PG Medical admissions: DR NTR University of Health Sciences extends web options exercise, Details

Published On 2022-02-25 03:45 GMT   |   Update On 2022-02-25 03:45 GMT

Andhra Pradesh : Through a recent notice, the Dr NTR University of Health Sciences has informed about the extnion to the web options excerice for candidates seeking admissions into PG medical courses.

It is here by informed that due to inclusion of vacant seats in certain PG (Medical) specialities, the last date for exercising Web options in Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma Courses under State Quota Non-service seats for the academic year 2021-22 in all Government/Private Un-aided Non – Minority and Minority Medical Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh is extended upto 09.00 AM on 26-02-2022.

University will provide facility to re-opt and re-submit/re-freeze the already submitted Web options. Hence, candidates who have already submitted/freezed Web options shall again exercise the Web options according to the options available. 

Number of seats available for Non- Service Phase –II Counselling


Vacant Seats after Non- Service Phase –I



Complete Seat

Matrix was

displayed on



Newly added seats after Non- Service

Phase –I Counselling


Seat Matrix

displayed on



Not Reported after Non- Service Phase –I



Displayed on



Vacancies after Service Phase –II



a. Service Seat

Matrix displayed

on 21.01.2022

and 11.02.2022.

b. Out of 386

seats, 78 were

filled. Allotments

were displayed

on 21.02.2022

PG Medical-2021-Phase I - Management Quota

Allotment orders for Phase-I allotted candidates of Management Quota seats are released. Candidates can download the allotment order by paying University fee of Rs.49,600/- through payment gateway.



Date of issue of Notification for exercising web options

for admission into State Quota seats in Un-aided NonMinority and Minority Medical Colleges for the academic

year 2021-22



Exercising of web options

From 09.00 PM on


Upto 09.00 PM on


All the eligible Non-Service candidates whose names are in the final Merit Position notified in the University Website on 19-01-2022 are only eligible to exercise web options as per the above dates and according to the Seat Matrix displayed in the website The candidates who have joined allotted seat of Phase-I are also eligible to exercise web options of this Phase-II.

UNIVERSITY FEE: Candidates to whom allotment message is given have to pay Rs.23,600/- before obtaining allotment letter through payment Gateway by using Online payment method. (Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking).

TUITION FEE FOR PG MEDICAL: The following is the Tuition fee structure to be payable for the State Quota seats in Private Un-aided Non-minority Medical Colleges as per GO.Ms.No.56, HM & FW (C1) Department, dated 29-05-2020 of Government of Andhra Pradesh:

Category of seat : Private Colleges (SQ seats)
Clinical Degree/Diploma Rs. 4,32,000/-
Para Clinical Degree/Diploma Rs.1,35,000/-
Pre Clinical Degree/Diploma Rs.61,200/-

Muslim Minority Candidates are also eligible for State Quota seats in other Medical Colleges.

Note: The fee structure in Private Unaided Non-Minority Colleges is as per G.O.Ms.No.56, HM&FW (C1) Dept., Dt.29-05.2020 as per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court in W.P.No.10159 of 2020 and batch, dt.09-07-2020, which is read as "to permit the petitioners/students to pay fee fixed by the Regulatory authority by executing bond in the proforma prescribed by the Andhra Pradesh Private Medical and Dental Colleges Managements Association within the specified time as notified by Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada".  

Instructions to Candidates: 

