NBE Invites Applications From Hospitals Seeking Accreditation For Post MBBS Two Year Diploma Courses July - August Cycle, details

Published On 2023-07-05 05:47 GMT   |   Update On 2023-07-05 11:50 GMT

Delhi: Applications are invited from the hospitals for seeking accreditation with NBEMS for Post MBBS two-year Diploma courses in 9 broad specialty programs for July / August Cycle. The National Board of Examinations (NBE) has released a detailed information bulletin.

The last date for online submission of the application form is 31.8.2023, and the last date for receipt of the Hard Copy of the application form at the NBEMS Office is 15.9.2023.

National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences will administer the following Post MBBS 2 Years NBEMS Diploma courses –

Post MBBS Diploma Courses -

S. No.


Name of the Qualification





Obstetrics & Gynaecology






Family Medicine

D Fam. Med. (NBEMS)





Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)



Radio Diagnosis



Tuberculosis & Chest Disease



Emergency Medicine


General instructions –

The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) accredits hospitals/institutions for running Post MBBS 02 years Diploma courses in nine Broad specialties. The hospitals/institutions willing to run these courses can apply for Accreditation with NBEMS.

The hospitals running three years of DNB courses in any of the nine specialties can also apply for Diploma Courses with the same infrastructure. However, the faculty which has been considered for the DNB course will not be considered for the Diploma course i.e. the applicant hospital shall be required to have separate faculty for the Diploma courses.

MCI/NMC courses and NBEMS Diploma courses cannot run concurrently in the same specialty in the same hospital as they share the same beds, resources, and faculty. The grant of accreditation is solely at the discretion of NBEMS and subject to the fulfillment of the minimum Accreditation criteria prescribed by NBEMS.

Mere online registration of the applicant hospital/ online submission of the application form/ payment of accreditation fee/fulfillment of the prescribed accreditation criteria does not render an applicant hospital/institute eligible for the grant of accreditation or imply that NBEMS must accredit the applicant hospital/institute.

NBEMS reserves its absolute rights to alter/modify/delete/amend any or all of the criteria as given in this information bulletin at any stage during the process.

Applicant hospital/institute shall have no rights or equity in their favor merely because they have submitted their application seeking accreditation with NBEMS. Applicant hospitals/institutes must study the information bulletin and instructions for the fulfillment of eligibility criteria before submitting the application form.

The existing schedule, pattern, policy, and guidelines for accreditation are for ready reference only but are not to be treated because the NBEMS is bound to follow the same in the future. In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the instructions/terms/rules/criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/grant of accreditation/any of the information contained in the information bulletin, the interpretation of NBEMS shall be final and binding on all the parties. NBEMS reserves its right to relax any of the criteria/clauses if deemed appropriate in case of a grant of fresh/renewal accreditation.

Submission of false information or fabricated records for the purpose of seeking accreditation may lead to disqualification for accreditation and debarment from seeking accreditation in the future.

Applications of applicant hospitals/institutes seeking accreditation with NBEMS that do not fulfill the minimum criteria prescribed may be summarily rejected by NBEMS at Pre - Assessment stage. The grant of accreditation by NBEMS is purely provisional and governed by the terms and conditions stated in the accreditation agreement. A copy of the same will be sent to the hospital after NBEMS has accredited it.

Applicant hospital/institute may kindly note that the use of any agent or agency or any party who is not an employee or office bearer of the applicant hospital/institute for the purpose of preparing, drafting, submitting, and/or representing the applicant hospital/institute is strictly prohibited. In the event of such an instance being brought to the notice of NBEMS, NBEMS reserves its absolute right to summarily reject the application besides further action as may be deemed appropriate, including but not limited to debarment from filing an application seeking accreditation in the future.

Statements made by the applicant hospital shall be certified by the Head of the Institute at the appropriate place, and the claims made in the application shall be supported by relevant document(s). Applications submitted by the hospital/institute not found to be compiled in accordance with the prescribed guidelines may not be processed.

The applicant hospitals must provide correct, updated, and factual information at the time of online submission of the application form. Additional information must be furnished by the applicant hospitals whenever sought by NBEMS or if there are changes in the faculty or infrastructure of the applicant hospitals pursuant to the submission of the application form.

