberated by the NBE on a case-to-case basis for being considered as a faculty in the applicant department.
4.19. In case of nascent specialties, NBE may consider a faculty with recognized PG degree qualification in allied/parent specialties with adequate experience in the area of applicant specialty in a recognized department or may relax the minimum experience required. However, the exclusive experience of faculty in applicant specialty should be substantiated with work experience certificates and research publications.
4.20. Research Experience: The faculty in the applicant department (collectively) should have a minimum of 5 research activities to their credit. These research activities include publications such as research papers, review articles, case reports, abstracts etc.; presentations such as papers/posters presented in conferences etc.
4.21. Senior Residents: 2 (two) Senior Residents are desirable in the department. They must possess recognized Degree/Diploma qualification in the specialty.
 In Broad specialties disciplines, the degree/diploma should not have been awarded more than 60 months earlier from the date of filing the application. Sr. Residents with diploma qualification must possess minimum of 2 years of Post diploma experience in the specialty concerned.
 In Super specialty disciplines, Senior residents with respective broad specialty qualification and above stated experience shall be acceptable. Faculty with DM/MCh/DNB (SS) qualification shall be accepted as Senior Residents till such time they qualify to become Junior Consultants.
4.22. Sr. Residents pursuing any academic course in the department (DrNB Super Specialty/DM/MCh/Fellowship/any other) after qualifying PG Degree qualification shall be considered as Academic Sr. Resident. Those who are not pursuing any such academic courses shall be considered as Non Academic Senior Residents.
4.23. Proposed faculty in the applicant department shall be required to submit a "Faculty declaration form" online in the prescribed format while submitting online application to NBE. The format of the faculty declaration form can be obtained from https://accr.natboard.edu.in under quick link "Download".
4.24. The applicant hospital shall be required to verify the correctness and veracity of each content of faculty declaration forms and endorse the same as true and correct. The applicant hospital shall be responsible besides the faculty himself/herself for any misdeclaration or misstatement, in the event of declaration turning out to be either incorrect or any part of this declaration subsequently turning out be incorrect of false.
4.25. The faculties of General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics or Obstetrics & Gynaecology counted for the programme of DNB Family Medicine shall be allowed to be counted as a faculty in their respective specialties as well.
4.26. Full time status of Faculty: As per NBE criteria, the applicant hospital shall be the principal place of practice of the consultant who is proposed as faculty for the course. Faculty should declare to work full time (6 – 8 hour/day) in the applicant hospital and the same has to be confirmed in the faculty declaration form.
4.27. Part time and visiting consultant shall not be considered as a faculty for NBE courses and shall not be counted towards minimum required faculty for the purpose of accreditation of the applicant department.
4.28. NBE shall verify the full-time status of faculty in the hospital concerned through a set of documents including but not limited to, declaration form of the faculty, undertaking for principle place of practice (Annexure 'FT') available at https://accr.natboard.edu.in/ under the link Downloads, Form-16/16A, Form-26AS of the faculty, Salary/Bank statements, HIS data etc. In case of applicant hospital having faculty members who are getting their Form-16 from parent office of the applicant hospital/ outsourcing agency (engaged by the applicant hospital), the applicant hospital will be required to submit to NBE a Tripartite Agreement and affidavits as a proof of working of the proposed faculty on full-time basis in the applicant hospital. The Tripartite Agreement and the affidavits can be seen at https://accr.natboard.edu.in/ under the link Downloads.
4.29. Thesis Guide/Co-Guide: Thesis Guides/Co-Guides can be assigned for NBE trainees only from the eligible and approved faculty for the courses as mentioned in "accreditation agreement".
 For specialties which have Post Diploma 2-year DNB courses (refer page 7), a Senior Consultant can guide a maximum of two DNB trainees: one Post MBBS trainee & one Post Diploma trainee.
 For specialties which do not have any Post Diploma 2-year DNB courses, a Senior consultant can guide a maximum of two DNB trainees per year.
 Junior Consultants can only co-guide a DNB trainee in the applicant department. Senior and Junior Consultants of other departments can only be co-guides to DNB trainees. Junior Consultants, Senior Residents and Adjunct/Part time/Visiting Consultants cannot be assigned as thesis guides.
4.30. Changes in Faculty Status: The applicant department once accredited with NBE is required to maintain the minimum required staff position at all times. No changes in the faculty shall be made within the period of accreditation. However, under extreme circumstances if the Faculty/Guide present at the time of accreditation is to be replaced, the same has to be carried out within 3 months under intimation to the NBE.
4.31. In case of any change in faculty during the accredited period, it shall be required to induct only eligible faculty as a replacement of faculty who has left. 4.32. Newly introduced faculty in the accredited department shall be required to submit the following documents to NBE:
 Declaration form in the prescribed format (Can be Downloaded under the Quick link "Download" of Online Accreditation Application Portal i.e. https://accr.natboard.edu.in )
 Additional Qualification Registration Certificate (AQRC)
 Form 16/16A & 26AS
 Letter of appointment issued by the accredited hospital
 Relieving letter from last employer, if any
4.33. The applicant hospital shall maintain details of its full-time faculty for NBE courses on its official website indicating their designations and time period of availability in the hospital.
4.34. The faculty status in the department shall be reviewed annually with each annual review conducted by NBE. The hospital shall be required to confirm availability of minimum required faculty for continuation of accreditation during the provisionally accredited period.
4.35. Each consultant who has been shown as faculty for NBE course will devote at least 10 hours per week for teaching/training in terms of case discussion, seminar, ward round, journal club etc. for NBE trainees. This is in addition to his/her assigned clinical & other hospital responsibilities.
4.36. The minimum teaching programme per week shall comprise of 5 hours of didactic teaching (Seminars, Journal Clubs, Lectures etc) and 5 hours of clinical/bed side teaching.
5. Guidelines for Accredited Hospital
A. Guidelines for Rotational Posting/Externship of NBE trainees outside the Accredited Hospital
5.1. Rotational Postings of DNB & FNB trainees: DNB & FNB trainees can be rotated outside the applicant hospital as per guidelines tabulated below:

