NBE invites applications for DNB, DrNB Final Theory Exams December 2020 Session, View all details here

Published On 2021-01-21 07:18 GMT   |   Update On 2021-01-21 07:18 GMT

New Delhi: Through a recent notice, the National Board of Examination (NBE) has invited online applications for DNB and DrNB Final Theory Examinations December 2020 Session

The Natboard shall conduct the DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examinations of December 2020 session on 18th, 19th 20th and 21st March 2021 at various examination centers across the country. NBE at present conducts postgraduate and postdoctoral examinations in approved specialties leading to the award of Diplomate of National Board (DNB) and Doctorate of National Board (DrNB) respectively.

Please refer to the information mentioned below for eligibility criteria, fee structure, the scheme of examination, important dates and syllabus, admit card and date of examination and results, the award of degrees along with other relevant details concerning the examinations and their conduct. 

Application form for DNB/DrNB Final Examinations – December 2020 session can be submitted only online at https://exam.natboard.edu.in/  from 19th January (3 PM onwards) to 14th February 2021 (till 11:55 PM).




Availability of Information Bulletin 19th January 2021 Onwards

Online Application Submission

19th January (3 PM Onwards) to 14th February 2021 (Till 11:55PM)

Examination City Selection

15th February (3PM Onwards) to 18th February 2021 (Till 11:55 PM)

Issue of Admit Card

11th March 2021

Theory Examination Dates

DNB Final (Broad Specialty)




Exam Time




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM

DrNB Final (Super Specialty)




Exam Time




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM

DrNB Super Specialty Direct 6 Years Course - Part - I




Exam Time




2:00 PM-5:00 PM




2:00 PM-5:00 PM

❖ Candidates willing to apply for DNB/DrNB final - ONLY PRACTICAL Examination – December 2020 session can submit their online applications latest by 31st May 2021.

Information for Candidates

DNB/DrNB – Final is an exit examination leading to the award of DNB/DrNB qualification respectively. National Board of Examinations conduct DNB/DrNB Final Examination in June and December every year. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, the conduct of December 2020 examination has been deferred to March 2021.

The next session of DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examination shall be held in March 2021 as per schedule detailed under Important Dates and Scheme of Examination.

A candidate registered with NBE as a DNB/DrNB trainee and obtaining requisite period of training as prescribed by NBE & fulfilling other eligibility criteria as stated in the Information Bulletin may appear for the DNB/DrNB final examination.

Candidates should go through this bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria before applying. Queries pertaining to eligibility and other issues will only be entertained if the information requested is not given in the bulletin of information or NBE website www.natboard.edu.in

The list of specialties in which examination will be conducted can be seen at Annexure II

Candidate should ensure that all the information entered during the online submission of application form is correct and factual. Information provided by the candidates in the online application form shall be treated as correct.

NBE itself does not edit /modify/alter any information entered by the candidates at the time of online submission of application form under any circumstances. There is no provision of change in any information after conduct of examination and/or declaration of result. Such requests shall not be entertained.

Application for DNB/DrNB Final Theory Exam - December 2020 can only be submitted online through National Board of Examinations website www.natboard.edu.in There is no other methodology for application submission. Application submitted through any other mode shall be summarily rejected. There is no requirement to submit the hard copy print out of the application form and documents uploaded to NBE website.

Application form of candidates producing false or fabricated records will not be considered and the candidate may be further debarred from appearing in any future examinations of the National Board of Examinations.

Candidates are advised to ensure that no mandatory column in the online application form is left blank. In the event of rejection of the application form, no correspondence/request for reconsideration will be entertained.

Candidates should go through this bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria before applying. Queries pertaining to eligibility and other issues will only be entertained if the information requested is not given in the bulletin of information or NBE website. No Queries of the Guardians/Parents/Spouse will be entertained on the telephone with regard to the eligibility and disclosure of the results.

The candidate found ineligible at any stage of DNB/DrNB Final examination, will not be permitted to appear in the examination. In an unlikely event of any ineligible candidate appearing and/or passing the DNB/DrNB examination, the results/candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled and/or is deemed to be canceled, even if result has been declared.