1 All the candidates who were allotted a seat in Phase-I counselling whether joined or not joined are eligible to participate in Phase-II/Final counselling with fresh options.
2 However, candidates who have already joined in any state and the seats in Deemed Universities are not eligible to exercise web-options. If any candidate violates this and noticed by the University at any stage then the candidate is liable for punishment and his/her admission will automatically stands cancelled.
3 Candidates who have joined in Phase-I counselling will be covered under Phase-II rules
4 Area wise Seat Matrix is displayed in the University Website for information of the students to exercise their Web options.
5 After completion of the Phase-II / Final Counselling for service seats, the unfilled service seats and not reported service seats are added to Non-service seats, for its original category as was earmarked in the original seat matrix of the service seats before commencement of subsequent phase of counselling for Non-service seats
6 Candidates opting for Medical Degree/Diploma courses are informed that, there is no limit of choices (number) for exercising web options. Candidates can exercise any number of options for any number of subjects and colleges if the candidate is interested to join as per eligibility.
7 Candidates are instructed to be careful while exercising options on the Web and take the print out of the saved options. Candidates are advised to exercise options in Courses and colleges in which they are really interested. If they are not interested to join any subject or college then they should not exercise options for the same
8 Options: · The candidates may write down all the Options in order on a paper to avoid mistakes. · Once the Candidate has login with Rank number and password then the candidate will see the list of colleges on left side and list of colleges selected on Right side · Start selecting one by one as of preference · Suppose the candidate have opted 10 seats then the candidate can rearrange the order by moving up and down · Once the candidate has satisfied then click on the save button · The candidate can edit before Submission of options · ONCE SUBMITTED, THE CANDIDATE CAN NOT EDIT. SO RE-CHECK & RECONFIRM ALL THE OPTIONS & ITS ORDER OF PREFERENCE BEFORE SUBMITTING. · After submission, the candidate will get confirmation of Options with OTP and after successful submission with OTP confirmation, Print option will be enabled. · The candidate can login again and can see their options clearly.
9 Should open the browser in incognito mode freshly.
10 The candidates who secured admission in the Phase-I of counseling and wish to change their College/Course according to their Merit, can exercise their web options. Candidates are informed that, once PG seat is allotted in this Phase of counseling as per their web options, the seat allotted in the Phase-I of counseling is automatically cancelled and re-allotted to other candidates in this Phase-II.
11 Candidates while giving options should note that the seats vacated by the candidates selected in previous counseling and slided to other college/course during this phase of counseling process will be added & allotted simultaneously during this Phase of counseling itself. The candidates are therefore advised to exercise options for all the seats in all the colleges as per their priority irrespective of vacancies shown in seat matrix. Candidates are advised to give options to the courses for which they are really interested to join, so as to give chance to next meritorious candidates.
12 Candidates who were allotted a seat in any college of AP and joined, slided to another college in AP in this Phase-II counseling, should submit the tuition fee receipt along with relief letter issued by the earlier college through e-mail, for admission at the newly allotted college. The first college where the candidate initially joined in Phase-I will transfer the tuition fee etc., to subsequently allotted college in AP.
13 The selected candidates can download the provisional allotment order on payment of University Registration Fee of Rs.23,600/- through payment gateway and report to the Principal of the Allotted College on or before the date specified in the allotment order.
14 The selected candidates have to submit all the Original certificates, pay the Tuition fee, necessary bonds etc., and complete the process of admission. If the candidate does not fulfil the above criteria to complete the admission process in the specified dates of admission, their admission will be cancelled automatically.
15 The verification of original certificates will be conducted at the time of admission in the respective College and in case of any discrepancy, the Provisional allotment will be cancelled and action will be initiated. If the candidate slides to other college (i.e., affiliated colleges of Dr.NTR UHS) during this Phase of counselling, the original certificates will be sent to the college concerned by the college where the candidate has slid.
16 If any candidate who does not join in the allotted seat in this Phase-II of counselling, shall be debarred for a period of three years for admission into Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses at the colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh as per G.O.Ms.No.67, dt.21-04-2017
17 A candidate who exercised options and joined in an allotted a seat in this Phase-II counselling shall not be permitted to withdraw from the seat. In case any candidate withdraws from the allotted seat, the candidate shall be debarred for a period of three years for admission into Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses at the colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh besides payment of Rs. 3,54,000/- (Including GST 18%) as per G.O.Ms.No.67, dt.21-04-2017
18 The University fee and other fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances
19 Help Desk Numbers: For information relating to exercising Web Options: 1. Technical difficulties : 7416563063 and 7416253073 2. Information regarding Prospectus: 8978780501 and 7997710168. (from 10.00 AM to 06.00 PM) 3. Dr. NTRUHS Website : 4. E-mail :

To view the official Notice, click on the following link :

PG Medical 2021- List of Colleges with Codes Click here


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