How much stipend for DNB, DrNB, FNB trainees? Check out NBE guidelines

Published On 2025-03-02 06:15 GMT   |   Update On 2025-03-02 06:15 GMT

New Delhi- The National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) recently invited applications from Hospitals/Medical Institutions/Medical Colleges for accreditation to DNB/DrNB/FNB courses (January / February 2025 Cycle). In this regard, NBE issued a notification detailing the Guidelines for Accredited Hospitals for the amount of stipend to NBE trainees.

The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) accredits hospitals /institutions for running various Broad & Super Specialty courses and Fellowship courses.

The following applications are invited from Hospitals/Medical Institutions/Medical Colleges for obtaining accreditation in DNB, DrNB and FNB courses:


Application invited for

DNB & Direct 6 Year DrNB Courses

 Fresh application for accreditation

 Application for renewal of accreditation for the

departments for which accreditation is valid till December 2025.

DrNB & FNB Courses

 Fresh application for accreditation

 Application for renewal of accreditation for the departments for which accreditation is valid till June 2025.

NBEMS has also introduced a Joint Accreditation Programme for Broad Specialty (DNB) courses.


Start Date for submission of Online Application for Accreditation

(Both Main and Specialty Specific Application)


Last Date for submission of Online Application for Accreditation

(Both Main and Specialty Specific Application)


Last Date for receipt of Hard Copy (Spiral Bind)

(Both Main and Specialty Specific Application separately) at NBEMS Office.


Guidelines for Accredited Hospital

Guidelines for Rotational Posting/Externship of NBEMS trainees outside the Accredited Hospital

Rotational Postings of DNB & FNB trainees: DNB & FNB trainees can be rotated outside the applicant hospital as per guidelines tabulated below: 

Nature of Rotation Nature of Rotation Maximum Permissible period of rotation
Rotation of trainees outside the applicant hospital (for exposure in areas which are deficient in-house) to another NBEMS/NMC recognized center A memorandum of understanding is required to be submitted as per prescribed Annexure - MoU (RP) available Hospital applying for Direct 6 year courses & not having DNB General Surgery in their own hospital are required to rotate its trainees for training in basic principles of surgery to a NBEMS / NMC recognized General Surgery department. 9 months
The departments which do not have all the sub-specialities in-house can rotate its trainees to another NMC/NBEMS recognized centres. Rotation for core areas is not permissible. 06 months
District Hospitals owned by State Government. need to rotate its trainees to Annexed Secondary nodes for exposure in deficient in-house departments (Annexure - Secondary node to be completed) available 01 year
Externship for skill enhancement to centers of excellence; Subject to availability and requirements Direct 6 year course candidates in the 6 th year of their training can be rotated to one of the centers of excellence for additional skill enhancement in specialized procedures Maximum 01 year at any NBEMS/NMC recognized centre of excellence

The externship of NBEMS trainees is not automatic. Proposal for externship should be included as a component of accreditation application for areas which are deficient inhouse. NBEMS consider the proposal along with processing of accreditation application and consider grant of accreditation, including the proposed externship, on fulfilment of minimum requirement.

Rotation of the NBEMS trainees in hospitals/institutions that are not accredited with NBEMS or NMC or Government of India is not permitted. Rotation of NBEMS trainees in core areas of the concerned specialties is not permissible.

The rotation shall be a hands-on experience and not mere observer ship.

The parent hospital/institute have to monitor the training of its candidates. The thesis guide of the candidate shall continue to provide teaching and mentoring support during this period to the trainee.

The stipend of the candidate during this period of training outside the hospital / institute in another accredited institute shall be borne by the parent institute itself.

Both the partnering institutes shall mutually agree on the nature of responsibilities of the respective hospital / institute. A Memorandum of Understanding shall be signed between both the partnering hospitals/institutes as per prescribed Annexure - MoU (RP) available.

Fee to be paid by the NBEMS Trainee:

The Annual course fee prescribed by NBEMS for its courses and payable by the trainee is as follows:


Charges (in INR) per year

Tuition fees


Library fees


Annual Appraisal fees


Accommodation Charges




 Tuition fees: The tuition fees shall cover the cost incurred for accreditation, institutional DNB office, infrastructure and HR, training, teaching & research expenses, guest lecture, thesis support, administrative support expenses.

 Library fee: Library fees shall cover the provisions made by the hospital for subscription of journals and purchase of textbooks for DNB & FNB trainees.

 Annual appraisal fees: The appraisal fees shall cover the arrangements made for the purpose of appraisal of trainees and examiner remuneration.

 Accommodation charges: Electricity and other consumables can be charged on actual basis by the hospital depending upon institutional policy. The accommodation charges cannot be levied if the accredited hospital is not providing accommodation to DNB & FNB trainees. 

The Annual Course fee shall be collected from a candidate as per the public notice issued by the NBEMS from time to time. The training charges and fee guidelines can be seen at Annexure II or NBEMS website can be visited for latest public notice.

