WBUHS releases SOP for University Exams 2020 amid COVID epidemic

Published On 2020-08-09 08:30 GMT   |   Update On 2020-08-09 08:30 GMT

Kolkata: The West Bengal University of Health Sciences has recently published the Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for Conduct of University Examinations in view of COVID-19 Pandemic

As per the Consolidated Standard Operating Procedure for the conduct of University Examinations, the exams of the Courses regulated by the Regulatory Authorities are conducted following the Guidelines and Advisories issued by the respective Regulatory Authorities. The University Examinations of the Courses regulated by the University following the Guidelines of the concerned Regulations of the University. Besides, the Guidelines and Advisories issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as approved/adopted by the University are followed.

The Procedures and Activities relating to the conduct of University Examinations have been resolved in different meetings of the Academy Council of the University followed by the concurrence of the Executive Council. University Examinations are being conducted accordingly.

Further, in view of the COVID-l9 situation, certain precautionary measures and some additional arrangements have been made. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for such situation has been made mostly in-line with the SOP formulated by MHRD, Govt. of India vide O.M. No. F.No. 16-16/2020- UIA dated 6th July 2020.

Issuance of a Consolidated Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the conduct of the University Examinations was under consideration of the University. Accordingly, the Consolidated Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Conduct of the University Examinations as approved by the Academic Council through circulation vide email dated 22nd July 2020 is hereby notified and enclosed herewith for information and taking action by all concerned.

SOP in view of COVID pandemic

1. The University Grants Commission (UGC) issued Guidelines on Examinations for the universities in view of COVID-19 Pandemic and subsequent Lockdown on 29 the April 2020 and then Revised Guidelines on 6th July 2020 [D.O.No.F. l-1 /2020(Secy) dated 6th July 2020].

2. In view of the emerging situation related to COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to safeguard the principles of health, safety, fair and equal opportunity for students. At the same time, it is very crucial to ensure academic credibility, career opportunities and future progress of students globally. Academic evaluation of students is very important milestone in any education system. The performance in examinations gives confidence and satisfaction to the students and is a reflection of competence, performance and credibility that is necessary for global acceptability.

3. The Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India vide their office. Memorandum F.No. l6-16/2020-UIA dated 6th July 020 issued certain instructions and formulated a detailed SOP far conduct of Examinations with measures to be taken in view of covid-l9 situation, duly vetted by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of India. The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India granted exemption for opening of educational institutions for the purpose of examinations.

4. In view of the above and mostly in line with the SOP formulated by the MHRD and in consideration of certain other issues relating to the courses, status of the Examinations of the published Annual Examination Calender for 2020, recommendations of some of the Board of Studies etc. the following SOP has been formulated for strict observation by all the stake holders.


1. The instructions, guidelines and orders issued by the Central Government and the State Government regarding safety and health issues should be followed.

2. In case there is a restriction on movements in certain areas, Admit/Identity cards issued to the students should be treated as a 'Pass' for the movement of the students for appearing in the examination. The State Government has been requested to issue instructions to all local/concerned authorities to issue movement passes to invigilators and all personnel engaged in the conduct of the examination.

3. Entire examination centre floors, walls, doors including door handles, gates, Staircase, railings, lifts, seating area(desk and chair)etc. should be sprayed with disinfectant and properly sanitized.

4. Sanitizer bottles should be arranged at the entry gate and examination rooms and should be replenished regularly.

5. Liquid hand wash bottles should be made available in restrooms and all entry gates.

6. All the washrooms should be cleaned and disinfected.

7. All the trash bins should be cleared.

8. Cleanliness and hygienic conditions as per the safety and health advisories of the concerned Government Departments are to be maintained at all places.

9. Hand washing stations with the facilities of liquid soap should be made available so that every student can wash hands frequently.

10. Dustbins must be cleaned and covered properly.

11. An adequate supply of water in toilets and for hand washing should be ensured.

12. Adequate arrangements for safe drinking water should be made.

13. Proper signages, symbols, posters etc, should be displayed at appropriate places to maintain social distancing.

14. Crowding at entry and exit gates should be avoided.

15. Senior staff should monitor the entry and exit. They should be proper markings with at least 2-meters' distance where students stand while opening the College gate. The exit of students should be permitted one by one.

16. Thermal screening of students and the examination functionaries, wearing of face mask, sanitizing of hand etc. of the students and the examination functionaries should be ensured.

