Vacations Reduced! Tanda Medical College Teachers Oppose Decision, threaten to withdraw emergency duties

Published On 2024-10-07 13:15 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-07 13:18 GMT

Dharamsala: Opposing the Himachal Pradesh Government's proposal to reduce their winter vacations from 37 to 25 days, the Medical Teachers Association of Tanda Medical College in Kangra District has warned the State that if the plan was implemented, they would be forced to withdraw from emergency duties. 

The Tribune has reported that the faculty warned that if the plan was implemented, they would be forced to withdraw from emergency duties, significantly impacting patient care.

As per the doctors, reducing winter vacation would ultimately diminish the already limited number of leave time available to the medical teachers, who are already overburdened with work.

Writing to the Secretary of the State Health Department, the medical teachers at Tanda Medical College and five other State-run medical institutes, expressed their concerns in this regard.

Also Read: Can't Specify Daily Working Hours of Doctors: Ministry official


As per the latest media report by The Tribune, criticizing the State's decision, the President of the Teachers' Association, Dr. Munish Saroch mentioned that the State failed to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by the medical faculty in managing the tertiary-level patient care and teaching responsibilities. He also emphasised that this cut in the winter vacation would diminish the already limited number of leave time available to the medical teachers.

Dr. Saroch also pointed out that currently the faculty members are appointed based on the National Medical Commission's norms focusing on the educational needs of MBBS and MD students. However, as per Dr. Saroch, these norms do not account for the demands of tertiary-level patient care. This oversight has left the faculty overstretched and as a result, some of the doctors have to work between 70 to 100 hours per week due to critical patient duties and the shortage of senior residents.

Apart from this, Dr. Saroch pointed out that the medical faculties in the medical colleges in Himachal Pradesh receive only half the earned leave compared to other state employees, even when they lack access to additional benefits like second Saturdays off and consecutive gazetted holidays.

He argued that for decades, Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) managed both patient care and medical education without compromising annual vacation durations. Referring to this, and highlighting the presence of six medical colleges, one private medical colleges, AIIMS, and several private hospitals, he questioned how such vacations would be detrimental to patient care.

Issuing a Press Release, the teaching faculty said, "The proposal not only diminishes our earned leave, but also fails to recognise the unique demands made to the medical faculty, who are tasked with both patient care and academic responsibilities," The Tribune has reported.

"The reduction in vacation days will add an unfair burden to our already challenging workload," they added.

Also Read: GMC Srinagar Cancels Winter Vacation of Faculty Members, Sticks to Offline Classes for Sudden Rise in COVID-19 cases

Article Source : with inputs

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