NBE Invites Applications For Fresh, Renewal Of Accreditation for DrNB, FNB, DNB July, August 2023 Cycle, check out all details

Published On 2023-07-17 08:40 GMT   |   Update On 2023-07-17 09:18 GMT

Delhi: The National Board of Examinations (NBE) has invited fresh applications for fresh and renewal of accreditation for Super Specialty courses (DrNB), Fellowship courses (FNB), and Broad Specialty courses (DNB) July / August 2023 Cycle.

The detailed schedule –

1. Start Date for submission of Online Application form - 17-07-2023

2. Last Date for submission of Online Application form, including payment of fees - 29-09-2023

3. Last Date for receipt of Hard Copy (Spiral Bind) (Both Main and Specialty Specific Application separately) at NBEMS Office - 16-10-2023

Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) –

Applicant hospitals/institutes shall be required to submit the application form online through Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) as per the steps indicated below –

1. Create a User – Online

2. Create a profile of the applicant hospital – Online. The hospital profile will be verified by NBEMS. The applicant hospital cannot submit the application unless the profile is verified by NBEMS

3. Fill out the Main application form & Specialty Application form online

4. Complete the application form and upload Annexure / Documents – Online

5. Fee payment through online payment portal – Online

6. Print and submit the hard copy of the Main & Specialty Application form (separately) – Offline

Application Compilation & Submission -

The application form has two parts -

Main Application Form: This part of the application comprises information which is common/applicable to all specialities. The main application forms need to be completed and submitted online only once in an application session.

Speciality-Specific Application Form: This part of the application comprises speciality-specific information, and the online forms are unique for each speciality in which accreditation is being sought.

On successful online submission of application forms, the hospital shall be able to take a printout of the application forms and the annexures/Documents that have been uploaded.

The applicant hospital shall be required to submit the duly signed & stamped hard copy print-outs of both the Main & the speciality-specific application form along with the necessary annexures//Documents, cover letter and payment receipt.

The hard copy of the application form should reach the NBEMS office at the following address latest by 16-10-2023. Applications received thereafter shall not be considered –


Accreditation Department

National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences,

Medical Enclave, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi -110029

The application forms should be spirally bound. Main and each Specialty Specific Application Forms with relevant enclosures/documents should be spirally bound separately. Applications submitted as loose papers/ without being bound spirally shall be returned to the applicant hospital/institute without processing. Main and Specialty specific forms should not be bound together.

The hospital shall submit definite compliance to deficiencies pointed out to the hospital/institute by NBEMS. Please be apprised that fulfilment of minimum accreditation requirements is a pre-requisite for the grant of accreditation and cannot be fulfilled post-facto.

Accreditation Fee - 

Applicant hospitals/institutes seeking fresh accreditation or renewal of accreditation in any speciality are required to pay an accreditation fee of Rs. 2,00,000/- Plus GST @ 18% for each speciality-specific application. The application form fee for each speciality-specific application is Rs. 3,000/- Plus GST @ 5%.

The total fee to be paid for each specialty-specific application is as follows -

Accreditation Fee for each Specialty *

Rs 2,00,000/-

GST @ 18% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 36,000/-

Application Form Fee

Rs. 3,000/-

GST @ 5% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 150/-

Total fee to be paid per speciality

Rs. 2,39,150/-

Defence Institutions are exempted from submitting an accreditation fee of Rs. 2,00,000/-. However, the application form fee of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% shall be required to be paid.

Applicant hospital/institute shall be able to pay the above-mentioned fee only through the Online Payment Portal of NBEMS. Payment made through any other portal shall not be accepted. The application form shall only be considered as successfully submitted only if the accreditation fee has been paid successfully to NBEMS. NBEMS shall not be responsible for any transaction failure or delay in processing of the transaction. In the case of applying for more than one speciality, the accreditation fee for each application form has to be paid separately.

A partial refund of the Accreditation Fee is admissible under the following conditions -

Refund of Accreditation Fee

Terms & Conditions

90% of total fee#

If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital/institute within 4 weeks of the last date of online application submission to NBEMS

Incomplete applications are summarily rejected without subjecting them to a detailed “Pre-assessment processing”.

Refund of Accreditation Fee*

Terms & Conditions

50% of total fee#

If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital

/ institute after 4 weeks of the last date for online application submission to NBEMS, but before the physical assessment/inspection of the applicant department by NBEMS appointed assessor.

If the application is rejected at the pre-assessment level (prior to physical assessment/inspection of the department by NBEMS appointed assessor) due to non-fulfilment of minimum accreditation criteria and/or the hospital fails to submit definite compliance within the stipulated time (if so required) to the Pre - Assessment deficiencies communicated to the hospital by NBEMS.

No refund shall be admissible

Once the physical assessment/inspection of the applicant department has been conducted by NBEMS appointed assessor.

Application form fee of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% (i.e. a total of Rs. 3150/-) is nonrefundable under any circumstances. GST paid by the hospital shall be refunded proportionately.

