Mumbai: KEM Hospital Employee dies after allegedly being denied Sick Leave, health staff observe protest

Published On 2020-05-27 13:21 GMT   |   Update On 2020-05-27 13:21 GMT

Mumbai - Many doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health workers gathered near Mumbai's KEM hospital wearing masks and different protective gears to observe protest on recently.

Mumbai has been recorded as the city with highest number of Corona victims and health workers are working to handle the condition. In this situation, the anger of the health workers transpired when one employee of health service, an everyday wager, died after his request for leave of absence was allegedly denied by the authority.

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It is reported that he was not feeling well for 4 days and yet he had to work. The news of his death came on Sunday night; however, there are serious questions regarding the cause of his death and it is not yet confirmed whether the death occurred due to COVID-19 infection or not. The body is still in the morgue where it is kept after the demise. The protesters claimed that the family of the deceased should be given compensation.


The protesters have also raised questions regarding the deplorable condition of the KEM hospital and drew attention at the frightful situation regarding the handling of the body of the deceased. KEM Hospital is a health facility run by the Civic body of BMC and due to the rising cases of coronavirus, the capacity of the infrastructure and the health workers are not adequate to handle the situation.

NDTV reported that the bodies are being wrapped in blue plastic and are left in the first floor of the hospital and in the corridor after being moved from an overflowing ground floor mortuary.

This is also reported that there is an adjoining testing lab right next to corridor. The class 4 employees are supposed to take care of the bodies of the deceased; however, due to the shortage of class 4 staffs, the doctors and nurses are compelled to take care of the bodies by themselves which incurred the outrage of the health workers and the recent death of the employee only added to it.  

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Article Source : with inputs

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