Candidature of candidates who are allowed to appear provisionally in the examination shall be canceled and the result, if declared, shall be treated as null and void if they fail to fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed.

NBE reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not eligible to appear in the DNB/DrNB Final Examinations even though the admit card/roll number has been issued or name/roll number is displayed on the NBE website.

Fee shall neither be carried forward to a future exam nor refunded under any circumstances on successful submission of application.

Candidates' eligibility is purely provisional & is subjected to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by National Board of Examinations.

Instructions in the information-bulletin are liable to change based on decisions taken by the NBE from time to time.

NBE reserves its absolute rights to alter the examination schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines at any time during the continuation or after the completion of DNB/DrNB training (2 or 3 or 6 years/as the case may be). The candidate shall have no right whatsoever for claiming/deriving any right from the past or present schedule, policy, and guidelines of the National Board of Examinations.

NBE reserves its absolute right to alter, amend, modify or apply any or some of the instructions/ guidelines contained in this information bulletin.

The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines are for ready reference only but in no way, they are or are ought to be treated as representative or acknowledgment of fact that NBE is bound to follow the same in future.

In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the instructions/ terms/ rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/conduct of examinations/ registration of candidates/ information contained herein, the interpretation of the National Board of Examinations shall be final and binding in nature.

The request shall not be entertained for change in date/center of examination under any circumstances. Candidates are advised not to canvass for such representation.

Copy of printed application form may be retained by the candidate for future reference.

Admit Cards for DNB/DrNB Final Examination shall be available to download at the NBE website through Online Exit Examinations Portal (OEEP) from 11th March 2021 onwards.

Result for DNB/DrNB Final Examinations shall be displayed on the website www.natboard.edu.in

Candidates should ensure before applying for DNB/DrNB Final Examinations that their MD/MS/DM/M.Ch/Diploma is recognized by MCI/NMC as per provisions of the repealed IMC Act/NMC Act, 2019. If it is found at any stage that the Degree/ Diploma is not recognized by MCI/NMC, NBE will have the right to cancel the registration/examination.

Registration with NBE is mandatory for all candidates appearing in DNB/DrNB Final Examinations.

The applicant candidates should communicate with the National Board of Examinations regarding matters related to DNB/DrNB Final Examinations as per prescribed communication protocols only, detailed under Chapter - 10.

All the correspondence through post should be addressed to the Executive Director, National Board of Examinations, Medical Enclave, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029. Candidates are requested to superscribe the envelope with the subject matter of the correspondence for expeditious processing.

The jurisdiction for court cases/disputes shall be at New Delhi only.

Fee Structure

Examination Fee:








(in Rs.)

DNB/DrNB Trainees


Not Applicable#



MD/MS or






2nd/3rd attempt for Only Practical Examination (Including 18% GST)


*Excluding payment gateway charges, as may be applicable. # Paid at the time of Registration for the DNB/DrNB Course.

Application forms once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Any claim for refund, adjustment or carrying forward of Application fee will not be entertained after successful submission of application.

How to pay: The prescribed exam fee should be remitted through the payment gateway provided using a Credit Card or a Debit Card issued by banks in India or other modes as may be made available and have been provided on the web page.

Examination fees in respect of candidates who are absent or declared ineligible due to any reason will be forfeited. Candidates are advised to read the rule position carefully and satisfy the terms and conditions for fulfillment of eligibility criteria before proceeding for payment of fees.

Examination for Broad Specialties

For Broad Specialties:

DNB Final is a two-stage examination comprising of theory and practical examination.

An eligible candidate who has qualified for the theory examination is permitted to appear in the practical examination. Those who fail to qualify the theory examination are required to reappear in the theory examination of the session.

The practical examination of the session in which the candidate qualifies for the theory examination shall be the mandatory first attempt. A candidate unsuccessful in the first attempt of practical examination is permitted to undertake two more attempt(s) of practical examinations. These two attempts shall be any two practical examinations conducted in the next three consecutive sessions of DNB Final Examinations.