The accreditation fee will not be carried forward to a future date and/or for another application. Application forms submitted to NBEMS without payment of accreditation fee, including GST, shall not be processed.

The following can apply -

1. Hospitals/Institutes accredited till June 2024 for Super speciality courses and Fellowship courses may apply for the renewal of accreditation.

2. Hospitals/Institutes accredited till December 2023 for Broad speciality courses, including Direct 6 years courses, may also apply for renewal of accreditation.

The following courses are offered –

1. Broad Specialty: (Diplomate of National Board-DNB) - Post MBBS 3-Year Courses, Post Diploma 2-Year Courses

2. Super Specialty: (Doctorate of National Board-DrNB) - Post MD/MS/DNB 3-Year Courses

3. Direct 6 Years Super Specialty: Doctorate of National Board- DrNB: Post MBBS 6 Years Course

4. Fellowship: (Fellow of National Board-FNB) - Two Years Post Graduate / Post-Doctoral FNB Courses

General Instructions -

1. National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) accredits hospitals/institutions for running DNB/DrNB courses in various Broad & Super Specialty and Fellowship courses.

2. The grant of accreditation is solely at the discretion of NBEMS and subject to the fulfilment of criteria prescribed by NBEMS.

3. The hospitals running two years Diploma courses in any of the eight specialities can also apply for DNB/DrNB courses with the same infrastructure. However, the faculty which has been considered for the Diploma course will not be considered for the DNB/DrNB i.e. the applicant hospital shall be required to have separate faculty for the DNB/DrNB courses.

4. Mere online registration of applicant hospital/ online application submission/ payment of accreditation fee/ submission of hard copy of the application to NBEMS/fulfilment of NBEMS accreditation criteria does not render an applicant hospital/institute eligible for grant of accreditation or imply that NBEMS must accredit the applicant hospital/institute.

5. NBEMS reserves its absolute rights to alter/modify/delete/amend any or all of the criteria as given in this information bulletin at any stage during the process.

6. Applicant hospitals/institutes shall have no rights or equity in their favour merely because they have submitted their application seeking accreditation with NBEMS.

7. Applicant hospitals/institutes are required to study the Information Bulletin and instructions for the fulfilment of eligibility criteria before submitting the application form.

8. Instructions in this Information Bulletin are liable to be changed on the decisions taken by NBEMS from time to time. Please refer to the NBEMS website www.natboard.edu.in for updates.

9. The existing schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines for accreditation are for ready reference only but are not to be treated for the fact that the NBEMS is bound to follow the same in future. In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the instructions/terms/rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/grant of accreditation/any of the information contained in the information bulletin, the interpretation of NBEMS shall be final and binding on all parties. NBEMS reserves its right to relax any of the criteria/clauses if so deemed appropriate in case of a grant of renewal/ fresh accreditation.

10. Submission of false information or fabricated records for the purpose of seeking accreditation may lead to disqualification for accreditation and debarment from seeking accreditation in future as well.

11. Applications of applicant hospitals/institutes seeking accreditation with NBEMS which do not fulfil the prescribed minimum accreditation criteria may be summarily rejected by NBEMS at Pre - Assessment stage i.e. before undertaking physical inspection of the hospital by NBEMS appointed assessor.

12. The grant of accreditation by NBEMS is purely provisional and is governed by the terms and conditions as stated in the accreditation agreement. A copy of the same will be sent to the applicant hospitals/institutes after it has been accredited by NBEMS.

13. Applicant hospital/institute may kindly note that the use of any agent or agency or any party who is not an employee or office bearer of the applicant hospital/institute for the purpose of preparing, drafting, submitting and/or representing the applicant hospital/institute is strictly prohibited. In the event of such an instance being brought to the notice of NBEMS, NBEMS reserves its absolute right to summarily reject the application besides further action as may be deemed appropriate, including but not limited to debarment from filing an application seeking accreditation in future.

14. Statements made by the applicant hospital shall be certified by the Head of the Institute at the appropriate place, and the claims made in the application shall be supported by relevant document(s).

15. Applications submitted by the hospital/institute which are incomplete are likely to be rejected.

16. The applicant hospitals are required to provide correct, updated and factual information at the time of submission of the application form. Additional information is required to be furnished by the applicant hospitals whenever sought by NBEMS or if there are changes in the faculty or infrastructure of the applicant hospitals pursuant to the submission of the application form.

17. Request for change in speciality/clubbing of applications will not be considered under any circumstances.

18. The application form has to be submitted as per the guidelines contained in the Information Bulletin and Online Accreditation Application Portal.

19. Parallel programmes (in affiliation with other universities/organizations) of similar nature with a duration of 2 – 3 years (or more), shall not be allowed in the same department along with DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses. Hospitals which administer such parallel programmes shall be required to discontinue the parallel programme after the introduction of DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses in the department over a period of 01 years. If the concerned hospital/institute fails to do so, the respective DNB/ DrNB/ FNB courses shall be discontinued.

