Gujarat Medical Council suspends 2 doctors for misconduct

Published On 2024-10-24 07:17 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-24 09:02 GMT

New Delhi: Taking action against two doctors from Rajkot and Ahmedabad, the Gujarat Medical Council (GMC) has barred them from practice for one year and six months respectively.

While one of these doctors has been found guilty of committing fraud in the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) scheme, the other doctor, a Government employee, reportedly was absent at the clinic during a surprise visit of the Chief District Health Officer and another unidentified person was treating his patients.

PMJAY false claims 

The Rajkot-based doctor was from Nihit Babycare Children Hospital and Physiotherapy Centre and he allegedly made false claims related to the PMJAY scheme. 

Issuing a notice, the medical council addressed this incident and mentioned, "During the inquiry held by the Executive Committee of the GMC, they were of the unanimous view that the allegations against Dr Masharu appeared to be substantial."

Also Read: Negligence, Insurance Money Fraud: Gujarat Medical Council suspends license of 4 Specialist Doctors

As per the latest media report by Indian Express, the State Medical Council resolved that the doctor "kept newborn patients admitted longer to his hospital to claim benefits of the PMJAY and manipulated pathological test reports, submitting the same to the PMJAY portal to get claims. This action is serious misconduct."

In the circular, the council announced the decision to remove the name of the said doctor from the register of Medical Practitioners of the GMC for one year. The GMC General Body unanimously approved the decision on October 4. Accordingly, the name of the said doctor was removed for one year from December 21 to December 20, 2025.


Apart from this issue, the Council also addressed an issue concerning a doctor from Ahmedabad, who was reportedly absent from the Government Clinic at Kuha village of Daskroi taluka, and allegedly his patients were being treated by someone else.

Addressing this, the medical council notice stated, "During a surprise visit of the Chief District Health Officer, Dr Vivek Yadav was not present at the clinic (in Kuha village of Daskroi taluka in Ahmedabad) and his patients were being treated by another person. This person ran away from the back door on seeing the officials. The patients confirmed that they were not treated by Dr Yadav and a nearby pharmacist said he had never seen him. This action is serious misconduct." The Council has barred this doctor from practice for a period of six months.

Also Read: Fake Registrations of Doctors: Rajasthan Medical Council Registrar, 2 others suspended

Article Source : with inputs

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