17. Students having symptoms of fever, cough and cold or anyone to stay quarantined due to unavoidable circumstantial risks- the college authorities should arrange separate room(s)for all those candidates following the norms of social distancing, isolation and sanitizing.

18. Staff verification and self-declaration as suggested below must be done as soon as they report at the Centre.

(i) Examination functionary must submit self-declaration about health status.

(ii) If any examination functionary fails to meet the self-declaration criteria or thermo gun check, he/she should leave the examination centre immediately.

(iii) Examination functionary needs to wear mask and gloves at the time.

19. Fresh mask and gloves to be used by examination functionaries.

20. The seating arrangement should be done by maintaining the code of social distancing – minimum distance between two students should be 2- meters.

21. The students should be asked to sanitize their hands before and after signing the Attendance Sheet.

22. At the end of the examination.

(i) Used gloves and masks should be disposed only in pedal push covered him at the Examination Centre and Outside the examination room/hall.

(ii) Safely dispose of all used masks and gloves discarded at the examination Centres or outside the examination centre in trash bin bags at the suitable place and as per standard guidelines issued by the health authority.

23. Maintenance of Records of all Examination functionaries-

(i) Record of all Examination Functionaries should be maintained for future reference and traceability.

(ii) Invigilator records should be maintained through staff verification process.

(iii) Name and number of the other staff such as Housekeeping, Security Guards etc. Should be maintained.

24. CCTV surveillance is mandatory in every examination hall. An examination –hall which is out of CCTV coverage. prior steps should be taken to make the video recording and constant examination thereof. CDs of each and every CCTV footage and/ or video recording with a record of examination thereof should be sent to the University.

III. Additional arrangements

Considering the present situation due to COVID-19 the following additional arrangements have been made:

1. The student may, at his/her option, appear at any Examination Centre close to his/her residence. During enrolment for the Examination, the student will be required to opt for an Examination Centre from the drop-down list of the available Centres in the portal. The Examination Centre so opted will be same for all the papers including the practical/viva-voce papers. Appearing in different papers/practical/viva-voce in different centres is not permissible if not otherwise decided by the University in respect of some specified examinations.

2. For the students, who would not be able to appear the Present Examination for whatsoever the reason(s) may be, they may be given an opportunity to appear in a special examination for the course/paper(s), which may be conducted by the University as and when feasible, without counting the present examination as a chance.

Courses under the University
1. The following Courses under different Regulatory Authorities are run in different affiliated Colleges/Institutions under the University as well as College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, Kalyani (the Conducted/Constituent College of the University):
i. Graduate, Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities and super-specialisation Post-Doctoral Degree (DM/MCH) etc. recognised by the Board of Governors in supersession of the Medical Council of India.
ii. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities recognised by the Dental Council of India.
iii. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities recognised by the Indian Nursing Council.
iv. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities recognised by the Central Council of Homoeopathy.
v. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities recognised by the Central Council of lndian Medicine.
vi. Graduate Degree recognised by the Pharmacy Council of India.
vii. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in different Specialities recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India.
2. Some Courses as per Annexure-I regulated by the University (generally termed as non-regulated courses) are run in different affiliated Colleges/Institutions under the University as well as college of Medicine & JNM Hospital, Kalyani and college of Paramedical and Allied Health Sciences, WBUHS, Kalyani (the Conducted/Constituent Colleges of the University).
3. Besides, some other Courses of different Regulatory Authorities and/or University Regulated Courses are introduced from time to time.
Part - II 
Conduct of University Examinations
4. The University Examinations of the courses regulated by the Regulatory Authorities are conducted following the Guidelines and Advisories issued by the respective Regulatory Authorities.
5. The University Examinations of the courses regulated by the University following the Guidelines of the concerned Regulations of the University
6. Besides, the Guidelines and Advisories issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as approved/adopted by the University are followed.
7. Arrangements for the conduct of university Examinations are made as per approval of the Academic Council of the University [section 20(3)(k) of the West Bengal University of Hearth Sciences Act,2oo2]. The Board of Studies (Board of Studies) of the subject or group of subjects recommends the names of suitable persons for inclusion in the panels for appointment of paper-setters, examiners and moderators [section 31(e) of the Act]. University Examinations are conducted in accordance with the laid down procedures.
Part - III
Despatch of Question Papers from the University to the Examination Centres
8. The procedure for Despatch of Question Papers is as per Annexure-II.
Portal-based Despatch of Question Papers
(Approval of the Academic Council of the University in its 28th Meeting held on 7th July 2020)
1. Question Papers (QP) should be encrypted with the highest available security precautions (with not below 256-bits encryption) and uploaded in the Portal by the University on Examination-1 Day (i.e., E-1 Day).
2. Encrypted QP should be downloaded by the Principal/designated officer of the Examination Centre on E-1 day using their used ID and Password along with one OTP to be sent to the registered mobile and email and keep it saved in the designated system (IP-address and Mac-address bound Desktop or Laptop).
3. On the Examination Day, one system-generated OTP would be sent to the Principal/designated officer of the Examination Centre through SMS, WhatsApp and/or e-mail at 30 (thirty) minutes prior to the start time of the examination. The Principal/designated officer should open the QP using the said OTP and take print-out of the required number of QP in the presence of the Centre-in-Charge, University Observer, University Representative (if appointed) and in absence of the University Observer or the University Representative. one senior teacher (excluding the Centre-in-Charge) of the Examination Centre.
4. A Joint-Declaration (as per attached Proforma-I) duly signed by the above-mentioned persons should be sent to University through e-mail (scanned copy), WhatsApp etc. within 15(fifteen) minutes of taking the print-out.
Standardization of Examination System
(Approval of the Academic Council of the University in its 25th Meeting held on 25th September 2020 read with the decisions of the Academic council of its 28th Meeting held on 7th July 2020 as shown at Annexure-Il)
1. Examination calendar:
i. Examination Section should prepare Examination Calendar showing the tentative schedule of examination to be held in a Calendar Year and upload it in the Website of the University within November of the previous year. A copy of the calendar may also be sent to different colleges/institutions.
ii. From the calendar, the following pre-examination activities may be inferred by all concerned:



