Salivary arginine and uric acid levels early indicators of periodontal inflammation

Written By :  Dr. Shravani Dali
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr. Kamal Kant Kohli
Published On 2023-01-31 05:00 GMT   |   Update On 2023-01-31 07:06 GMT

Salivary arginine and uric acid levels are early indicators of periodontal inflammation suggest a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

This study was conducted to evaluate the levels of salivary uric acid and arginase in patients with periodontitis, generalized gingivitis, and in healthy individuals. Then, the effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on levels of salivary arginase and uric acid were also investigated. A total of 60 subjects were divided into three groups based on periodontal health: group I comprised 20 healthy individuals; group II comprised 20 subjects who had generalized gingivitis; group III comprised 20 subjects who had generalized periodontitis. On day 0, the clinical examination of periodontal status was recorded, following which saliva samples were collected.

Group II and group III subjects underwent non-surgical periodontal therapy. These patients were recalled on day 30 to collect saliva samples. The periodontal parameters were reassessed on day 90, and saliva samples were collected for analysis of salivary arginase and uric acid levels.

Group II and group III showed improvement in clinical parameters following non-surgical periodontal therapy on the 90th day. The MGI score, PPD, and CAL showed improvement. On day 0, at baseline, salivary arginase levels in group III and group II were higher than those in healthy subjects, whereas on day 0, salivary uric acid levels in group III and group II were lower than those in healthy subjects. Both on day 0 and day 90, the salivary arginase level showed a positive correlation with the periodontal parameters, whereas the salivary uric acid level was positively correlated with the periodontal parameters on day 90.

The level of salivary arginase was a pro-inflammatory marker and a raised level of salivary uric acid was an anti-inflammatory marker following periodontal therapy, suggesting their pivotal role in assessing periodontal status and evaluation of treatment outcome.


Priya KL, Mahendra J, Mahendra L, Kanakamedala A, Alsharif KF, Mugri MH, Varadarajan S, Alamoudi A, Hassan AA-HA-A, Alnfiai MM, Alzahrani KJ, Bahammam MA, Baeshen HA, Balaji TM, Bhandi S. Salivary Biomarkers in Periodontitis Post Scaling and Root Planing. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(23):7142.


Salivary arginine, uric acid, levels, early, indicators, periodontal inflammation, salivary biomarkers; arginase; gingivitis; chronic periodontitis; root planing; scaling; uric acid, Priya KL, Mahendra J, Mahendra L, Kanakamedala A, Alsharif KF, Mugri MH, Varadarajan S, Alamoudi A, Hassan AA-HA-A, Alnfiai MM, Alzahrani KJ, Bahammam MA, Baeshen HA, Balaji TM, Bhandi S, Journal of Clinical Medicine

Article Source : Journal of Clinical Medicine

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