5-year-old dies of fever at UP Hospital: 2 doctors terminated, 2 suspended for watching cricket during duty

Written By :  Jyoti bhatia
Published On 2024-10-25 04:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-26 05:55 GMT

Budaun: Following the death of a five-year-old girl from fever at a government medical college hospital in Uttar Pradesh, the health department has terminated the services of two contractual doctors and suspended two others for allegedly failing to attend to her because they were busy watching a cricket match.

The girl's family had alleged that she died because the doctors and the health staff were busy playing cricket instead of treating their daughter.

After the incident, a three-member committee was formed to investigate the matter. They submitted their report on Thursday evening.

According to the PTI report, the Principal of Government Medical College Dr Arun Kumar said that the report confirmed that at the time of the incident, some of the doctors were playing cricket, leaving their duty. Strict action has been taken by the college administration on this negligence.

The deceased girl, Sofia, was brought to the hospital by her father, Nazim, on Wednesday afternoon, said Dr Arun Kumar.

The services of Dr. Shalabh Vaish, Head of Department (ENT Department) were terminated with immediate effect on the charges of gross negligence. The services of Dr Divyanshi Sharma, Junior Resident (Non-Bond), ENT Department were also terminated with immediate effect. The appointment of Dr. Vaish and Dr. Sharma was on contract, Dr Kumar said.

He said that Dr Abhishek Sharma, ENT Department and Dr. Imran, Pediatrics Department, have been suspended for one month each, news agency PTI reported.

Dr Kumar further clarified that the suspended and terminated doctors were not playing the cricket match but had gone to watch it. Being involved in other work during duty comes under the category of gross negligence.

"Nazim has alleged that there was no paediatrician available and that the staff directed them to several rooms where no doctors or staff were present," said the principal.

Nazim further claims that after leaving the medical college, he saw doctors and staff playing a cricket match. Despite pleading for help, no medical attention was provided to his daughter, who passed away shortly after.

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