20. All NBEMS-accredited departments are permitted a maximum window of 01 year to discontinue their parallel programme, if any.

Compliance submission to Pre - Assessment Deficiencies: The applicant hospital shall be given an opportunity to submit compliance to the deficiencies noted in the preassessment processing of the application form. The hospital shall be able to upload the required documents/compliance through OAAP or at accr@natboard.edu.in OR at any Submission of online application form by the Hospital Scrutiny of the application form by NBEMS in terms of minimum accreditation criteria Deficiency informed to the hospital for rectification and compliance Carrying out physical assessment of the hospital by NBEMS appointed assessor. Submission of the assessment report by the assessor Evaluation of the assessment report by Accreditation Department Application form and the compliance submitted by hospital along with assessment report is examined by Accreditation Committee of NBEMS Decision of the Accreditation Committee is ratified by the Governing Body of NBEMS Compliance to be submitted by the hospital Final outcome is communicated to the hospital 17 other email ID indicated to the hospital/institute by the Accreditation Department of NBEMS.

Assessment of the applicant hospital - NBEMS shall be appointing an independent assessor to undertake the physical assessment/inspection of the hospital with regard to infrastructure, facilities, faculty, patient load and other related information. The assessment schedule will be intimated to the applicant hospital 2 weeks in advance. The exact date of the physical assessment along with the details of the NBEMS appointed assessor shall be informed to the hospital 1-2 days prior to the date of assessment/Inspection.

The application form and the documents submitted by the hospital, along with the assessment report of the NBEMS-appointed assessor, shall be placed before the NBEMS Accreditation Committee.

The decision of the Accreditation Committee shall be communicated to the hospital after it is approved by Governing Body, NBEMS. It usually takes 6-9 months for completing the processing of application form (from the date of receipt of the hard copy of the application form at NBEMS till approval from the Governing Body, NBEMS and communication to the applicant hospital).

The accreditation, if granted by NBEMS, is purely provisional and is valid for a period of up to five years. Once the accreditation is granted to the applicant hospital in any speciality, the hospital will be required to sign an Accreditation Agreement, which contains the various terms & conditions applicable to the accredited hospital. A copy of the Sample Accreditation Agreement can be seen in Annexure I. The applicant hospital may note that the grant of accreditation is purely provisional, and non-compliance with the Accreditation Agreement shall lead to withdrawal of accreditation by NBEMS.

Annual Review of Accreditation -

1. The grant of accreditation by NBEMS to a department for a DNB/DrNB/FNB programme is purely provisional and is governed by the terms and conditions as stated in the Accreditation Agreement and compliance to the same as verified in the annual review of the department.

2. NBEMS shall undertake an annual review of the accredited department in the 3rd year of the accreditation cycle, to ensure that the hospital is complying with the terms & conditions of the Accreditation Agreement and is fulfilling the minimum NBEMS accreditation criteria. Further details regarding the Annual review shall be informed to the hospital through Public notice and emails.

3. The accredited DNB/DrNB/FNB seat of a department may be excluded from the counselling seat matrix if the hospital fails to successfully complete the annual review of the concerned speciality.

Through Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP), the hospital/institute can access the following –

1. Notices & Circulars issued by NBEMS Information Bulletin

2. Submission of Application Forms

3. Status of Application Forms

4. Submission of Application form for Annual Review

5. Accredited seats

6. Approved faculty for the Accredited Specialty

7. Addition/Change the SPOC/HOD/DNB coordinator

8. Submit consent for Seat Matrix for counselling

9. Download Accreditation related Annexures/Documents

10. Update Hospital Profile View Grievance Committee Details

11. Change the Password

Minimum accreditation criteria are divided into the following parts –

1. Clinical Establishment

2. Bed strength of the Applicant Hospital

3. Beds in the applicant department/speciality of the hospital

4. Faculty in the applicant department/speciality

5. Patient Load in the Applicant Department/Specialty

6. Grant of Seats

7. Physical Facilities & Supportive Services

8. Teaching & Training Facilities

9. Requirement of Academic Department for Accreditation

The details related to minimum accreditation criteria are enclosed in the notice below.

The Annual course fee prescribed by NBEMS for its courses and payable by the trainee is as follows -


Charges (in INR) per year

Tuition fees


Library fees


Annual Appraisal fees


Accommodation Charges


According to the NBEMS stipend policy, the hospital shall have to pay the NBEMS trainees a basic stipend as follows or a basic stipend according to State Government policy (whichever is higher) –

Post MBBS DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses -

Year of DNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


Third Year


Post Diploma DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses -

Year of DNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


DrNB (Super Specialty) Courses -

Year of DrNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


Third Year


FNB Courses -

Year of FNB Training

Stipend (in INR) per month

First Year


Second Year


To view the notices, click on the links below –



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