MUHS releases Final year Revised Time -Table of Practical Exam BAMS, BUMS Summer 2020

Published On 2020-09-19 11:13 GMT   |   Update On 2022-12-16 06:01 GMT

Mumbai: Through a recent notice, the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has released the Final year Revised Time -Table of Practical Examination BAMS And BUMS Summer 2020

To view the time table, click on the link given below:

Examination - Final year Revised Time -Table of Practical Examination BAMS And BUMS (UG) Summer 2020

For more details, log on to the official website of MUHS:

Earlier, the MUHS had informed about the issuance of Online Practical Examination Appointments and Guidelines for Submission of Practical Marks of Summer-2020 University Practical Examinations through Software System.

The notice clearly states that the University had introduced an online system for submission of Practical Marks of University Practical Examinations w.e.f. Summer- 2020 Examinations. With the effective and kind cooperation of all Colleges, the University was able to successfully carry out Practical Examination marks entries without any difficulty. However, on taking a review of the existing system and in view of the valuable feedback/ suggestions received from the Examiners, the University has incorporated certain changes in the software system so as to make it user-friendly as well as to address issues effectively in an efficient manner.

The University has issued online appointments of all Practical Examiners through the University Software System. Subject-wise Practical Examination appointments are accessible to respective Colleges (Dean/Principal) in their College Login and for the respective examiner in their login-id. Please visit for details of the Appointment of Practical Examiners. The College/Examiners are required to maintain strict confidentiality about appointments of Practical Examiners.

All Colleges are, therefore, requested to go through University Software System and shall ensure that University Practical Examination marks entries are carried out by the Examiners in the prescribed manner on Practical Examination Centers are required to submit Subject-wise Practical Examination marks through the software system developed by the University. For smooth conduct of Practical Examination and entry of Practical marks in the University Software System, following SOP's / Guidelines / Formats are issued by the University, which shall be strictly adhered by the respective Colleges:

The varsity has further published the following format and details. Concerned are requested to view the same.

Format for Confidential Examination related activities,

1. SOP for Online Practical Examination Appointments

2. SOP for Substitute Appointments of Practical Examiners

3. Format For Appointment Of Substitute Practical Examiners

4. SOP for Change in Date of Practical Examinations

5. SOP for Change in Batch of the candidate

6. SOP for Online Practical Marks Entry & Submission of Mark sheet

Copies of the above SOP's are attached herewith with a request to go through prescribed guidelines thoroughly and it shall be ensured that it is scrupulously followed by the Dean/Principal and Conveners/Examiners. It is the responsibility of the Dean/Principal of the College to provide the necessary infrastructure (Computer, Internet, etc.) for the smooth functioning of the examination process.

In case, if any College does not have a Username & Password for online related activities, then such Colleges are requested to forward the College Email ID and Mobile in attached herewith, which will enable the University to authenticate Email ID address & Mobile Number of the College for confidential examination related activities; such as for sending College Username, Password & OTP that facilitates for download of hall tickets, online Internal/ Practical marks entries, list of teachers appointed for various examination related work, view teacher database, etc.

In case of any query related to online submission of University Practical Examination marks, the Colleges are requested to raise their specific query by email on the following email:


UG Faculty

E-mail ID

Contact No.

COE Office






The Dean/ Principal of the Colleges is requested to conduct a special meeting with all concerned staff for the smooth conduct of Practical Examinations. University solicits kind cooperation of all Colleges on the subject.


A) University has issued online appointments of all Practical Examiners through the University Software System. Subject-wise Practical Examination appointments are accessible to respective Colleges (Dean/Principal) in their College Login and for the respective examiner in teacher login-id. Please visit on for details of the Appointment of Practical Examiners. The Dean/ Principal of the College shall take print out of Subject-wise Practical Examination appointments for their official records and ready reference. The College and respective Examiner are required to maintain strict confidentiality about appointments of Practical Examinations.

B) The University will not issue any hard copy of the appointment of Practical Examination to any Practical Examiner. All Practical Examination appointments of Examiners are made available in the Login id of the concerned teachers. The Dean/Principal shall instruct to respective teacher/ Examiner to take a print out of their appointment for their necessary action as well as instruct them to submit their Acceptance/Non-acceptance to the University through the Software System only.

C) The Dean/ Principal of the College shall also instruct the respective Convener/(s) to immediately coordinate with the Internal/ External Examiner/(s) appointed by the University and request them to submit their Acceptance/ Non-acceptance through the Software System only by clicking 'Accept Appt.' for accepting the appointment and 'Non-Accept Appt.' for a non-accepting appointment. This activity of coordination must be completed by the respective Convener within 08 days' time period.

D) Submission of Acceptance/ Non-acceptance by the Internal/ External Examiner/(s) made visible for the Convener in his/ her Login-id as well as in the College Login-id. The Convener is required to act prominently on "Non-Acceptance" proposals in coordination with the Dean/ Principal of the College as per SOP for Substitute Appointments of Practical Examiners (Annexure - C). This will avoid last-minute confusion without any delay and without any inconvenience to all concerned.