The accredited hospital cannot charge any other fees like capitation fees, security deposit, security bond, and caution bond in the form of cash, fixed deposit, bank guarantee, and agreement by any instrument whatsoever. However, Government Hospitals can implement a service bond, if applicable. It is mandatory for each Government Hospitals/concerned State Governments/Authority to provide the details of Service Bond to each concerned counseling conduct authority prior to start of every counseling in every admission session. Service Bond cannot be imposed / applied if it was not provided to the respective Counseling Conduct Authority prior to start of the counseling of a particular admission session. 

Stipend Guidelines

Paying stipend to the NBEMS trainees by the accredited hospitals/medical institutions is compulsory.

According to the NBEMS stipend policy, the hospital shall have to pay the NBEMS trainees a BASIC stipend in accordance to any of the following applicable categories:

i. Basic Stipend prescribed by the NBEMS:

Post MBBS DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses:
Year of DNB Training Stipend (in INR) per month
First Year 35,000/-
Second Year 37,000/-
Third Year 39,000/-
Post Diploma DNB (Broad Specialty) Courses:
First Year 37,000/-
Second Year 39,000/-
2 Years Diploma (Post MBBS - Broad Specialty) Courses:
First Year 35,000/-
Second Year 37,000/-
DrNB (Super Specialty) Courses:
First Year 41,000/-
Second Year 43,000/-
Third Year 45,000/-
FNB Courses:
First Year 41,000/-
Second Year 43,000/-

ii. Stipend for NBEMS trainees in Private or State Government Hospitals/Medical Institutions:

The Private or State Government hospitals/ medical institutions shall have to pay the NBEMS trainees a basic stipend as prescribed by the NBEMS at Sr. no. (i) above or basic stipend according to the respective State Government policy (whichever is higher):

Categories of StatesThe phrase “basic stipend according to state Government policy” in NBEMS stipend guidelines should be interpreted as under:
For DNB / Diploma (Broad Specialty) TraineesFor DrNB (Super Specialty) & FNB Trainees
States where the stipend to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Government Medical Colleges is paid as a consolidated sum (without any break-up of basic pay and allowances)The consolidated sum paid to MD/MS trainees of State Government Medical CollegesThe consolidated sum paid to DM/MCh trainees of State Government Medical Colleges
States where the stipend paid to MD/MS and DM/MCh trainees of State Government Medical Colleges is structured as a “Basic pay plus various allowances” and paid as per recommendations of 7th CPCPay level 10 of 7th CPC* {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 10 in pay matrix of 7 th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively}Pay level 11 of 7th CPC* {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 11 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively}

* This does not include any kind of allowances as may be paid to MD/MS candidates in respective states. It is at liberty to the accredited hospitals to pay any allowances over and above the minimum sum prescribed by NBEMS.

iii. Stipend for NBEMS trainees in Railway, ESIC, Central PSUs, Central Autonomous & Central Government Hospitals / Medical Institutions: The Railway, ESIC, Central PSUs, Central Autonomous & Central Government hospitals / medical institutions shall have to pay the NBEMS trainees a basic stipend as prescribed by the NBEMS at Sr. no. (i) above or basic stipend mentioned as under (whichever is higher):

For DNB / Diploma (Broad Specialty) TraineesFor DrNB (Super Specialty) & FNB Trainees
Basic Stipend as prescribed by the NBEMS OR The Basic Pay * paid to Nonacademic Junior Residents in the concerned Central Govt. hospital OR Pay level 10 of 7th CPC* {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 10 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively} (Equal basic pay * where IDA pattern is followed. IDA pay pattern is followed in PSUs) Whichever in above is higherBasic Stipend as prescribed by the NBEMS OR The Basic Pay * paid to Nonacademic Senior Residents in the concerned Central Govt. hospital OR Pay level 11 of 7th CPC* {Cell 1, 2 and 3 of pay level 11 in pay matrix of 7th CPC correspond to first, second and third year of training respectively} (Equal basic pay * where IDA pattern is followed. IDA pay pattern is followed in PSUs) Whichever in above is higher

* This does not include any kind of allowances as may be paid by the respective authority / hospitals. It is at liberty to the accredited hospitals to pay any allowances over and above the basic pay.

4th, 5th & 6th year trainees of a Direct 6 year NBEMS courses shall be paid stipend equal to 1st, 2nd & 3rd year trainees of a Super specialty course respectively provided that theyclear the DNB Part-I Examination.

In order to maintain the parity to basic stipend guidelines, the rate of stipend needs to be periodically revised by the respective hospitals/ medical institutions in accordance to the revision of stipend made by the respective State Governments (for Sr. no. ii) or by the Central Government/Authorities (for Sr. no. iii) from time to time.

NBEMS accredited hospitals are at liberty to pay NBEMS trainees a monthly stipend more than the prescribed stipend.

It is also desirable that the hospital provides accommodation to their trainees in addition to their stipend. However, the hospital shall not reduce the stipend of the trainees in lieu of providing accommodations.

