11-month delay in postmortem report in rape-murder case: Odisha doctor under Crime Branch scanner

Published On 2024-10-07 08:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-07 08:31 GMT

Bhubaneswar: In a case involving an alleged rape and murder of a woman in the Mayurbhanj district, an Odisha-based doctor who previously worked as a medical officer has come under the heat of the Crime Branch (CB) of Odisha Police for submitting the post-mortem report to the police 11 months after the alleged crime.

Seeking disciplinary action against the doctor, the Crime Branch sent a letter to the secretary of the State Health Department indicating that the investigation into the case had not progressed for nearly one year due to a delay in submission of the report, as per a TNIE report. 

In the letter sent on Sept 23, the agency mentioned that the doctor had conducted the postmortem on Oct 3, 2022, however, submitted the report on Sept 20, 2023, which is almost 11 months later. The agency also took another year to bring the medico’s negligence to the notice of the health department. 

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The agency detailed the incident in a letter, stating that the body of a woman was discovered in the Badampahar area of Mayurbhanj district on October 3, 2022. On the same day, the investigating officer dispatched the body to Rairangpur Sub-Divisional Hospital (SDH) for a postmortem examination

Additionally, the report suggested that the victim had suffered antemortem injuries and postmortem drowning. It said that the cause of the death was possibly due to multiple head injuries leading to subarachnoid haemorrhage and neurogenic shock which were antemortem.  

The report also mentioned that the injuries to the victim’s genitalia and labia minora suggested that she was sexually assaulted and thus it was a clear case of rape and murder, read the CB’s letter TNIE reports. 

“The post-mortem was conducted by the doctor on Oct 3, 2022. However, the report was received by the investigating officer on Sept 20, 2023, after an abnormal delay of almost one year. The post mortem report clearly indicated that it was a case of rape with murder. The doctor should have promptly sent the post-mortem report on time,” adds the letter.

According to a TOI news report, the agency expressing concern stated in the letter, "Vital clues could have disappeared. It is requested to consider taking necessary departmental action against the erring medical officer. Necessary directions may kindly be issued to medical officers, specifying a time limit for issuing post-mortem reports in heinous cases like murder and rape."

However, fingers have been also pointed out regarding the agency's delay in notifying the health department about the doctor's alleged negligence. Sidharth Das, a senior lawyer told the Daily, "The delay in reporting the doctor’s negligence has raised questions about the Crime Branch’s handling of the case. The fact that it took a year for the Crime Branch to notify the health department about such a critical matter in a heinous crime has led to concerns about the efficiency and responsiveness of the investigating agency."

In response, Crime Branch’s IGP Shefeen Ahmad said, “I will find out as to how and when the matter was brought to the notice of Crime Branch by the Mayurbhanj district police.” 

Also Read: Kerala to roll out Night-time Postmortem Services at Government Medical Colleges


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