Nature of Rotation


Maximum Permissible

period of rotation

Rotation of trainees outside the applicant hospital (for exposure in areas which are deficient in-house) to another NBE/NMC

recognized center

A memorandum of understanding is required to be submitted as per prescribed Annexure

- MoU (RP) available at https://accr. natboard.edu.in under the link Downloads

Hospital applying for Direct 6 year courses & not having DNB General Surgery in their own hospital are required to rotate its trainees for training in basic principles of surgery to a NBE / NMC recognized General Surgery department.

9 months

The departments which do not have all the sub-specialities in-house can rotate its trainees to another NMC/NBE recognized centres. Rotation for core areas is not permissible.

06 months

District Hospitals owned by State Government. need to rotate its trainees to Annexed Secondary nodes for exposure in deficient in-house departments (Annexure

- Secondary node to be completed)

available at https://accr. natboard.edu. in under the link Downloads

01 year

Externship for skill enhancement to

centers of

excellence; Subject to availability and requirements

Direct 6 year course candidates in the 6 th year of their training can be rotated to one of the centers of excellence for additional skill enhancement in specialized procedures

Maximum 01 year at any NBE/NMC recognized centre of excellence

5.2. The externship of NBE trainees is not automatic. Proposal for externship should be included as a component of accreditation application for areas which are deficient in-house. NBE consider the proposal along with processing of accreditation application and consider grant of accreditation, including the proposed externship, on fulfilment of minimum requirement.
5.3. Rotation of the NBE trainees in hospitals/institutions that are not accredited with NBE or NMC or Government of India is not permitted. Rotation of NBE trainees in core areas of the concerned specialties is not permissible.
5.4. The rotation shall be a hands-on experience and not mere observership.
5.5. The parent hospital/institute have to monitor the training of its candidates. The thesis guide of the candidate shall continue to provide teaching and mentoring support during this period to the trainee.
5.6. The stipend of the candidate during this period of training outside the hospital / institute in another accredited institute shall be borne by the parent institute itself.
5.7. Both the partnering institutes shall mutually agree on the nature of responsibilities of the respective hospital / institute. A Memorandum of Understanding shall be signed between both the partnering hospitals/institutes as per prescribed Annexure - MoU (RP) available at https://accr.natboard.edu.in/ under the link Downloads.
B. Fee to be paid by the NBE Trainee:
5.8. The Annual course fee prescribed by NBE for its courses and payable by the trainee is as follows:


Charges (in INR) per year

Tuition fees


Library fees


Annual Appraisal fees





 Tuition fees: The tuition fees shall cover the cost incurred for accreditation, institutional DNB office, infrastructure and HR, training, teaching & research expenses, guest lecture, thesis support, administrative support expenses.
 Library fee: Library fees shall cover the provisions made by the hospital for subscription of journals and purchase of textbooks for DNB & FNB trainees.
 Annual appraisal fees: The appraisal fees shall cover the arrangements made for the purpose of appraisal of trainees and examiner remuneration.
 Accommodation charges: Electricity and other consumables can be charged on actual basis by the hospital depending upon institutional policy. The accommodation charges cannot be levied if the accredited hospital is not providing accommodation to DNB & FNB trainees.
5.9. The Annual Course fee shall be collected by NBE on annual basis for entire training period of a trainee. The training charges and fee guidelines shall be as per public notice dated: 15-01-2021 and can be seen at Annexure II. The disbursement of course fee to the concerned accredited hospital/institute shall be as per the above referred public notice.
5.10. The accredited hospital cannot charge any other fees like capitation fees, security deposit, security bond, and caution bond in the form of cash, fixed deposit, bank guarantee, and agreement by any instrument whatsoever. However, State Government owned District Hospitals can implement a service bond with prior approval of NBE.
C. Stipend Guidelines
5.11. Paying stipend to the NBE trainees is compulsory.
5.12. According to the NBE stipend policy, the hospital shall have to pay the NBE trainees a basic stipend as follows or basic stipend according to State Government policy (whichever is higher):
Post MBBS DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses:

Year of DNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


Third Year


Post Diploma DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses:

Year of DNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


DrNB (Super Specialty) Courses:

Year of DrNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


Third Year


FNB Courses:

Year of FNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


5.13. The phrase "basic stipend according to state Government policy" in para above should be interpreted for different states as tabulated below:

Categories of States

The phrase "basic stipend according to state Government policy" in NBE stipend guidelines should be interpreted as under:

For Broad Specialty


For Super Specialty &

FNB trainees

States where the stipend to

The consolidated sum paid to MD/MS trainees of State Government Medical Colleges

MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of

The consolidated sum paid to

State Government Medical

DM/MCh trainees of State

Colleges is paid as a consolidated

Government Medical

sum (without any break-up of


basic pay and allowances)

States where the stipend paid to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Government Medical Colleges is structured as a "Basic pay plus various allowances" and paid as per recommendations of 7th CPC

Pay level 10 of 7th CPC*

{Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 10 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively}

Pay level 11 of 7th CPC*

{Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 11 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively}

*This does not include any kind of allowances as may be paid to MD/MS candidates in respective states. It is at liberty to the accredited hospitals to pay any allowances over and above the minimum sum prescribed by NBE. 5.14. 4th, 5th& 6th year trainees of a Direct 6 year NBE courses shall be paid stipend equal to 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd year trainees of a Super specialty course respectively provided that they clear the DNB Part-I Examination.
5.15. Parity to the basic stipend paid by respective State Government should be maintained and rates of stipend may kindly be periodically revised.
5.16. NBE accredited hospitals are at liberty to pay NBE trainees a monthly stipend more than the minimum stipend prescribed by NBE.
5.17. It is also desirable that the hospital provides accommodation to their trainees in addition to their stipend. However, the hospital shall not reduce the stipend of the trainees in lieu of providing accommodations.
D. Functionaries of the applicant hospital
5.18. The applicant hospital shall designate the following authorities from its staff for NBE courses:
5.19. Head of the Institute/ Chief Medical Superintendent / CMO In-charge /Civil Surgeon/ Director: Nodal officer for compliance of the rules and guidelines governing the programme as prescribed by NBE.
5.20. NBE course Co-Ordinator (Single Point of Contact- SPoC): He/She shall be the resource person either from the management or academic staff who shall communicate with NBE pertaining to smooth running of the NBE courses. The communication from NBE shall be sent to SPoC.
5.21. Head of the Department / Senior Faculty/ In-charge: Designated head of the applicant department/Senior faculty/ In-charge shall be responsible for all administrative formalities (such as verifying faculty declaration forms, signing applications/ various documents on behalf of the applicant department etc.) with NBE related to NBE courses. He/She shall be deciding the academic & duty/posting roster of NBE trainees.
5.22. It is mandatory that the applicant hospital nominates the aforesaid functionaries for the DNB course and indicate the same prominently with contact telephone no, mobile no and email-ID at the hospital's Notice Board for NBE trainees.

For more details, log on to the official website of NBE:



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