Request for change in the specialty/clubbing of applications will not be considered under any circumstances. The application form has to be submitted as per the guidelines for application forms completion, printing, and submission as contained in this information Bulletin and Online Accreditation Application Portal.

The applications for accreditation of a hospital/institute for NBEMS Diploma courses shall be invited twice a year as per the following schedule -

1. January/February Application Cycle

2. July/August Application Cycle

The jurisdiction for any dispute shall be in New Delhi only.

Online Accreditation Application Portal –

Applicant hospitals/institutes shall be required to submit the application form online through Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) as per the steps indicated below –

1. Create a User – Online

2. Create a profile of the applicant hospital – Online. NBEMS will verify the hospital profile. The applicant hospital cannot submit the application unless NBEMS verifies the profile.

3. Fill out the online application form

4. Complete the application form and upload Annexure – Online

5. Fee payment through online payment portal – Online

6. Print and submit the hard copy of the Application form – Offline

Steps to create a “new user” –

1. Hospital registration - to log in as a new user on the NBE Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) https://accr.natboard.edu.in. Click on Hospital Login/Sign-up tab and then “NEW USER”

2. Read the information bulletin before you proceed with New User Registration

3. Enter the USER ID, Password, Mobile Number & Email of the authorized personnel of the hospital. The same User Id and Password will be used for future logins to the Accreditation portal

4. OTPs will be sent to the Mobile number and the Email address provided by the hospital in the USER DETAILS column. Enter both the OTPs (Mobile & Email) for a successful registration

5. After the completion of the registration process, an acknowledgment email, “User Registration successful with Online Accreditation Application Portal,” will be sent to the registered email address

Steps for creating a profile of the applicant hospital –

1. After logging into the Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP), the hospital has to create a profile of the hospital

2. Enter the details of the hospital (mandatory fields), save, and move to the next page

3. Enter the details of the Senior Functionaries of the Hospital with their Email IDs & phone number

4. Save the details (mandatory fields) and move to the next page

Uploading of the hospital profile –

1. The printout of the Hospital Profile on the official letterhead of the applicant Hospital has to be taken. It is to be signed by the Administrative Head of the hospital along with the stamp/seal of the concerned authority

2. Scan the letter in jpeg/jpg/pdf format with a maximum size of up to 1 MB

3. Upload the scanned letter under the section “UPLOAD HOSPITAL PROFILE” given at the bottom of the page

4. After successfully uploading the scanned letter, click “Register Applicant Hospital” to complete the hospital registration process

NBE will authenticate the uploaded profile of the hospital within 2 working days. Once the hospital profile is authenticated by NBE, the hospital will be able to use the Online Accreditation Application Portal (OAAP) for accreditation-related activities.

Accreditation fee –

Applicant hospitals/institutes seeking new accreditation or renewal of accreditation in any specialty must pay an accreditation fee of Rs. 2,00,000/- Plus GST @18% for each specialty. The online application form fee for each specialty is Rs. 3,000/- Plus GST @5%.

The application fee to be paid for each application form -

Accreditation Fee for each Specialty

Rs 200000/-

GST @ 18% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 36000/-

Application Form Fee

Rs. 3000/-

GST @ 5% on Accreditation fee

Rs. 150/-

Total fee to be paid per specialty

Rs. 239150/-

Defense Institutions are exempted from submitting Accreditation Fees of Rs. 200000/-. However, the Application Form Fees of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% shall be required to be paid.

Applicant hospital/institute shall be able to pay the above-mentioned fee only through the Online Payment Portal of NBEMS. Payment made through any other portal shall not be accepted. The application form shall only be considered successfully submitted if the accreditation fee has been paid successfully to NBEMS. NBEMS shall not be responsible for any transaction failure or delay in the processing of the transaction.

A partial refund of the Accreditation Fee is admissible under the following conditions -

Refund of Accreditation Fee admissible*

Terms & Conditions

90% of total fee#

  • If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital/institute within 4 weeks of

the last date for online application submission


  • The incomplete application is summarily rejected without subjecting it to a detailed “Pre-assessment processing.”

50% of total fee#

  • If the application is withdrawn by the applicant hospital/institute after 4 weeks of the last date for online application submission to NBEMS but before the assessment of the applicant department by NBEMS appointed assessor.

