Fake Registration of Doctors: Committee finds suspicious documents, Sends Verification Team to 3 States

Published On 2024-10-28 09:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-28 09:25 GMT

Jaipur: In a move to weed out doctors who obtained registration certificates from the Rajasthan Medical Council using fake documents, a five-member committee headed by the Commissioner of Medical Education Iqbal Khan overseeing the investigation has sent teams from the medical education department to three states including Karnataka, Delhi, and Maharashtra. 

The committee was formed under the medical education department and it was tasked to verify the authenticity of the documents submitted by doctors seeking registration with the RMC. 

The investigation has already uncovered several documents that appear suspicious, prompting the committee to send teams to collect educational records directly from medical colleges in Karnataka, Delhi, and Maharashtra.

Also read- Fake Doctor Reg Aftermath: Rajasthan Health dept faces herculean task of now verifying 70,000 doctors

Medical Dialogues had previously reported that the Rajasthan Health Department is currently engaged in the process of verifying the documents provided by more than 70,000 to the Rajasthan Medical Council (RMC) over the years.

This initiative has been taken to identify fake documents submitted to RMC by doctors after a Registrar of the Rajasthan Medical Council (RMC) along with two other personnel were recently suspended in connection a few days ago.

Medical Dialogues had reported that the decision to suspend the RMC Registrar and officials was taken based on an interim report by a five-member committee set up by the State Health Minister Gajendra Singh Khinvsar. Based on the interim report, the Registrar of the Council, Dr Rajesh Sharma, assistant administrative officer Akhilesh Mathur, and Junior Assistant Farhan were suspended with immediate effect.

Speaking to TOI, an official from the Medical Education Department said, "Teams have been sent to check the documents submitted to the RMC on the basis of which they have got their registration. We have found some suspicious documents during investigation."

The team that investigated the documents submitted for the registration of some doctors among 70,000 found significant inconsistencies in the registration process. It revealed that registrations were granted without proper verification of the applicants' documents. While some applications were approved expeditiously without proper verification, others were left pending for extended periods. 

To prevent unauthorized practitioners from endangering public health and showing concern about the potential loopholes, the health department is taking steps to identify and cancel the registration of doctors who have obtained it through fraudulent documents. 

Earlier, the health department has already revoked the registrations of eight doctors found to have used fake documents for RMC registration. 

Also read- 12713 medical grads, 2,086 FMGs granted permanent registration by Rajasthan Medical Council in last 3 years, reveals RTI


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