Ex-Delhi HC employee jumps to death from fourth floor of Dwarka Hospital

Published On 2024-10-07 07:31 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-07 07:31 GMT

New Delhi: In an unfortunate incident, a 63-year-old retired Delhi High Court employee allegedly jumped to death from the fourth floor of Delhi's Dwarka Hospital where he was undergoing treatment for anxiety and stress.

The victim, a retired Delhi High Court employee, was being treated for anxiety and stress at the hospital in Mohan Garden area, police said on Saturday.

The incident took place around 8 pm on Friday when the man climbed onto the hospital's terrace on the fourth floor and jumped off, a police officer said.

Also Read:Senior Kolkata Doctor allegedly jumps to death from 10th-floor terrace of her apartment

According to the PTI report, he was taken to the emergency room, where he was declared dead, the officer said, adding that no suicide note was recovered.

The CCTV footage is being reviewed and an inquest proceeding is underway, the police said. 

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