  • If the application is rejected at the pre-assessment level (prior to the assessment of the department by NBEMS appointed assessor) due to non- fulfillment of minimum accreditation criteria and/or the hospital fails to submit definite compliance within the stipulated time (if so required) to the Pre - Assessment deficiencies communicated to the hospital by NBEMS.

No refund shall be admissible

  • Once the assessment of the applicant department has been conducted by NBEMS

* Application Form Fee of Rs. 3,000/- + GST @ 5% on Application Form Fee (i.e. a total of Rs. 3150/-) is non-refundable under any circumstance.

# GST paid by the hospital shall be refunded proportionately. For Example:

Refundable Fee Amount GST Refundable Total


90% of Rs.1,80,000/- Rs.32,400/- Rs.2,12,400/-

Accreditation fees

50% of

Accreditation fees Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,18,000/-

NBE has further notified that grossly incomplete applications or applications not fulfilling the minimum accreditation criteria shall be closed at the Pre-assessment level i.e. without undertaking any physical assessment/ inspection of the applicant hospital.

Compliance submission to Pre - Assessment Deficiencies: The applicant hospital shall be permitted to submit to NBEMS the compliance to deficiencies noted in the pre-assessment processing of the applications.

Assessment of the applicant hospital: NBEMS shall appoint an assessor to undertake the physical assessment /inspection of the hospital with regard to infrastructure, facilities, faculty, patient load, and other related information. The assessment schedule will be intimated to the applicant hospital 2 weeks in advance. The exact date of the physical assessment, along with the details of the NBEMS appointed assessor shall be informed to the applicant hospital 1-2 days prior to the date of assessment/inspection.

Post Assessment Processing: The application form and the documents submitted by the hospital, along with the assessment report of the NBEMS-appointed assessor, shall be placed before the NBEMS Accreditation Committee.

It usually takes 6-9 months to complete the processing of the application form (from the date of receipt of the hard copy of the application form at NBEMS till approval from the Governing Body, NBEMS, and communication of the final outcome to the applicant hospital).

The accreditation, if granted by NBEMS, is purely provisional and is valid for a period of up to five years. Once the accreditation is granted to the applicant hospital in any specialty, the hospital will be required to sign an Accreditation Agreement, which contains the various terms & conditions applicable to the accredited hospital.

Annual review of accreditation –

1. NBEMS shall undertake an annual review of the accredited department in the 3rd year of the accreditation cycle to ensure that the hospital is complying with the terms & conditions of the Accreditation Agreement and is fulfilling the minimum NBEMS accreditation criteria.

2. The accredited Post MBBS Diploma seat of a department may be excluded from the counseling seat matrix if the hospital fails to complete the annual review of the concerned specialty successfully.

Minimum accreditation criteria –

The applicant hospital -

Clinical establishment -

The applicant Hospital/Institute should be a clinical establishment having the requisite infrastructure of minimum prescribed beds providing comprehensive OPD and IPD-based medical services in a single campus. Any clubbing of infrastructure, facilities, and faculty of multiple hospitals/units of the applicant hospital is not permitted for seeking accreditation in the name of the applicant hospital.

The applicant hospital should have a minimum of 02 years of standing in the clinical establishment before it can be considered for commencement of NBEMS Diploma courses. However, the hospital can apply for seeking accreditation with NBEMS after completing 01 years in clinical operations. Years in clinical operation should be substantiated with supportive documents such as a certificate of registration of the applicant hospital under applicable acts & rules. Failure to substantiate the minimum required period in clinical operations (i.e. at least 01 year by the last date of application submission) with supportive documents shall invite closure of the application.

Mandatory regulatory / licensing approvals and all statutory requirements/clearances should have been obtained from appropriate administrative authorities / State Government / Central Government / Pollution Control Board Certificate / Municipal corporations, and various councils. It shall be the responsibility of the hospital to obtain the necessary clearances, and NBEMS shall not be responsible if the hospital fails to obtain or comply with any required mandatory certifications such as but not limited to -

1. Certificate of Registration of the hospital under applicable Acts and Rules

2. Pollution Control Board Certificate issued by State Government for Biomedical waste Management

3. Valid Fire Safety Certificate from State Fire Department

4. Building Complex Occupancy Certificate

5. Certificate of Incorporation of Parent Company/ Certificate of Registrar of Society (if applicable)

6. AERB approval for operations of Medical Diagnostic equipment (X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, PET Scan, Linear Accelerator, etc.)