Example: Candidates qualifying theory examination of December 2020 session shall appear for their first attempt in the practical exams of December 2020 session compulsorily and in the event of they not passing this practical examination, the candidate(s) may take any two attempts at the practical exams of next three consecutive sessions as and when conducted.

Absentation from the Practical Examination after successful submission of application is counted as an attempt.

The list of Specialties in which candidates can undertake DNB Final examination are mentioned at Annexure-II.

 Examination (Broad Specialties):

Theory Examination

• The theory examination comprises of four papers, maximum marks 100 each.

• There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each, in each of the papers.

• The number of short notes and their respective marks weightage may vary in some subjects/some papers.

• Maximum time permitted is 3 hours.

• Candidate must score at least 200/400 in the aggregate of 4 papers to qualify the theory examination. Grace marks of up to 2% of maximum marks i.e. 8/400 shall be given only to the candidates falling in the zone of consideration i.e. securing between 192-199 marks out of 400.

• Only those candidates who have qualified the theory examination are permitted to take the practical examination.

 Practical Examination

• Maximum Marks: 300

• Comprises of OSCE and/or Clinical Examination, and Viva.

• Candidate must obtain a minimum of 150/300 marks to qualify for the Practical Examination.

• There is no provision for grace marks in the Practical examination.

• There is a maximum of three attempts that can be availed by a candidate for the Practical Examination.

• First attempt is the practical examination following immediately after the declaration of theory results in the same session.

• Second and Third attempt in the practical examination shall be permitted out of the next three sessions of DNB Final Examinations; after payment of full examination fees as may be prescribed by NBE.

• Absentation from Practical Examination after successful submission of application is counted as an attempt. Appearance in first practical examination is compulsory.

• Requests for Change in center/date of examination are not entertained, as the same is not permissible. Candidates are required not to canvass with NBE for the above.

• DNB Broad Specialty trainees whose theses are not accepted by the National Board of Examinations by the time of announcement of practical examination centers shall not be allowed to appear in the practical examination.

• Above scheme of practical examination may vary due to the ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic.

Eligibility (Broad Specialty)

DNB Broad Specialty Candidates (Post MBBS and Post Diploma):

• Candidates who have undergone training as a DNB trainee at any of the National Board of Examinations accredited institute after having registered with NBE as a DNB trainee and are completing their prescribed (as per letter of registration issued by NBE) training as a DNB trainee by the date mentioned below, & on submission of a certificate to this effect, can undertake the DNB Final Examination in the same specialty.

Cutoff date for completion of DNB Training for Dec 2020 session

30th September 2021*

Inclusive of 3 months of extension of training in terms of NBE notice date 18.01.2021.

• Submission of Training Completion Certificate indicating details of leave taken during DNB training for DNB trainees is an essential pre-requisite. In case the candidate does not submit the training Completion certificate (as per application format given in Annexure III & IV) along with the application form, his/her application shall be rejected and fees forfeited.

• Request for extension in cutoff date for completion of training for the purpose of eligibility determination for DNB final Examination shall not be considered.

• Candidates whose DNB training is ongoing at the time of submission of the online application form but likely to be completed on or before the cut-off date prescribed for the December 2020 session are required to submit Provisional Training Completion Certificate (PTCC) as per format in Annexure-III. Such candidates are required to submit a Final Training Completion Certificate (FTCC) as per format in Annexure-IV immediately on completion of their training. Such candidates shall be provisionally allowed to appear for DNB Final Examination subject to completion of their DNB training by the prescribed cut-off date, failing which their candidature shall be cancelled and result, if declared, shall be treated as null and void.

• Candidates whose DNB training is already completed at the time of submission of the online application form are required to submit Final Training Completion Certificate (FTCC) as per format in Annexure-IV.

MD/MS Qualified Candidates:

• Candidates who have passed the final examination, on or before 31st December 2020, leading to the award of a Post Graduate Degree (MD/MS), from an Indian University, which is duly recognized as per provisions of the repealed Indian Medical Council Act 1956/National Medical Commission (NMC) Act, 2019 can apply for the DNB Final examination in the same broad specialty.

