23 doctors transferred to RUHS Hospital Jaipur

Published On 2024-10-08 08:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-08 08:45 GMT

Jaipur: In a move to strengthen the workforce at Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) Hospital, the State Health Department has shifted 23 doctors from different Community Health Centres (CHCs), Sub-district and non-CHC hospitals to various departments in the RUHS Hospital. 

Of the 23 doctors, 13 were waiting to be posted by the health directorate. The move increases the number of doctors at RUHS Hospital to more than 50.

According to Times of India, the doctors newly transferred to other facilities include specialists in anaesthesia, gastroenterology and ENT, along with those in specialisations of gynaecology, medicine (three), ortho (two), paediatrics (four) and dermatology. All these health centres and hospitals are located in Dausa, Sambhar, Laxmangarh, Tunga, Shergarh, Makrana, Ramganj Pachwara. The official said this arrangement is temporary and will continue until further orders are made.  


RUHS Medical College has been facing a major scarcity of doctors and requires almost 132 professors, associate professors, assistant professors and medical officers. The college administration requested the government to provide 50 medical officers who passed post-graduation in various specialities to work with the senior faculty at the hospital. Sources said the recent transfer of doctors was part of an initiative to bring in medical staff from all corners since there was a shortage.  

There have been a number of discussions at different levels to resolve the matter of getting senior faculties and doctors for RUHS Hospital. There are only 13 faculty members at RUHS Medical College. Talking to TOI, sources said that as the state government works to ensure that RUHS Hospital operates at maximum capacity, attempts are underway to transfer 12 faculty members from Jaipuria Hospital to RUHS Medical College.

“Numerous discussions have taken place at various levels to address the issue of obtaining senior faculty members and doctors for RUHS Hospital. Although the govt has declared its intention to develop RUHS Hospital as the Rajasthan Institute of Medical Sciences, the shortage of faculty members and doctors remains a major obstacle. The transfer of doctors from other hospitals is a step towards overcoming this challenge and ensuring better healthcare services at RUHS Hospital," said the official.


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