7. Certificate issued by the State Government to the agency which is authorized for Bio-Medical waste management of the applicant hospital

8. Other regulatory approvals which may be specific to the specialty applied for seeking accreditation

Beds & other Infrastructural requirement for NBEMS Diploma courses -


Minimum Beds required in the department

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology

20 Beds

  • Tuberculosis & Chest Disease

20 Beds

  • Pediatrics

20 beds

  • Family Medicine

40 Beds

  • 10 beds each in General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and


• Beds for Family Medicine Diploma courses may overlap with other specialties. For example, 150 bedded hospitals with 20 beds each in General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, and Obstetrics & Gynaecology may seek accreditation for diploma courses in all the respective specialties and Family Medicine.

• The Paediatrics or General Medicine Department shall be the nodal department for Family Medicine.


Minimum Beds required in the department

  • Anaesthesiology

  • Radio Diagnosis

Reference is made to optimal caseload in clinical disciplines and associated labs and facilities.

Essential equipment and specialty-specific modalities required should be available. In certain disciplines, access to IPD services and operative infrastructure shall be assessed.

For NBEMS Diploma in Radio Diagnosis, the Department of Radio Diagnosis should be an integral part of the hospital and must have the following imaging modalities:


• Ultrasound including color Doppler

• Spiral / multi-slice CT

The Department of Radio Diagnosis should be in possession of all regulatory clearances, namely AERB

/ Bio-medical radioactive waste management /

radiation physics and radiology workstation.

  • Ophthalmology

10 beds

  • Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

10 beds

  • Emergency Medicine

· Minimum bed requirement in the emergency department should be 11 beds of which there should be 1 triage bed, 3 beds with all resuscitative facilities (including ventilators) for the ‘red’ category, 5 beds for the ‘yellow’ category, and 2 beds for ‘green’ category patients.

  • All 11 beds should have bedside monitoring facilities.

· At least 10 ICU beds in the hospital, of which a minimum of 3 should be ventilated beds.

· Round-the-clock availability of cardiac biomarkers (troponin, D-dimer, BNP/NT-ProBNP), arterial blood gas, and hemogram within the hospital, preferably in ED.

· At least one ultrasound machine with linear, curvilinear, and echo probes to be available in the ED round-the-clock.

Minimum Eligible Qualification & Experience of Faculty for Diploma Courses -


Minimum Eligible Qualification(s)

Minimum Experience after PG in Minimum Eligible


Senior Consultant

Junior Consultant



(Anaesthesiology) or


5 Years

2 Years

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

DNB/MS/MD (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) or


5 Years

2 Years



(Ophthalmology) or equivalent

5 Years

2 Years

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)



5 Years

2 Years


DNB/MD (Paediatrics) or equivalent

5 Years

2 Years

Radio Diagnosis

DNB/MD (Radio Diagnosis) or equivalent

5 Years

2 Years

Tuberculosis & Chest Disease

DNB/MD (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases

/Respiratory Diseases/ Pulmonary Medicine) or


5 Years

2 Years

Family Medicine

DNB / MD / MS (Family Medicine, General Medicine,

Paediatrics, General Surgery or Obstetrics & Gynaecology) or


5 Years

2 Years

One Sr.



MD / DNB Emergency Medicine

5 Years

(In Emergency Medicine)

2 Years

(In Emergency Medicine)

Two Jr.



One Jr. Consultant with MD / DNB Emergency Medicine

Qualification having 2 years of Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine

Two Jr. Consultants



Another Jr. Consultant with MD / DNB Anaesthesiology /

General Medicine/ General Surgery or equivalent having 5

years of experience in respective specialty

The following documents have to be submitted by the applicant hospital in support of the proposed faculty being working full-time at the applicant hospital -

1. Form-16/16A of the proposed faculty downloaded from the TRACES website or provided by the employer – Mandatory to be submitted

2. Form-26AS of the proposed faculty downloaded from the TRACES website – Optional

3. Bipartite Agreement and affidavits – In case the proposed faculty is not willing to submit Form-26AS, the applicant hospital will be required to submit to NBEMS a Bipartite Agreement and affidavits as proof of working of the proposed faculty on a full-time basis in the applicant hospital. A separate Bipartite Agreement and affidavits must be submitted for each proposed faculty. The Bipartite Agreement and the affidavits can be seen at https://accr.natboard.edu.in/ under the link Downloads.