Please keep visiting the NBEMS website for updates, if any, in NBEMS stipend guidelines. Functionaries of the applicant hospital

The applicant hospitalshall designate the following authorities from itsstaff for NBEMS courses:

Head of the Institute/ Chief Medical Superintendent / CMO In-charge /Civil Surgeon/ Director: Nodal officer for compliance of the rules and guidelines governing the programme as prescribed by NBEMS.

NBEMS course Co-Ordinator (Single Point of Contact- SPoC): He/She shall be the resource person either from the management or academic staff who shall communicate with NBEMS pertaining to smooth running of the NBEMS courses. The communication from NBEMS shall be sent to SPoC.

Head of the Department / Senior Faculty/ In-charge: Designated head of the applicant department/Senior faculty/ In-charge shall be responsible for all administrative formalities (such as verifying faculty declaration forms, signing applications/ various documents on behalf of the applicant department etc.) with NBEMS related to NBEMS courses. He/She shall be deciding the academic & duty/posting roster of NBEMS trainees.

It is mandatory that the applicant hospital nominates the aforesaid functionaries for the DNB course and indicate the same prominently with contact telephone no, mobile no and email-ID at the hospital’s Notice Board for NBEMS trainees

Grievance Redressal Committee (Accredited Hospital):

To address work-place based issues between the NBEMS trainees and NBEMS accredited hospitals, a Grievance Redressal Committee to be mandatorily constituted at each of the accredited hospital.

The accredited hospitals shall be required to constitute this committee as per composition tabulated below and widely notify the provisions made for addressing grievances of the NBEMS trainees. Members Role
1 Head of the Institute/ Chief Medical Superintendent / CMO Incharge /Civil Surgeon/ Director. Chairman
2 Senior Faculty from Medical Specialty (In-House). Member
3 Senior Faculty from Surgical Specialty (In-House). Member
4 NBEMS programme Coordinator/SPoC of the hospital. Member
5 Medical Superintendent/ HOD or equivalent in the hospital Member
6 Representative of NBEMS trainees of the hospital. Member
7 External Medical Expert of the Rank of Professor of a Government Medical College (or equivalent) with Basic Science background. Member

The Terms of Reference for this committee shall be as under:

 To attend to grievances of registered NBEMS trainees related to NBEMS training against the hospital.

 To attend to disciplinary issues related to NBEMS training against registered NBEMS trainees of the hospital.

 To submit an action taken report to NBEMS in matters which are escalated for redressal at NBEMS level.

Any grievance related to DNB/DrNB/FNB training shall be attended by this committee. Such matter shall not ordinarily be entertained by NBEMS, however, if the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the hospital Grievance Redressal Committee, such matters shall be forwarded for further adjudication by NBEMS.

District DNB/DrNB Programme at State Government owned District/ General/ Civil hospitals

State Government willing to start NBEMS Programme at State Government owned District/ General/Civil hospitals shall have to identify potential hospitals which meet the minimum accreditation requirements as detailed under chapter 4. However, the applicant district hospital shall be able to utilize the facilities and infrastructure of annexed Secondary node for the purpose of training of NBEMS trainees at the applicant district hospital.

The Annexed Secondary node is a recognized Medical college offering PG courses/ NBEMS accredited Government hospital which can supplement the following requirements at the applicant district hospital:

 Basic Science teaching and training

 Library Facilities

 Research Support

 Hands on training

 Rotational Posting in Sub-specialty areas

The State Government will be required to ensure that an operational tie up with annexed secondary node, the facilities/ infrastructure of which are proposed to be utilized for training of NBEMS trainees at the applicant district hospital, continues uninterrupted for the period of accreditation.

No changes in the faculty should be made within the period of accreditation. However, under extreme circumstances if the Faculty/Guide present at the time of assessment at any of the applicant district hospital or adjunct PG teacher of annexed secondary node is to be replaced, the same hasto be carried out within 3 months under intimation to NBEMS and minimum faculty status shall be maintained at all times during the period of accreditation.

Upto 50% NBEMS accredited DNB including direct 6 years course seats in the hospitals/medical institutions under the State government / Railway Board / ESI / PSUs / Municipal Corporation etc can be reserved for regular in-service candidates of the concerned State/Authority. The remaining 50% seats in these hospitals shall be open to be filled on All India basis. Statutory reservation (SC, ST, OBC, EWS & PWD candidates) on these seats shall be applicable in the Government hospitals. The concerned State Government / Concerned Authority shall be required to maintain the reservation roster for State quota In-Service seats and for Central pool Post Diploma DNB (secondary) seats.

The State Government shall be required to ensure that NBEMS training at applicant district hospitals is carried out in accordance with prescribed NBEMS guidelines. The following undertakings have to be submitted along with the application form:

(i) An undertaking of the Principal Secretary (Health) to the State Government confirming to the same shall be required to be submitted as per prescribed format along with Main application form.

(ii) An undertaking for tie up with Secondary Node shall be required to be submitted as per the prescribed Annexure – Secondary Node available at natboard website under the link Downloads. The tie up may be undertaken only for those areas which are deficient in-house.

To view the official Notice, Click here :


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