Tamil Nadu: Hunting for quacks, authorities find quack college, unregistered USG machine

Published On 2016-09-18 12:48 GMT   |   Update On 2016-09-18 12:48 GMT
Tamil Nadu: While being hunt for fake doctors, aka quacks in the Tiruvallur district, authorities have shockingly now discovered fake "colleges" that was so called producing the quacks for the area.

These colleges have been offering " paramedical courses" to the aspirants from nearby area. On further investigations, authorities found no recognition backing the said colleges.

One such college was running by the name of Arokia Madha Paramedical Science College, which were offering two years “basic nursing” course to 12 students out of the terrace of the owner. The owners of the college have been identified to be Ankaiah, an MBBS practitioner and his wife, Ramani, who is a Master's in Science.

Interestingly, a further inspection of the  College" premises also revealed an unregistered ultrasound machine. Ankaiah had apparently brought the machine second-hand from a dealer, but had no answer to what purpose.

“We are also investigating if he was carrying out illegal abortions or sex determinations. He was unable to answer when asked for what purpose he is using the machine,” said Kamala Kannan, Superintendent, Directorate of Medical Services.

Indian Express reports that Ankaiah had studied MBBS in the neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, but has not registered with the Tamil Nadu Medical Council, a mandate for any MBBS graduate to practise in the State. The Health Department officials would write to the state medical council, the statutory body to take disciplinary action against erring doctors, to initiate necessary action against Ankaiah

Around 1/2 km away from the first paramedical college, officials came across,  Anbu Evangeline Paramedical College, again an institute with no statutory backing, A woman who was running the institution had claimed she is an MBBS doctor.

The authorites also came across a physiotherapist, who was passing himself off as an MBBS doctor.Two MBBS doctors, who were sharing a clinic with him, are believed by the officials to have intentionally allowed him to pose as a doctor. The two doctors were identified by an official as Dr Sri Priya and Dr J Anbalagan. “We will write to the medical council about these two doctors too,” the officials told the daily.


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