• As per the decision of the Governing Body, NBE was taken in its meeting held on 24.12.2020, candidates possessing FCPS qualifications awarded by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mumbai are not eligible to apply for DNB Final Examinations till such time equivalence of FCPS qualifications with their counterpart MD/ MS qualifications is confirmed by the Govt of India.

• Submission of proof of having qualified final examination for MD/MS degree on or before 31st December 2020 is an essential prerequisite. In case the candidate does not submit the required proof of qualifying final examination for MD/MS degree by the prescribed cut-off date, his/ her candidature shall be canceled & fees forfeited.

Thesis Submission to NBE

• As per NBE norms, writing a thesis is essential for all DNB trainees towards partial fulfilment of eligibility for award of DNB degree certificate.

• In terms of the NBE notice dated 26.11.2020, the last date for submission of thesis by DNB trainees who are eligible to appear in the DNB Final Theory Examination - December 2020 was notified as 15th December 2020. DNB trainees who have failed to submit their thesis to National Board of Examinations for assessment by 15th December 2020 are not eligible to apply for DNB Final Theory Examination - December 2020.

• As per decision of the Governing Body, NBE taken in its meeting held on 24.12.2020, candidates who have failed to qualify the Final theory examination in earlier sessions are not eligible to apply for any further final theory examinations till such time their theses are accepted by NBE.

• The status of thesis submission/acceptance, as may be applicable, shall be verified the time of submission of online application for DNB Final Theory Examination.

Examination for Super Specialties

For Super Specialties:

DrNB Final is a two-stage examination comprising of theory and practical examination.

An eligible candidate who has qualified the theory examination is permitted to appear in the practical examination. Those who fail to qualify the theory examination are required to reappear in the theory examination of the session.

The practical examination of the session in which the candidate qualifies for the theory examination shall be the mandatory first attempt. A candidate unsuccessful in the first attempt of practical examination is permitted to undertake one more attempt of practical examinations. The second attempt can be taken in next two consecutive sessions of DrNB Final Examinations.

Example: Candidates qualifying theory examination in December 2020 session shall appear for their first attempt in the practical exams of December 2020 session compulsorily and in the event of they not passing this practical examination, the candidate(s) may take second attempt at the practical exams of next two consecutive sessions as and when conducted.

Absentation from the Practical Examination after successful submission of the application is counted as an attempt.

The list of Specialties in which candidates can undertake DrNB Final examination are mentioned at Annexure-II.

 Examination (Super Specialties):

5.2.1.Theory Examination

• Maximum Marks: 300

• The theory exam comprises of three question papers.

• There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each in the question paper.

• The number of short notes and their respective marks weightage may vary in some subjects/some papers.

• Maximum time permitted is 3 hours for each question paper.

• Candidate must score at least 50% of maximum marks to qualify for the theory exam i.e. candidate scoring 150 or more marks out of 300 shall be declared 'pass' in theory examination.

• Candidate must score at least 150/300 in the aggregate of 3 papers to qualify for the theory examination. Grace marks of up to 2% of maximum marks i.e. 6/300 shall be given only to the candidates falling in the zone of consideration i.e. securing between 144-149 marks out of 300.

• Candidates who have qualified the theory examination are permitted to take up the practical examination.

Practical Examination

• Maximum Marks: 300

• Comprises of OSCE and/or Clinical Examination, and Viva.

• Candidate must obtain a minimum of 150/300 marks to qualify for the Practical Examination. There are no grace marks in Practical Examination.

• There is a maximum of two attempts that can be availed by a candidate for the Practical Examination.

• First attempt is the practical examination following immediately after the declaration of theory results.

• The second attempt shall be permitted out of the next 2 sessions of DrNB Final Examination.

• Absentation from Practical Examination after successful submission of application is counted as an attempt. Appearance in first practical examination is compulsory.

• Requests for Change in center/date of examination are not entertained, as the same is not permissible. Candidates are required not to canvass with NBE for the same.