A) The Convener must expeditiously act on "Non-Acceptance" proposals in coordination with the Dean/ Principal of the College and must ensure that this activity of Substitute Appointment is completed within 08 days to avoid any inconvenience to all concerned at a later date.

B) "Panel of Examiners" tab for Substitute Appointment of Examiner is made available under "Practical Appointments" in the University Software system under College Login only. The Dean/ Principal of the College shall download the Subject-wise Panel of Examiner List from the software system and maintain it for its records for necessary action.

C) In case of the refusal by the Internal/ External Examiner, the Convener is required to approach the Dean/ Principal Office for "Panel of Examiner" (available in College Login) of their respective Subject. The Convener shall coordinate with examiners in enlisted "Panel of Examiners" and his/her consent shall be taken for the conduct of practical examination on the scheduled date.

D) In case of refusal given by the Convener, the Dean/ Principal of the College shall recommend/suggest the name of eligible Examiner for Substitute Appointment of Convener from the Panel of Examiners (available in College Login) for consideration of the University.

E) To forward the Substitute Appointment proposal of Examiner, please forward the Substitute Practical Examiner proposals by Email in the prescribed "Annexure-D" format on the designated email address for consideration of the University.

F) Substitute Appointment proposals that are approved by the University will be reflected in the College Login, the Convener as well as to the concerned Examiner in the software system. On approval granted by the University, the College shall permit the said examiner for the conduct of Practical Examination.

G) In case if any newly appointed teacher is proposed to be appointed as the Convener, the Dean/ Principal of the College shall forward the proposal of the eligible teacher with all credentials (Name of Examiner, Name of his/her parent college, Subject Specialty, Qualification (UG & PG), Experience, Approval Status (Y/N), Email ID and Contact Number, Adhar Number, PAN Number) for consideration of the University. In case relevant information is not submitted to the University, then such a proposal shall be rejected by the University on grounds of inadequate information. Onus of correctness of information furnished by the college towards such proposals shall entirely rest with the respective college. The College is required to coordinate with the University for the status of approval of such proposals as well as for Login id details (Username and Password) well in advance to avoid any last-minute confusion. In absence of Username and Password, the Convener cannot log in into University Software System and as such online practical marks entry cannot be carried out. It is mandatory for the Convener to have valid Username and Password for submission of Online Practical Examination marks.


A) It is mandatory for the College to conduct Practical Examinations strictly as per schedule given by the University to avoid any inconvenience to any student or Examiner and as such the Colleges are required to strive hard to maintain the schedule. However, in case of exigency only, the University will permit "Change in Date" of Practical Examination.

B) In case of 'Change in Date of Practical Examination', the Convener shall in consultation with all Examiners appointed by the University, shall approach the Dean/ Principal of the College with details.

C) To forward the Change in Date of Practical Examination proposal, forward email to the University for Change in Date of Practical Examination, as per ANNEXURE "D" attached herewith.

D) On approval granted by the University for Change in Date of Practical Examination proposal, the Revised schedule will be reflected in the University Software system for all concerned in their respective College & Examiner/(s) login. On approval granted by the University, the College shall permit the said examiner for the conduct of Practical Examination.

E) It is the responsibility of the College of Practical Examinations Centre to inform to their students as well as to the clubbed College about a change of date for their necessary action. The information of Change in Date of Practical Examination will also be available in College login of the Clubbed College and as such it is the responsibility of the College to also inform their students about Change in Date of Practical Examination. In case, if any student is deprived of any Practical Examination, it shall be the entire responsibility of the concerned College.


A) It is mandatory for the College to conduct Practical Examinations strictly as per Batch-wise Time-Table published by the University. Practical Centre-wise, Year-wise, Subject-wise, Date-wise Batch-wise Time-Table with timings of examinations is made available on the University website as well as on their college E-mail id. The respective College is required to download the Batch-wise Time table & it shall be notified on all College Notice Boards.

B) Wherever two or more Colleges are clubbed together with any particular Practical Centre, the clubbed College shall also download a Batch-wise Time table & shall notify on all College Notice Boards. The Dean/ Principal of clubbed College/(s) shall coordinate with Practical Centre to avoid any inconvenience to their students.

C) However, in case of exigency only, University will consider for "Change in Batch" of any candidate along with justification at least 08 days in advance. The Convener shall approach to the Dean/ Principal of the College with details of "Change in Batch".

D) To forward the "Change in Batch" proposal, the College is required to forward a letter or emails to the University for "Change in Batch" of Practical Examination with valid justifications for consideration of the University.


A) University will accept University Practical Examinations marks through University Software System only. In case if any College fails to submit Practical Marks through Software System, the strict and penal action will be initiated by the University against such Colleges.

B) For Online Submission of Practical Marks of University Practical Examinations, the respective Convener must visit on the University website The Convener shall log in to University Software System with the help of his/ her Username and Password. After a successful login by the Convener, the system needs the login of the Dean/Principal of the College to validate Convener. The Dean/ Principal of the College shall validate the Convener with help of Username and Password assigned to their College for online related activities. On the successful validation process by the College, the system will enable the Convener for entry and submission of Practical Examination marks candidate-wise.

