MUHS Released Program For University Theory Exam Summer 2023

Published On 2023-03-19 12:30 GMT   |   Update On 2023-03-19 12:30 GMT

Maharashtra: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has released the program for University theory examinations for summer 2023.

The detailed subject-wise timetable –


Timetable of Exams

1st-year MBBS 2019 (Supplementary)


PG Medical (MD, MS, DM, MCh, PG Diploma)


UG Courses (MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, Basic BSc Nursing, PB BSc Nursing,


Remaining PG courses - MDS, Diploma in Dentistry, PG Ayurveda, PG Unani, PG Homeopathy, MSc Nursing,


University Courses – MPH, B Optometry,


The Dean of the colleges is requested to give wide publicity to this circular by displaying it on the college notice boards through online/offline mode. They need to submit exam forms along with fees accordingly to the University.

Schedule for submission of Examination form –

Phase I -


Last date for students to submission of Examination Forms & Fee at the college

Last date for Colleges to submission of Examination Forms at the University

Last date for submission of Exam Forms (without late fee)

Up to 10.4.2023

12.4.2023 up to 5.00 pm

Last date for submission of Exam Forms For all Colleges (with late fee)

Up to 13.4.2023

17.4.2023 up to 5.00 pm

Last date for Submission of Exam Forms For all Colleges (with additional late fee)

Up to 18.4.2023

20.4.2023 up to 5.00 pm

Phase II –


Last date for students to submission of Examination Forms & Fee at the college

Last date for Colleges (Conventional universitywide Zone) to submission of Examination Forms at the University

Last date for submission of Exam Forms (without late fee)

Up to 27.4.2023

Mumbai, Aurangabad and Nanded University Zone – 2.5.2023 up to 5.00 pm

Pune, North Maharashtra University Zone – 3.5.2023 - up to 5.00 pm

Nagpur, Amravati, Kolhapur and Solapur University Zone – 4.5.2023 - up to 5.00 pm

Last date for submission of Exam Forms For all Colleges (with late fee)

From 28.4.2023 to 4.5.2023

Mumbai, Aurangabad and Nanded University Zone Pune, North Maharashtra University Zone – 8.5.2023 - up to 5.00 pm

Nagpur, Amravati, Kolhapur and Solapur University Zone – 9.5.2023 - up to 5.00 pm

Last date for Submission of Exam Forms For all Colleges (with additional late fee)

From 5.5.2023 to 11.5.2023

All Zone – 15.5.2023 up to 5.00 pm

Program of examinations –

1. Theory Timetable and Subject Codes - The University shall conduct Theory Examinations of all UG & PG Courses in Summer - 2023 as per Time Table and subject codes published herewith/ in due course of time.

2. Syllabus and Scheme of Examination - The syllabus and Scheme of Examinations are applicable as published on the University website or as notified by the University occasionally. Students must be appraised about the applicability of the Syllabus and Scheme of Examination by the College.

3. Examination Centers - "List of Theory Examination Centers" shall be displayed tentatively in Apr, and May for Phase-I, Phase-II and Phase-III examinations, respectively. The University reserves its discretion to allot a Theory centre anywhere in the State of Maharashtra. Under no circumstances the Theory Centre, once allotted will be changed.

4. Admit Card/Hall Ticket - The Admit Card/Hall Ticket and student Name list College-wise will be uploaded on the University website, preferably 07 days before the commencement of the Theory Examinations. Candidate must not mutilate the Admit card/Hall Ticket or change any entry made therein.

5. Declaration of results - The University shall declare the results of the examination as per provisions made in Ordinance 01/2014 and MUHS Act, 1998.

Instruction for filling and submission of examination forms –

1. A specimen of the examination form is attached (Appendix – "I") for ready reference. The form can be downloaded and submitted to the University. The college should make requisite photocopies of the form (Appendix "I") and submit it to the University.

2. Examination fee has been revised by the University & is published vide Notification No. 57/2022 dated 29/08/2022. The colleges are requested to collect the examination fees accordingly.

3. The College/department should accept the examination forms from the eligible candidates only & submit them to the University along with Demand Draft / RTGS / NEFT as per above mentioned schedule. Suppose a candidate wears a Traditional/Cultural Dress during Theory Examinations. In that case, it will be mandatory for them to remain present one hour before the commencement of the examination for frisking.