• DrNB Super Specialty trainees whose theses are not accepted by the National Board of Examinations by the time of announcement of practical examination centres shall not be allowed to appear in the practical examination.

• Above scheme of practical examination may vary due to ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic.

Eligibility (Super Specialty) 5.3.1.DrNB

Super Specialty Candidates:

• Candidates who have undergone training as a DrNB trainee at any of the National Board of Examinations accredited institute after having registered with NBE as a DrNB trainee and are completing their prescribed (as per the letter of registration issued by NBE) training as DrNB trainee by the date mentioned below, & on submission of a certificate to this effect, can undertake the DrNB Final Examination in the same specialty.

Cutoff date for completion of DrNB Training for Dec 2020 session

30th September 2021*

* Inclusive of 3 months of extension of training in terms of NBE notice dated 18.01.2021.

• Submission of Training Completion Certificate indicating details of leave taken during DrNB training for DrNB trainees is an essential pre-requisite. In case the candidate does not submit the training Completion certificate (as per application format given in Annexure III & IV) along with the application form, his/her application shall be rejected and fees forfeited.

• Request for extension in cutoff date for completion of training for the purpose of eligibility determination for DrNB final Examination shall not be considered.

• Candidates whose DrNB training is ongoing at the time of submission of the online application form but likely to be completed on or before the cut-off date for the December 2020 session are required to submit Provisional Training Completion Certificate (PTCC) as per format in Annexure-III. Such candidates are required to submit a Final Training Completion Certificate (FTCC) as per the format in Annexure-IV immediately on completion of their training. Such candidates shall be provisionally allowed to appear for DrNB Final Examination subject to completion of their DrNB training by the prescribed cut- off date, failing which their candidature shall be canceled and result, if declared, shall be treated as null and void.

• Candidates whose DrNB training is already completed at the time of submission of the online application form are required to submit Final Training Completion Certificate (FTCC) as per the format in Annexure-IV.

DM/MCh Qualified Candidates:

• Candidates who have passed the final examination, on or before 31st December 2020, leading to the award of a Doctoral Degree (DM/MCh), from an Indian University, which is duly recognized as per provisions of the repealed Indian Medical Council Act 1956/ National Medical Commission (NMC) Act, 2019 can apply for the DrNB Final examination in the same Super Specialty.

• Submission of proof of having qualified final examination for DM/MCh degree on or before 31st December 2020 is an essential prerequisite. In case the candidate does not submit the required proof of qualifying final examination for DM/MCh degree by the prescribed cut-off date, his/ her candidature shall be canceled & fees forfeited.

 Examination for Direct 6 Years Courses

After completing 2 years of DrNB training

Part I Theory Exam

Paper I & II

Part I Practical: A

Clinical examination comprising of 4 short cases in the concerned specialty

Part I Practical: B

Clinical examination on OSCE pattern (General Surgery) and shall be common for all candidates in Paediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery

After qualifying Part I (Theory & Practical A + B), completing 5 years of DrNB training by prescribed cut-off date and thesis submission to National Board of Examinations for assessment*

DNB Final Exam (Part II) Theory

After qualifying Part II (Theory), completing 5 years of DrNB training by a prescribed cut-off date and thesis acceptance by National Board of Examinations*

DNB Final Exam (Part II) Practical

After qualifying Part II (Theory & Practical) & completing 6 years of DrNB training*

Provisional Pass Certificate/ Degree Certificate

* Subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria

• Candidates enrolled for DrNB Direct 6 year courses in Paediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery are required to take Part – I & Part – II (Final) Examination











On completion of 2 years of DrNB training subject to fulfilment of Examination eligibility criteria.


On completion of 5 years of DrNB training subject to fulfillment of Examination eligibility criteria. Paper–I of the theory exam shall be exempted; Candidates are required to take only Paper –II & III of DrNB Final Theory Exam.

 Part I Examination for Direct 6 Years Courses

• Candidates enrolled for Direct 6-year courses (Paediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and Neurosurgery) can take Part–I Examination on completion of their 2 years of DrNB training subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria. The cut-off date for completion of 2 years DrNB training is 30th June 2021.