Tentative No. of working days prior to the start date of the exam.


Preparation of list of Paper Setters, Moderators, Examiners and approval of BoS



Collection of Question Papers, Validation/Moderation of Question Papers and keep them ready for the examination.



Preparation of draft list of probable candidates from Registrar Section and other available records



Sharing of the draft list with the colleges/institutions



Response from colleges/institutions for addition/alteration/deletion of the draft list



Sharing of the list of Probable candidates for the examination with the agency for the management of examination



Opening of Portal for capturing of IA Marks & Attendance by the colleges/institutions

18 (for 3 to 6 days )


Opening of Portal for Online Enrolment by candidates

10 (for 3 days)


Generation of Admit Card & facility for downloading by the candidates



Generation of Tabulation Sheets for Practical & Viva Marks and downloading facility by the colleges/institutions


iii. All the colleges/institutions should make their planning well in advance for internal assessment accordingly leaving the scope of opportunity for taking re-examination, in case of unsuccessful candidates, if any, towards internal assessments. The entire process should be completed well in advance so that the internal assessment marks (IA marks) may be uploaded in the portal within the scheduled duration i.e. at least 15 working days prior to the scheduled date of starting any examination in the Examination calendar.
2.Creation and Maintenance of Database for Poo lof Examiners:
iv. The University should create a Database for Paper Setters, Moderators, Examiners (both Internal and External) for evaluation of answer scripts, holding of practical examinations and related issues.
v. The University should obtain the list of eligible faculties from the Colleges under the University and also from other Universities in and outside the State for the relevant subjects.
vi. The list/database should be updated on a dynamic basis - at least once in a quarter.
vii. The pool of examiners of different subjects/courses are to be placed before the respective Board of Studies (BoS) for approval.
3. Answer-Book:
The Answer-Book (AB) and Loose sheets should be revised incorporating therein the important instructions for the guidance of the Candidates, Centre-in-charge/ Invigilators, observer, University Representative, Evaluating Examiners etc. as per Enclosure - I.
4. Admit Card:
i. The format of Admit Card (AC) should be revised incorporating therein the Important instructions for the guidance of the Candidates as per Enclosure - II.
ii. AC would be downloaded by the examinee concerned from the Portal at-least 3 (three) days prior to the date of commencement of any examination.
5. Examination Centre:
i. The University may select any College/Institute under its ambit for holding any examination and the authority of such selected college/Institute should hold the examination.
ii. The Examination Centre (EC) should have a proper hall for conducting the examination. The facility of CCTV surveillance is a must. Each and every affiliated College/Institute should have at least 1 (one) Examination Hall with all the facilities including the CCTV.
iii. The EC should have proper security arrangement for conduction of the examination in a confidential manner.
6. Centre-in-Charge:
i. The Head of the College/Institution should act as the Centre-in-Charge (CC) of the EC. If, however, the Head of the College/Institution is not able to perform the duty, he may delegate the responsibility to a senior teacher/faculty (preferably in the rank of Professor, however, in case of non-availability of Professor any Faculty not below the rank of Associate professor) with prior intimation to the University. However, the Head of the College/Institution should be responsible for the overall fair conduction of the Examination.
ii. The Controller of Examinations is to appoint the CC.
iii. At the end of each day's examination, the CC should send a report through email (signed and scanned copy) or otherwise indicating the major events in the examination hall as per the Proforma - III.
7. Question Papers:
a. Preparation of Question Papers
i. University should obtain Question Papers (QP) for each paper of each subject in adequate sets (normally, not less than 10). One Paper Setter may be requested to submit at least 2 (two) sets of QP.
ii. The QP may be validated by one or more senior teacher(s)/examiner(s) of the relevant paper out of the Pool. If it is required, the University may get the QPs moderated by one or more senior teacher/examiner of the relevant paper out of the Pool - the number of moderated QP should be sufficient (normally, not less than 6 sets).
iii. The QP and/or moderated QP should be preserved confidentially by the University for use in subsequent examination(s).
b. Sending of QP to examination centres (EC) and Opening of QP in EC:
Revised as shown at Annexure-II
8. Observer:
i. Creation and Maintenance of Database for Pool of Examiners:
a. The University should maintain a Pool of Observers (PoE) after obtaining names from different colleges/institutions under the ambit of the University.