4. Examination Forms of candidates submitted by the college to the University must accompany fees in the form of a Demand Draft / RTGS / NEFT of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the "The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences" payable at Nashik. The amount of demand draft will be the total fees paid by all the students whose application forms are being submitted. Examination forms without Demand Draft / RTGS / NEFT Receipt will not be accepted. No cash will be accepted in any case.

5. All examination forms with Demand Draft / RTGS / NEFT shall be sent through a college representative looking after the work of examination forms. PostThe University should not send examination forms and shall reject examination forms sent by postal loss (academic/financial) caused to the students shall rest with the respective Colleges.

6. Candidates should not be sent personally to the University for Submission of Examination forms.

7. It will be the sole responsibility of the concerned Dean/Principal/Director to verify and certify the attendance of the students, grant of term, eligibility, number of attempts and the admission date. The examination forms of the students who do not fulfil the requisite conditions should not be sent to the University.

8. The College shall print its fee receipt book in triplicate. The original receipt will be given to the candidate, the second copy will be attached to the examination form, and the college will retain the third copy.

9. Specimen of the examination form should be displayed on all College Notice Boards.

10. The examination forms should be filled up in the Lecture Hall under the instructions of the Senior Teacher so that the forms are filled properly.

11. The respective Centres shall submit the Audited Statement of Account of Theory, Practical & CAP advances given for previous examinations by the respective Centres to the University by 31/03/2023. The Examination forms of those colleges that have not submitted the audited statement of account of the expenditure of previous examinations will not be accepted.

12. The revenue stamp fee will be charged to the applicants if applicable.

13. Before sending the examination forms to the University, the college should arrange the forms of fresh & repeater candidates separately in alphabetical order (by surnames first) and attach a list of applicants with particular fees paid by them, in duplicate.

14. Specimen copy of the Covering letter of the college, along with Annexures I, II, III & IV,, is attached herewith as per Appendix B.

Candidates seeking admission to the examination are required -

1. To review the information carefully and acquaint themselves with all requirements.

2. To satisfy all eligibility criteria, the University prescribes to appear for the examination.

3. To apply to the college in the prescribed examination form with necessary enclosures. This should be completed in all respects.

4. To avoid overwriting, cutting, erasing etc., on the form. Incomplete forms shall be rejected and should be avoided; any error arising on this account shall be the responsibility of the candidate.

5. To affix firmly two recent high contrast photographs of size 35mm x 45mm; preferably coloured Photographs (taken after 01/04/2022) with gum/fistic (Not to be pinned or stapled) within the space provided for it. It should be duly attested by the Head of the Institution where a candidate is studying. The Photographs of the candidate should be attested in such a way that a part of the signature is on the photograph and another part on the application form. Attestation should be done on the bottom part of the photograph so that photograph is not defaced.

Eligibility for a collegiate candidate –

Strictly as per Examination Circular No. 59/2022 dated 25/08/2022 (Cut-off dates for Grant of Academic term for the year 2022-23), Notification No. 32/2003 (Permissible attempts for MBBS Course), Notification No. 49/2017 (Permissible Attempts for BAMS & BUMS Course), Notification No. 16/2017 Dtd. 01/04/2017 (Permissible attempts for Homoeopathic Courses), Notification No. 39/2015 Dtd. 07/11/2015 & Letter No. MUHS/X-6.2/567/2016 dated 21/01/2016 (Permissible attempts for Nursing Courses), Notification No. 7 15/2016 Dtd. 02/05/2016 (Permissible Attempts for BPO & BASLP Course) shall be assessed. The Deans/Principals are requested to bring these notifications/ Circulars to the notice of students and all concerned and certify their eligibility accordingly. No deviation from these notifications is permitted.

For BDS Course Students only: Examination Notification No. 13/2015 dated 16/04/2015, Circular No. 32/2017 dated 17/04/2017 & Circular No. 46/2017 dated 05/05/2017 (Permissible attempts for BDS Courses). It is the responsibility of the Dean/Principal of the College to meticulously scrutinise the Examination Form and ensure that the examination form of the eligible students is only forwarded to the University along with the prescribed Undertaking.

A collegiate candidate, desirous of appearing for a University examination, shall prosecute a regular course of study in one or more Colleges / Departments / Recognized Institutions affiliated to the University for the course leading to the examination for which they apply for not less than the period prescribed in the concerned Direction or Ordinance,, i.e. Ordinance 01/2014 and circular dated 02/05/2013 (Attendance criteria to be observed during the issuance of Hall Ticket).