• DrNB Part – I (Theory) Examination for candidates of Direct 6 year courses in Paediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery and Cardiothoracic Surgery comprises of two question papers.

• There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each in the question paper.

• Maximum time permitted is 3 hours for each paper.

• Candidate must score at least 50% of maximum marks to qualify the theory exam i.e. candidate scoring 100 or more marks out of 200 shall be declared 'pass' in theory examination.

• Candidate must score at least 100/200 in the aggregate of 2 papers to qualify the theory examination. Grace marks of up to 2% of maximum marks i.e. 4/200 shall be given only to the candidates falling in the zone of consideration i.e. securing between 96-99 marks out of 200.

• Above scheme of practical examination may vary due to ongoing COVID 19 Pandemic



PAEDIATRIC SURGERY (PART I) PAPER II: Basic Sciences as applied to Paediatric Surgery

PLASTIC SURGERY (PART I) PAPER II: Basic Sciences as applied to Plastic Surgery

NEUROSURGERY (PART I) PAPER II: Basic Sciences as applied to Neurosurgery

CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY (PART I) PAPER II: Basic Sciences as applied to Cardiothoracic Surgery



Paediatric Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Cardio Thoracic


Neuro Surgery

Paper – I Max

Marks: 100

Basic Principles of General Surgery

Paper-II Max Marks: 100

Basic Sciences as applied

to Paediatric Surgery

Basic Sciences as applied to Plastic Surgery

Basic Sciences as applied to Cardio Thoracic


Basic Sciences as applied to


Part–I Practical

A & B





• Candidates who have successfully qualified for the Part–I theory examination shall be required to appear in Part – I practical examination.

• Scheme for practical examination shall be sent to candidates registered with NBE.

 Part-II Examination (Final) for Direct 6 Years Courses

• Candidates who have successfully qualified Part – I examination can take Part–II (Final) Examination on completion of 5 years of DrNB training subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria.

• Part–II (Final) Examination is common for candidates of 3 years and 6 years DrNB courses in the respective super specialties. However, Paper-I shall be exempted for candidates of Direct 6-year courses.

• For details of the Examination scheme for Part – II (Final) Examination, kindly refer to Section 5.1

• Final Examination (Direct 6 years courses): Candidates who joined Direct 6 years DrNB course in Plastic surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Cardiothoracic surgery or Neurosurgery and have successfully qualified Part-I examination as direct 6 years candidates can take Part–II (Final) Examination on completion of 5 years of DrNB training subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria.

• Candidates should be completing their 5 years DrNB training on or before 30th June 2021. Part-II (Final) Examination is common for candidates of 3 years and direct 6 years DrNB courses in the respective super specialties.

• Direct 6 years candidates appearing in DrNB final examination shall be exempted from question Paper–I. They will be required to attempt question paper II & III only. DrNB Super specialty Candidates (3year Courses) and MCh candidates will have to attempt all the three question papers.

Thesis Submission to NBE

• As per NBE norms, writing a thesis is essential for all DrNB candidates towards partial fulfillment of eligibility for award of DrNB degree certificate.

• In terms of the NBE notice dated 26.11.2020, the last date for submission of the thesis by DrNB trainees who are eligible to appear in the DrNB Final Theory Examination - December 2020 was notified as 15th December 2020. DrNB trainees who have failed to submit their thesis to the National Board of Examinations for assessment by 15th December 2020 are not eligible to apply for DrNB Final Theory Examination - December 2020.

• As per the decision of the Governing Body, NBE was taken in its meeting held on 24.12.2020, candidates who have failed to qualify the Final theory examination in earlier sessions are not eligible to apply for any further final theory examinations till such time their theses are accepted by NBE.

• The status of thesis submission/acceptance, as may be applicable, shall be verified the time of submission of online application for DrNB Final Theory Examination.

Date of Examinations & Result




Exam Time




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

 DrNB Final (Super Specialty)




Exam Time




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

 DrNB Super Specialty Direct 6 Years Course - Part - I




Exam Time




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM




2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

 DNB/DrNB Final Practical Examinations:

• The date, time and venue of the practical examination shall be intimated to all candidates who have qualified theory examinations through their Online Exit Examination Portal (OEEP) account.

