Zydus, CSIR-CDRI Lucknow to develop drug for Chronic Kidney Disease induced Osteoporosis

Published On 2024-10-01 06:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-01 06:00 GMT

Ahmedabad: Zydus Lifesciences Ltd, Ahmedabad has signed a collaborative research agreement with Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow for the development of best-in-class drug for Chronic Kidney Disease induced Osteoporosis.

"To develop oral medication through the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of Sclerostin, a collaborative research agreement was signed by Zydus Lifesciences Ltd, Ahmedabad and Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow on 17th September, 2024 at Zydus Research Centre, Ahmedabad," the Company stated in a release.

Under this agreement, CDRI and Zydus will jointly undertake preclinical research. Any drug candidate emerging from the efforts will be developed by Zydus for India and other markets.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects over 10% of the global population, posing significant health challenges. CKD causes a progressive loss of kidney function and can ultimately lead to kidney failure. One of the hallmarks of CKD is the disruption of mineral metabolism, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Those above the age of 65, particularly women, are at higher risk. Unfortunately, most of the conventional anti-osteoporosis medications are contraindicated in patients with CKD, due to the risk of worsening renal function. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop safe and effective drugs for osteoporosis that will reduce fracture risk without a deterioration of renal function. Studies suggest that the protein Sclerostin plays a key role in the dysregulation of bone metabolism. In patients with advanced stages of CKD and osteoporosis, Sclerostin levels are observed to be high. Based on research conducted at CDRI and data from antibody-based therapies (biologics), Sclerostin has emerged as a promising drug target for treating CKD-induced osteoporosis as well as postmenopausal osteoporosis.


Pankaj Patel, Chairman, Zydus Lifesciences Limited, on this occasion said, “Zydus has a significant focus on chronic kidney disease (CKD) having discovered the novel drug Desidustat in our R&D laboratories. CSIR-CDRI's deep-rooted expertise in biomedical research, coupled with Zydus's innovative approach to drug discovery and development, creates a powerful synergy. Together, we'll explore new avenues for treating bone metabolism disorders, ensuring that CKD patients have access to effective and affordable therapies that improve their quality of life.”


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