b. Each College/Institution should submit the names, designation/rank, contact details etc. to the University who will function as the Observer during a calendar year. The list should be sent to the University by 30th November of each year for the following calendar year.
ii. Deployment of Observer:
a. The University will select the name(s) who will be deployed as Observer for any examination from the PoE. The University will be at liberty to deploy any name irrespective of the fact whether the person to be selected belongs to the same curriculum/course or not i.e. one faculty member of Ayurveda or Nursing or Unani or so may be selected for MBBS or PG or so and vice-versa. The University would communicate the name and details of the officer so selected to the respective EC, his parent institution and the incumbent concerned well in advance.
b. If the officer so selected is not sparable/available, for any reason or other, the Head of the Institution should immediately send a request to the University to that effect with the name and details of a suitable substitute.
iii. Duty and Functions of the Observer:
a. At least one observer will be deployed by the University to each venue to observe the conduction of examination following the prescribed rules/regulations/ procedure and fairness.
b. The QP will be decrypted and printed in presence of the Observer as per the procedure laid down at Annexure-Il.
c. The Observer will constantly visit the examination hall(s) to overview the conduction of examination in a fair manner. If any UFM or any other indiscipline is noticed, he may take immediately intervene and inform the Centre-in-Charge for taking appropriate steps.
d. At the close of examination of the subject/paper, the answer scripts are to be properly sealed by the college authority in presence of the Observer who will sign a Joint-Declaration (as per Proforma - II) with the Centre-in-Charge of sealing of answer scripts.
e. At the end of each day's examination, the Observer should send a report (signed and scanned copy) through email or otherwise indicating the major events in the examination hall as per the Proforma - IV.
9. A representative of the University:
i. The pool of University Observer (UR):
a. In addition to the Observer, the University, at its discretion, may engage University Representative (UR) to all or some selected EC. The University will obtain names from different colleges, educational institutions etc. under the ambit of the Department of Education/Higher Education, Health and Family Welfare, other Educational Institutions of Government of West Bengal and Central Government Educational Institutions and also the College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, Kalyani, Nadia and others for deployment as UR and maintain a pool of URs (PoR).
b. The PoR may be renewed from time to time.
ii. Deployment of University Representative (UR):
a. The University will select the name(s) who will be deployed as UR for any examination from the (PoR). The University would communicate the name and details of the officer so selected to the respective venue, his parent institution and the incumbent concerned well in advance.
b. If the officer so selected is not available, for any reason or other, the University will deploy a suitable substitute as early as possible.
iii. Duty and Functions of the University Representative (UR):
a. Like Observer, one UR may be deployed by the University to each or some EC to observe the conduct of examination following the prescribed rules/regulations/procedure and fairness.
b. The QP will be decrypted and printed in presence of the Observer as per the procedure laid down at Annexure-Il.
c. The UR should constantly visit the examination hall(s) to overview the conduction of examination in a fair manner.
d. At the close of examination of the subject/paper, the answer scripts are to be properly sealed by the college authority in presence of the UR who should sign a joint declaration of the sealing of answer scripts.
e. At the end of each day's examination, the UR should send a report (duly signed and scanned) through email or otherwise indicating the major events in the examination hall as per the Proforma -V.
10. Conduct of Examinations:
i. The Centre-in-Charge of the EC, before allowing entry to the candidates to the examination hall, should ensure that no examinee is carrying any cell phone, electronic devices, any chit of papers, micro-Xerox, books, any prohibited materials etc. The examinees should be allowed entry in the examination hall after proper search/body frisking to find whether anyone is carrying any prohibited materials. Candidates should be asked to report for the examination well in advance so that the entry may be completed, at least l5 minutes, before the scheduled time to start the examination.
ii. A Notice to the effect of the prohibitory provisions should be prominently displayed at the entrance of the EC/Examination hall.