It will be the sole responsibility of the concerned Dean / Principal / Director to verify and certify the attendance of the applicants and the admission date. The examination forms of the applicants who do not fulfil the required conditions as mentioned above should not be sent to the University. Grant of Term will be certified by Director/Dean/Principal as per Ordinance 01/2014 & as per Academic Calendar published by the UniversityCandidateses whcannotto present themselves for an examination or part thereof shall not be entitled to any refund of their fees. However, an applicant found ineligible for an examination shall be entitled to a refun¾th of the net examination fee paid.

SupposeSupposeSupposeSupposeSuppose the candidates suppress some vital information or give false information to appear at an examination for which they are not eligible or entitled. In that case, the total fee. In that case, In that case, paid by them shall be forfeited. They may be debarred for one term from appearing in the further examination,, and a fine of Rs.500/- will be imposed. However, in case of subsequent indulgence of similar nature, the debarment period may be extended up to three terms.

All Undergraduate courses (i.e..... Medical, Dental, Ayurved, Unani, Homoeopathy & Allied Sciences) students shall be entitled to ATKT facility as per University rules & accordingly, the respective college shall submit examination forms as per ATKT rules prescribed by the University from time-to-time. The Dean/Principal/Director will bring this fact to the notice of the concerned student and ensure that the examination forms of only eligible students are submitted to the University.

The examination form must be accompanied by - all PG students of all faculties, will have to submit the following documents –

1. Attendance certificate of Research Methodology workshop (As per Circular No. 13/2011 dated23/06/2011) and Logbook (as per Circular No. 03/2013 dated 20/02/2013) must be submitted in respect of Fresh PG student only, failing which exam form of such student shall be rejected/hall ticket will be withheld.

2. For PG Students passed out from other Universities, the UG Degree certificate from the respective University must be submitted.

The course-wise details are enclosed in the notice below. The courses included are – PG Medical, PG Dental, PG Ayurveda, PG Homeopathy, and PG Unani.

Procedure to be followed during examination –

1. The examination rooms/halls shall be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Candidates should occupy their seats immediately after opening the examination hall. If the candidates do not report in time, they are likely to Miss General Instructions to be announced in the examination hall.

2. If in the Examinations the orm, the candidate has to wear CULTURAL / TRADITIONAL dress during University Theory Examinations, then they should remain present 01 hour before the commencement of the University Theory Exam at the Examinations Centre for proper frisking (Checking). Suppose a student has opted "NO" option to wear a CULTURAL / TRADITIONAL dress. In that case, they shall not be allowed for the University Theory Examinations with a CULTURAL / TRADITIONAL dress.

3. Candidates must show, on demand, the Admit Card/Hall Ticket & College Identity Card for admission in the examination hall. A candidate who does not possess the admit card issued by the University will not be permitted to appear for the examination.

4. A Seat indicating their exam seat number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find out and occupy their allotted seats only. If any candidate is found to have changed room or seat other than allotted them/her, their candidature shall be cancelled,, and no plea will be accepted.

5. A candidate who comes after the commencement of the examination shall not be permitted to appear for the examination.

6. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual materials, calculators, slide rule, log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, bits of paper, mobile phone, pager/headphones or any other device except Admit Card/Hall Ticket & College Identity Card inside the examination hall. If any candidate is found in possession of any of the above items, their candidature will be treated as having resorted to unfair means. Their current examination will be cancelled,, and also they will be debarred for future examinations.

7. No candidate, without special permission of the Invigilator, Centre Incharge and Centre Observer, will leave their seat or examination room until the full duration of the paper is over. Candidates should not leave the room without handing the answer sheets to the concerned invigilators.

8. Tea, Coffee, and Cold drinks are not allowed into the examination rooms during examination hours.

9. Ten minutes before the commencement of the paper, an answer sheet shall be provided to each candidate.

10. Five minutes before the commencement of the examination, a question paper shall be provided to each candidate.

11. The examination will start exactly as per Timetable provided by the University,, and the Invigilator will announce this effect.

12. Candidate will then writes particulars and answer with blue/black ballpoint pen only on both sides of the answer sheet.

13. After completing the paper and handing it over to invigilators, the candidates should check all particulars & answers for correctness.

14. A warning bell will be given before closing time. Candidates must stop writing accordingly.

To view the notice, click on the links below -


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