• NBE reserves its rights to allot a practical center anywhere in the country; the candidates shall make their own arrangement for travel/ boarding etc. Change in center of the practical examination is not permitted under any circumstances.

• Candidates are advised not to make any representations/not to canvass in this regard.

Admit Card:

• The admit card of the candidate shall be uploaded on their Online Exit Examination Portal (OEEP) Accounts at the National Board of Examinations website by 11th March 2021. Candidates are required to take a print out of their admit card from the website, paste their photograph at the designated place and appear at the exam center along with one of the following original and valid/non-expired ID proof:

✤ PAN Card

✤ Driving License

✤ Voter ID

✤ Passport

✤ Aadhaar Card (with Photograph)

Declaration of DNB/DrNB Final Examination Result:

• DNB/DrNB final is a qualifying examination.

• Results of DNB/DrNB final examinations (theory & practical) are declared as PASS/FAIL. In case, the applicant candidate is provisionally eligible on date of declaration of result his/her result shall be withheld & shall be declared only upon status being eligible.

• The details of marks obtained/grading in final theory/ practical Examinations will be provided to all the candidates. The procedure for obtaining question-wise marks can be seen on the NBE website (Notice dt. 20.04.10, 14.12.11).

• There will be no re-evaluation or rechecking/ re-totaling of answer sheets. Requests for re-evaluation/re-totaling shall not be entertained.

• Results can be seen on the website www.natboard.edu.in

• No separate certificate for passing the theory examination will be issued.

• Candidates successful in the practical examination are issued a Provisional Certificate of Passing DNB/DrNB. Provisional Pass Certificates are valid till issuance of DNB/DrNB degree certificate in the convocation of National Board of Examinations.

• Under normal circumstances the certificates of passing are issued to the candidates within four weeks of the declaration of results, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, this period may vary.

• For issuing a duplicate provisional pass certificate, submit a request letter stating reasons to issue a duplicate certificate, copy of FIR lodged with police authorities for loss of certificate, affidavit in support of application ( attested by public notary/oath commissioner/judicial magistrate), fee of Rs. 1000/- for document upto the preceding 3 years and Rs. 2000/- for documents more than three years old. The demand draft should be made in favor of the National Board of Examinations, payable at New Delhi.

• Candidates are advised not to canvass or approach NBE for handing over the passing certificate.

Award of DNB/DrNB Degree certificates

• Candidates who have qualified both DNB/DrNB Final Theory & Practical Examinations and whose theses have been accepted by National Board of Examinations, shall be conferred with DNB/ DrNB degree in the specialty concerned on enrolment for the convocation.

• National Board of Examinations shall be conferring DNB/DrNB degree subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria at the Convocation Ceremony. Details for the same are announced separately at NBE website www.natboard.edu.in

Centres for Final Examinations

 The DNB/DrNB Final Theory Examination shall be conducted in major cities all across the country. In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, NBE is in process to increase the number of theory examination centres in order to minimize the movement of candidates.

The list of cities for DNB/DrNB Final Theory examination - December 2020 shall be notified on NBE website on 15th February 2021. Candidates shall be able to choose their desired examination city amongst offered cities through their OEEP Account from 15th February to 18th February 2021.

The exact venue/centre address will be informed to the candidates through admit card which will be uploaded on OEEP. The admit card of the candidate shall be uploaded on OEEP by 11th March 2021. The Candidates shall make their own arrangement for travel/boarding etc.

Candidates are required to take a print out of their admit card from the website, paste their photograph at the designated place and appear at exam center along with one of the following original and valid/non-expired ID proof:

✤ PAN Card

✤ Driving License

✤ Voter ID

✤ Passport

✤ Aadhaar Card (with Photograph)

5. For any query, please contact NBE at 011-45593000 or write to NBE at its Communication Web Portal https://exam.natboard.edu.in/communication.php?page=main

To view the official notice click on the following link:



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