iii. Arrangement for constant CC TV surveillance for the entire duration of the examination should be properly put in place in the examination hall. During the examination, CC TV footage is to be checked and a Report (as per Proforma-Vl) of detection of unfair means after thorough checking the CC TV footage by a senior teacher/officer of the examination centre other than the Centre-in-Charge is to be sent to the University along with the CC TV footage in a CD.
iv. During the examination, besides the invigilators, the Observer and the UR should also visit the examination halls to ensure the fairness of the examination.
v. Candidate and Teacher Invigilator ratio may preferably be maintained at 25: l.
11. Uploading of information of Absence of Students in the Portal by the College/Institution:
i. At the close of a day's examination, the Centre-in-Charge should upload/mark absent in the Portal against the Roll/Registration No. of the student who was absent in the examination. This should be done each day.
ii. The Centre-in-Charge and the Head of the Institution/College should ensure marking of absence on each day of examination including Practical Examinations. This is very important. The existence of the student who was absent in the examination for the paper(s) will be excluded from the Portal for subsequent action namely, uploading of marks etc.
12. Unfair Means in Examination Hall:
i. The following should be considered for disposal of cases of Unfair Means in Examination Centre (UGM)
a. Any report of UFM submitted by the Centre-in-Charge, Observer, University Representative or any officer relating to the conduction of examination.
b. Detection of UFM through CC TV footage.
c. Any other circumstantial evidence/report.
ii. The reporting procedure and time frame of any UFM should be clearly framed to avoid any confusion.
iii. The Controller of Examinations or his authorised representative not below the rank of Deputy Controller of Examinations may be included in the Committee.
iv. While delivering the recommendations on UFM by Advisory Committee on Discipline, it should clearly be spelt out the basis of the recommendations and the justification for ignoring any report, evidence etc., if any, reported to it.
v. On detection of UFM during an examination, the existing system of allowing new answer book (super-scribing "Second Answer Book") taking the old answer book (marking as "Duplicate-using UFM") from the concerned student should be changed. The Centre-in-charge should be authorised to take a decision on the spot to expel a candidate who is detected in adopting UFM for the examination of the said paper with a report of the action taken to the University for taking other disciplinary action against the student.
vi. Awarding/recommending of punishment for cancellation of only the current examination of a paper to a student adopting UFM by the Committee should be avoided. The punishment should be more - to the tune of cancellation of examination of all the papers of the examination or debarring him from the next two examinations for the paper.
13. Despatch of Answer-Scripts from the Examination Centres to the University:
i. After the end of each day's examination, the sealed answer-scripts are to be delivered to the University in a secured and confidential manner through a special messenger. The services of the Postal Department and/or any other mode of transportation as may be decided from time to time may be used for the purpose.
ii. Proper care should be taken by the Centre-in-Charge to ensure the security and confidentiality for the prompt delivery of the answer-scripts to the University.
14. Codification and Randomisation of the Answer-scripts at the University:
i. On receipt of answer scripts from the colleges, all the answer scripts of all the papers are to be codified - for each paper of all the colleges a series of codes is to be generated and the stickers of the codes including bar codes are to be pasted to each answer script and the loose sheets, if any, of the paper. In case of more than one group for a paper, the code should indicate the concerned group.
ii. The code to be generated should contain the code both in figures and in bar codes. The code should be generated in such a manner that from the code the examination, subject, paper, group (if any) etc. can be easily detectable by the University only.
iii. The answer scripts are to be randomised in such a manner that the answer scripts are distributed to different colleges for evaluation but the identity of the student cannot be detectable.
iv. After randomisation, the destination wise Tabulation Sheet of the answer scripts is prepared showing the Codes only. In case of more than one Group, the Tabulation Sheet should contain to input the marks of each group and the total of the paper.
15. Despatch of coded and randomised Answer-Scripts from the University:
i. At the time of randomisation for distribution of coded answer scripts, care should be taken so that number of answer scripts of a destination-college may be more or less same as that of the students of that destination-college.
ii. The coded and randomised answer-scripts are to be delivered to the destination colleges in a secured and confidential manner through a special messenger. The services of Postal Department and/or any other mode of transportation as may be decided from time to time may be used for the purpose.
