Chennai doctor arrested for allegedly sexually harassing woman at hospital

Published On 2024-10-24 09:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-24 09:45 GMT

Chennai: The Chief of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at the Madras Medical Mission has been arrested following allegations from a woman who claimed that the doctor sexually abused and harassed her while at the hospital.

According to the complaint, a woman employed at a hospital alleged that a doctor had been sexually abusing her since the start of her career there. This prompted her to report the incident to the National Commission for Women and the Chennai District Collector.

Also read- Around 10 more complaints filed by students alleging sexual harassment by suspended Nair Hospital Doctor

This led the Thirumangalam AWPS personnel to conduct an enquiry. After the investigation, it was found that the woman's allegation against the doctor was accurate. Following this, the All Women Police, Thirumangalam, arrested the accused doctor in Tirupati and later brought him to Chennai, as per The Hindu news report. 

Later, he was produced before a magistrate and remanded in judicial custody.

Medical Dialogues had earlier reported that a 45-year-old dentist was booked for allegedly outraging the modesty of a woman by misbehaving and inappropriately touching her at a pub in Madinaguda. The woman was the wife of an IPS officer.

According to the police, the accused was also detained at the Gachibowli police station and was taken into custody. Additionally, he has been served a notice under Section 35 of BNSS (no arrest shall be made without prior permission of the officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police).

The action was taken after CCTV footage of the club depicted the doctor allegedly misbehaving with the woman in an inebriated state, along with recorded statements from the club's manager. After gathering the evidence, the police registered a case against the doctor under Section 79 of BNS, which criminalises actions intended to insult a woman’s modesty.

Also read- Dentist booked for sexually harassing woman at Hyderabad pub


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