C) Prior to the start of the Practical Examination at 09.00 am, the Dean/Principal/ Convener/ Examiners shall log in into the University Software System to verify whether all relevant information of the Student data i.e. Seat numbers in Batch, Batch Size, Subject, Marking Distribution in the software system and on confirmation of the correctness of relevant information, all Examiners shall proceed for the conduct of Practical Examination. In case of any query, the Convener shall immediately raise the specific query with the University on the designated University number for appropriate action on the subject.

D) It is the combined responsibility of the Convener, Internal Examiner (if appointed) & External Examiner to submit online Practical Examination marks to the University on the same day of examination. No further extension will be granted by the University for submission of marks after the scheduled date of examination.

E) It must be ensured by the Colleges that non-teaching staff of the concerned Practical Examination centers shall not be allowed for online marks entries. In case any matter is reported at a later date, the Dean/ Principal/ Convener shall be held responsible for such lapse and University shall withdraw the Practical Centre of the College with the penal action.

F) If there are multiple batches (i.e. A, B, C, etc.) for any particular subject, at that time, the Examiner has to submit online marks of that batch on the same day of examination. No further extension shall be granted to submit online Practical Examination marks for the previous batch.

G) After submission of online marks, the concerned Convener/Examiners shall take a printout copy of the final mark sheet & it shall be duly cross-checked for any errors & thereafter it shall be duly signed by all examiners. Practical Mark-sheet shall be made in Duplicate i.e. Two copies shall be prepared, which shall be duly signed and sealed by the examiners. It is the responsibility of the Convener to hand-over Two Sealed Envelopes to the College for their further necessary action of the University. The Dean/ Principal of the College shall submit One Sealed Envelope to the University along with Spotting papers within a stipulated time period as prescribed by the University (Please refer to University Circular No. 18/2017). The second sealed Envelope marked as Dean's copy of the Printed Mark-list shall be retained by the Dean/ The principal of the College.

H) All the Dean/Principal/Convener/Examiner are, therefore, requested to act as per guidelines mentioned below:-


01. Log on to the website by using the Username and Password received on the Practical Examination Convener's mobile number. If any Convener has not yet received Username or Password or has forgotten Username/Password, then click on "Forgot Username and Password" and follow the step specified and the system will send Username and Password by SMS and Email.

02. After login, OTP will be sent on your registered mobile number and email ID. After receipt of OTP, Enter OTP and click "Verify OTP"

03. After successfully entry of OTP, go to Menu "Practical Marks → Online Practical Marks Entry". At "Online Practical Marks Entry" page, before starting marks entry, an authentication message will appear in which College Dean/Principal is required to enter the Username and Password provided by the University to verify the Convener. After successful entry of the Dean/Principal Username and Password, the College Convener with Internal Examiner (if appoint), and External Examiner shall carry on the process of submission of online marks.

04. On the online marks entry screen,

I) Select Subject and Batch by Clicking "Select"

II) Then specify the date of the exam

III) Select Seat Number

IV) Specify Attendance and click "Continue"

V) Enter marks in "Obtained" column and press "Enter Key" or Click "Save" button

VI) To amend marks in specific sub-head, click on the respective sub-heads "Edit" button

05. During data entry of marks, the examiners can preview the mark list by clicking "Preview Mark list" and after again clicking " Click here to Open Mark list ", it will open the mark list in a new tab/window for review. Verify the mark list as per the instruction mentioned below in (A) to (H).

06. After cross-checking of the previewed mark list, the Convener/Examiners shall submit the mark list by clicking the "Submit Mark list". The screen will prompt as "We have verified marks entered from the answer-book and we have certified that the marks entered against each Seat Number are found correct". Click "Accept and Continue" button for the final submission of the mark list. Please note that, once you have submitted the marks, it cannot be available for updating. If any correction required at this stage, click "Cancel" button for making corrections. If all marks entered found correct and you want to continue, then only click "Accept and Continue"

07. After "Accept and Continue", take two printouts of the final mark list by clicking "Print Final Mark list" and verify the mark list as per instructions mentioned below in (A) to (H). The Convener/Examiner is also required to check the overall format, wording, and spelling of the printed mark list.

A Part I Check Name of Examination (Summer/Winter-…, etc.)

B Part II Check whether Subject Name, Course Name, Center name, Minimum and Maximum Marks, Batch Name, etc. are correctly reflected or not as per data entry.

C Part III Check Subhead names from approved format of Practical Examination mark list.

D Part IV Check Subhead column Alphabetical name (A, B, C, D, etc.) from the approved format of the Practical Examination mark list.

E Part V Check maximum marks allotted for each sub-head from the approved format of the Practical Examination mark list.

F Part VI Whether total marks correctly reflected in main head column (Practical, Oral's Max. Min. marks, etc.) or not

G Part VII Whether attendance details ("AB",etc.) are correctly reflected or Not

H Part VIII Whether all marks are correctly reflected in the mark list as entered by you.

08. Please follow the above-mentioned steps for all batches and for all subjects for online submission of Practical Examination exam marks.

09. The video file of Demo is available on the website

To view the official notice in detail and the format, click on the following link:


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