iii. Steps should be taken to deliver the coded answer scripts to the destination colleges before during conduct of practical examinations at the respective colleges.
16. Evaluation of Answer-Scripts:
i. Each answer script is to be evaluated following the guidelines, if any, of the concerned Regulatory Authority for the relevant Course and in case of University Regulated Courses as per the guiding principles.
ii. For facilitating further uses of the answer scripts namely re-evaluation etc the following principles may be followed during the evaluation of answer scripts. All the colleges may be informed accordingly for wide circulation among all the Examiners evaluating the answer scripts.
a) The awarded mark of the answer to any question or part of a question should be noted only in the "Left Margin" of the relevant page of the answer scripts. Awarding of a fraction of marks may be awarded so far as practicable. If, however, the fraction of a mark is awarded, rounding off should be made after totalling of marks as well as questions of the paper.
b) Answer(s) should not be underlined or cut (pen-through) or encircled etc. Any other sign namely "?" etc should not be used in the answer scripts.
c) No comment should be made on the answer sheets except only in the "Left Margin"- in case of necessity separate sheet(s) should be used with authentication keeping a note thereto in the "Left Margin" only.
iii. Marks awarded to each question should be reproduced in the first page of the answer the script in the given table.
iv. Full name, designation and college/institution of the examiner should be mentioned below the signature/initial of the examiner in the first page of the answer scripts and also on each page of the Tabulation Sheet(s).
v. Marks of the theory papers should be tabulated against the 'CODE' allotted on the body of the answer script as per the TABULATION SHEET FOR THEORY PAPER (Discipline wise). However, marks awarded for 'Practical and Viva' examinations are to be tabulated Roll Number wise as per the separate usual Tabulation Sheet (to be sent separately) and the other columns, if any, may be marked as 'NA" representing "Not Applicable".
vi. The Tabulation Sheet(s) of the Practical Examinations are to be sent to the University immediately after the Practical Examination is completed.
vii. Immediately after evaluation of the answer scripts of Theory papers is completed, the Tabulation Sheet(s) and the evaluated answer scripts of all the papers of the examination centre are to be sent to the University following the usual procedure as indicated hereinbefore. The ORIGINAL TABULATION SHEET(S) which were sent from the University and duly signed by all the Examiners/Evaluators of the answer scripts and Scrutiniser should be returned to the University - the bar codes incorporated against each Code would further be used by the University and should be kept intact (no photocopy of the Tabulation Sheet should be sent to the University).
17. Uploading of Marks in the Portal by the Colleges:
i. Phase-I Entry of Theory Marks:
In addition to sending the Original Tabulation Sheets to the University as indicated hereinbefore, the assigned college/institution (destination--college) should upload promptly the marks of the Theory papers of a subject in the Portal against the 'Codes' of the students. Marks of each Group (in case of more than one Group) are to be entered.
ii. Phase - I Entry of Practica/Viva Marks:
In addition to sending the Original Tabulation Sheets to the University as indicated hereinbefore from the assigned college/institution (destination-college), the College/Institution where practical the examination is held should upload promptly the marks of the Practical and Viva papers of a subject in the Portal against the Name/Roll/Registration No. of the students immediately after completion of the Practical/Viva Examination of a subject.
18. Uploading of Marks in the Portal by the University:
i. Phase-Il Entry of Theory Marks: The University would make Phase-II entry of the total marks of the Theory Papers against the Codes from the Original Tabulation Sheets received from the colleges. This will validate the entries made from the colleges and the University. A report of mismatch of marks, if any, would be generated from the system.
After thorough verification and detection of errors correction of marks would be made in the system by the authorised person(s) of the University.
ii. Phase -II Entry of Practica/Viva Marks: Similar steps would be taken from the University for Practical/Viva marks.
iii. Besides, University may establish a system of verification of marks (both Theory Papers and Practical/Viva including IA marks) before processing of results. The concerned Assistant Controller/Assistant Registrar (Examination) may personally check and verify marks of some students (say, 10%) as a sample checking.
19. Processing of Results:
