Fact Check: Can a mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cure toothache?

Written By :  Dr. Garima Soni
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr Arvind Chopra
Published On 2024-10-04 10:43 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-04 10:43 GMT

An Instagram post claims that applying the mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cures toothache. This claim is mostly false 


An Instagram post titled " Cure your teeth problem)" claims that "a mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cures toothache."

Apart from this, there are other claims made in the video which include curing swollen gums and whitening teeth. In the post user dr.nitasha_gupta states "If you experience tooth pain and swollen gums, to quickly relieve them, you need to take a little mustard oil, add a bit of turmeric to it and some rock salt. Mix them well, and with the help of your finger, apply them properly on your teeth and gums. Afterwards, spit out the saliva that comes out. You will see that the yellowing of your teeth has gone, your tooth pain has disappeared, and your gums have returned to normal."

The post can be accessed here.

Fact check

The claim is MOSTLY FALSE. Mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt may reduce plaque accumulation, help prevent oral disease, and provide relief to mild gingival inflammation but these natural ingredients cannot cure toothache.

Toothache and Its Causes

Toothache, also known as Odontogenic pain refers to pain initiating from the teeth or their supporting structures, the mucosa, gingivae, maxilla, mandible or periodontal membrane.


Toothache can manifest in various forms and is often triggered by inflammation of the dental pulp, commonly due to tooth decay (dental caries). It can also result from dentine sensitivity to cold, sweet, or physical stimuli, conditions such as apical periodontitis, dental abscesses, or even iatrogenic pain following dental procedures. Additionally, tooth pain may arise from bruxism (teeth grinding), or intense, persistent discomfort after treatments like root canal therapy or apicectomy.

Different Forms of Toothache

Toothache is commonly acute, affecting one side and localized within the mouth. When the dental pulp is inflamed, pain may be sharp and triggered by cold, heat, or osmotic stimuli, lasting from seconds to minutes. If this inflammation progresses to irreversible pulpitis, the pain may become dull, throbbing, and less localized. A cracked tooth or one with loose fillings often produces sharp pain with short duration. A dull, throbbing pain is typically linked to an infected root canal or inflammation around the root apex. A dental abscess usually results in a sudden onset of spontaneous pain.

Toothache Management

In primary care, managing toothache is based on its cause, symptoms, and severity. If experiencing tooth pain, it's important to consult a dentist to identify the underlying issue. Treatment for odontogenic pain focuses on symptom relief, with analgesics like paracetamol and NSAIDs being the preferred options. Antibiotics are recommended only when there are signs of local or systemic spread of a dental infection. For cases involving an infected root canal system, referral for root canal therapy or tooth extraction is necessary.

Benefits of Mustard oil, Turmeric and Rock Salt

Mustard oil is one of the major edible oils consumed in the north-eastern, northern and eastern regions of India, it has the best components of MUFA(Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid) and PUFA(Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid), which are good for health and SFA(saturated Fatty Acid) at nontoxic levels. There are several health benefits of mustard oil such as reducing the risk of cancer and maintaining normal body temperature, having antibacterial or antifungal properties, decreasing cholesterol and improving the membrane structure of red blood cells (RBC), it also has beneficial effects on controlling diabetic hazards, also has antiallergic properties, protects eyes and throat irritation.

Turmeric, also known as Haldi, is obtained from rhizomes of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) as a palatable orange-yellow spice and has cur-cumin as the main constituent. Turmeric exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, strong antimicrobial properties, and anticancer activities. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is a well-documented treatment for various respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchial hyperactivity, and allergy, as well as for liver disorders, anorexia, rheumatism, diabetic wounds, runny nose, cough, and sinusitis.

Rock salt or halite consists of 95-98% sodium chloride, 2-4% polyhalite (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, oxygen, hydrogen), 0.01% fluoride, 0.01% iodine and small amounts of numerous trace minerals. The reddish colour is due to the presence of elements in polyhalite and trace minerals. It can be used as a healthy substitute for common salt as it is rich in minerals and does not pose health problems like high blood pressure, puffiness in the body or eyes. It has numerous health benefits such as aiding in digestion, improving appetite, removing gas and soothing heartburn, plays an important role in replenishing the body’s electrolytes and maintaining the pH balance, stabilising blood pressure, aiding in weight loss, helps in managing rheumatic pain and herpes, inflammation and irritation from insect bites, helps to overcome muscle cramps, improves the immune system and many more.

Can a mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cure toothache?

Mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt may offer certain dental health solutions such as managing gums-related issues and reducing plaque accumulation. Still, no scientific evidence supports the claim that their mixture can cure toothache.

A study led by V Aravinth et. al. found that salt water rinse can be used alongside regular brushing and flossing to improve plaque control and help prevent oral diseases.

Mustard oil and salt combination has been in use for a very long time in Indian households to prevent gum-related issues and toothache and a review article published in the Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests that gingivitis and periodontitis may be managed with a paste consisting of 1 teaspoon full turmeric, 1⁄2 teaspoon full salt, and 1⁄2 tsp mustard oil on the surface of teeth and gums two times a day, also turmeric mouthwash aids in plaque control.

Yet another study published in PloS One has found that salt solution as a mouth rinse in conjunction with routine oral care may help promote oral wound healing.

While their benefits are studied in the scientific world, there is no evidence or consensus amongst dentists that a concoction of Mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt can and should be used for curing toothache 

Dr Ritu Thawait, Dental Surgeon, Medical Officer, CHC, Risali, Durg, C.G said, “While turmeric and mustard oil may have anti-inflammatory properties and soothe the gums to a certain extent but this mixture doesn't address the root cause of the tooth pain. Toothaches often stem from issues like cavities, infections, or gum disease, which need professional treatment. Relying on home remedies like this could delay the care you need and make the situation worse. While this remedy might offer brief comfort, it's important to see a dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent more serious dental problems down the line. So, don’t wait on tooth pain—seek professional care."


Dr. Twinkale Parekh, Orthodontist, Sanjeevani Multispeciality Clinic, Kanika New Colony, Cuttak, added  “As we all love a good home remedy, and salt, mustard oil with turmeric sounds like a natural way to manage mild oral inflammation. But while it might provide some temporary relief, it’s really important to understand that these remedies don’t solve deeper issues like gum disease or cavities. They may offer temporary relief for minor gum discomfort, but they won’t cure the root causes of toothache like tooth caries or infection, seeing your dentist is the best way to prevent bigger problems."

Medical Dialogues Final Take

While the combination of mustard oil, turmeric, and rock salt has been traditionally used in Indian households for managing gum-related issues, there is no scientific backing for its effectiveness in curing toothache. The mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt may provide some benefits for managing gum health and plaque control. Ultimately, while these natural remedies may help support oral health, they cannot cure toothache. Hence, the claim that a mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cures toothache is Mostly False.

Claim :  Can a mixture of mustard oil, turmeric and rock salt cure toothache?
Claimed By :  Instagram
Fact Check :  Mostly False

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