Safdarjung Hospital inaugurates sale of clothes, products crafted by Patients with Disabilities

Published On 2024-10-05 05:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-05 05:30 GMT

New Delhi: In a move towards empowerment and inclusivity, centre-run Safdarjung Hospital has launched a unique initiative that highlights clothing and other items created by patients with disabilities. This initiative aims to provide a platform for these individuals to express their creativity while working towards financial independence.

On Friday, the hospital inaugurated a four-day sale featuring a diverse range of items, including clothing, blanket covers, and dolls, all crafted by patients. Having been paused during the pandemic, this initiative has now resumed, underscoring the hospital's commitment to skill development and the empowerment of its patients.

Organized by the Vocational Guidance (VG) section of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, the sale aims to upskill Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and provide them with employment opportunities based on their newfound skills. The VG section has been actively offering training sessions to doctors, teachers, and craft instructors, benefiting both in-patients and out-patients.


According to The Hindu, Dr Suman Badhal, the faculty in charge of the VG Section and Staff, stated, “The hospital undertakes this initiative in an attempt to skill people who have disabilities so that they can get employment based on skills such as stitching.” She added that around 50-60 patients contributed to the items that were up for sale. Most of them, she added, have locomotor disabilities and some have spinal injuries.

The initiative goes beyond simply selling handcrafted items; it signifies a crucial step toward rehabilitation and empowerment. Dr Vandana Talwar, the medical superintendent of the hospital, highlighted that as a healthcare institution, there is a responsibility to extend beyond medical care and contribute to the holistic development of individuals. She emphasized that this sale exemplifies how rehabilitation can profoundly transform lives, showcasing the potential for creativity and independence among patients.

Through initiatives like this, Safdarjung Hospital is setting a precedent for how healthcare institutions can enhance the overall well-being and empowerment of individuals. By equipping patients with the skills to create marketable goods, the hospital actively contributes to transforming lives, providing patients with opportunities to integrate into society and experience a sense of accomplishment. This approach not only fosters creativity but also promotes independence, reinforcing the hospital’s commitment to holistic care.

Also Read: Delhi: Centre to increase budget of equipment aids for disabled persons


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