i. After entry and checking is completed, the Agency supporting the University for the management of examinations may be directed to process the results. The Agency should give Draft Result-Sheet (including student wise and node-wise marks) along with a separate MIS Report relating to awarding of Grace Marks as per the prevailing principle of the University within 2-3 days.
ii. Final Result Sheets may be generated by the Agency within l-2 days from the date of communication of awarding the Grace marks, wherever applicable or processing the results after verification of the of Draft Result Sheets.
20. Awarding of Grace Marks:
At present Grace Marks (GM) are awarded following the principles adopted by the University with the approval of the Board of Studies (BoS). Sometimes holding of a meeting of BoS for GM takes time - alternatively approval is sought through email, but the response from all the Members of BoS are rarely received in time. As the principle of GM is well defined and formulated, the Controller Section should be empowered to award the GM strictly following the principle and with prior approval of the Controller of Examinations.
21. Publication of Results:
i. University should publish the results indicating the Pass (P) or Fail (F) or otherwise as soon as the Final Result Sheets are received from the Agency.
ii. The Marks sheets should be generated from the system within 2-3 days of publication of Results. The University may arrange to deliver the Marks sheets to the respective colleges/institutions within one week through Postal Department in a secured and confidential manner.
iii. The University should issue Provisional Certificates to all the candidates of all the examinations, excepting where the compulsory internship is involved, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issuance of Marks sheets and despatch them to the concerned colleges/institutions in the manner as of Marks sheets and where the compulsory internship is involved within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of receipt of intimation from the respective colleges towards successful completion of the compulsory internship period. A nominal fee (say, Rs. 1,000/-) may be collected from every student along with the examination fees towards Provisional Certificate. It would save the time and efforts of the University and sufferings of the students.
iv. Similarly, the Final Certificates may be generated for the entire batch of a course at a time and after the Convocation is completed, the residual Final Certificates may be sent to the respective college for distribution to the students.
22. Review/Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts:
The existing system of Review/Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts should be revised to incorporate the followings :
i. Instead of Re-evaluation by one Reviewer in the first stage, the answer script(s) maybe re-evaluated by two Reviewers simultaneously and the average of the marks awarded by the two Reviewers may be taken as the 'marks on review'.
ii. If the increase of such 'marks on review' is more than l0% of the maximum marks or the difference of the two marks given by the two Reviewers is more than 10% of maximum marks, another review by two Examiners other than the original Evaluator or the two Examiners conducted the first review may be arranged and the average of the marks awarded by the 4 Reviewers (2 in first review & 2 in the second review) may be taken into account as the 'correct mark'.
iii. If the marks arrived in the above-mentioned stages exceeds the original marks by more than 20% of the maximum marks in the paper, the answer book shall be sent for audit/validation of marking and recommendation for final marks to a Senior Teacher nominated by the Head Examiner/BoS Secretary along with the marks awarded by the original and the other 4 Reviewers for recommendation whether the average of marks awarded by the Reviewers at the two stages should be confirmed. The recommendation of such Senior Teacher shall be taken to represent the correct and final valuation.
iv. The existing principle of keeping the original marks as the final marks in case of a decrease of marks on re-evaluation should be revised to the effect that whenever any re-evaluation is made, the marks awarded by the Reviewers (increase or decrease) through the above stages may be taken as the final marks. A Declaration to that effect should be obtained from the candidate applying for Re-evaluation of any or more Answer Script(s). The principle should be widely circulated to all concerned.
23. Preservation of History in the Portal/System:
i. The portal/System should provide user ID and Password for each user of the University and Colleges/Institutions so that no one other than the authorised person(s) can enter into the system.
ii. The portal/System should keep a history of each activity namely, entry of marks, generation of Mark sheets/provisional Certificates/Final Certificates etc. including the identity of the user by whom the activity was taken place.

To view the official notice, click on the following link:

For more details, log on to the official website of WBUHS: https://wbuhs.ac.in/


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