4. Tripartite Agreement and affidavits - In case of the applicant hospital has faculty members who are getting their Form-16/16A from the parent office of the applicant hospital/ outsourcing agency (engaged by the applicant hospital), the applicant hospital will be required to submit to NBEMS a Tripartite Agreement and affidavits as a proof of working of the proposed faculty on a full-time basis in the applicant hospital. The Tripartite Agreement and the affidavits can be seen at https://accr.natboard.edu.in/ under the link Downloads.

Grant of Diploma Seats: Subject to fulfillment of the minimum accreditation criteria, the maximum number of seats that can be granted to the applicant hospital in the concerned specialty is -


Maximum Diploma Seats*

1 Senior Consultant


2 Junior Consultants


Patient load requirements for diploma courses –


Minimum Patient Load per year


Tuberculosis & Chest Disease

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

• Total OPD: 2500

• Total IPD: 500

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology

• Total OPD: 2500 Total IPD: 500

  • A total of 500 procedures (Major and Minor combined) per annum should be performed in the applicant department. Out of 500 procedures, the obstetrical component shall be 300 per year & gynecological component shall be 200 per year.

• The applicant department shall have minimum of 150 normal vaginal deliveries per annum.


Minimum Patient Load per year

  • Ophthalmology

• Total OPD: 2500

• IPD: Primarily Day Care/ Consultation based Specialty; Department should have adequate surgical caseload and spectrum of diagnosis to support PG teaching & training.

  • The applicant department shall perform a minimum of 500 major surgeries per year.

Family Medicine

• Total OPD: 5000

• Total IPD: 1000

(This is inclusive of OPD & IPD load in General Medicine, General Surgery,

Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

  • Anaesthesiology
  • The department shall have an adequate number of operation theatres.

  • The following departments shall be available In- house:
    1. Obstetrics & Gynaecology

2. General Surgery/Orthopaedics (Anyone)

  1. ICU – Minimum 10 beds ICU inclusive of all specialties
  2. Ophthalmology/ENT (Desirable)

5. Pain clinic (Desirable)

  • Departments should have adequate caseload and

case mix (spectrum of diagnosis) in all essential modalities to support PG teaching &training.

  • Radio Diagnosis

The Department of Radio Diagnosis should be an integral part of the hospital and must have the following imaging modalities:


• Ultrasound including color Doppler

• Spiral / multi-slice CT

  • Emergency Medicine

4000 to 6000 visits in the casualty and emergency of the applicant hospital.

Physical facilities & supportive services –‘

Outpatient Department: The applicant hospital should possess adequate space for -

1. Registration of patients and facilities for centralized & computerized record keeping with proper indexing (such as HIS data etc.)

2. Adequate number of rooms for examining the patients in privacy.

3. Case conference room/teaching room in the OPD area

In-Patient Department: The hospital should possess adequate space for the doctor's duty room with adequate facilities for the toilet, adequate space for each bed and in between, for a side laboratory, for clinical investigations, and a separate room for the clinical conference (ward teaching), etc.

Emergency Medical/ Critical Care: The applicant hospital should have 24-hour emergency and critical care services having an adequate number of beds with supportive facilities for resuscitation and good medical cover, including Emergency Surgery O.T., ICU, etc.

OT Complex: Hospitals seeking accreditation with NBEMS in surgical specialties should have -

1. Adequate number of operation theatres: Modular/Major/Minor

2. Essential Surgical & Anaesthesia equipment in OT, Post Op Care area, and Intensive Care units

3. Anesthesiologists both for the hospital service and training of candidates

4. Other Allied Health/Paramedical staff

5. Intensive Care Unit for surgical emergencies/critical care of patients

6. Post-operative ward/Recovery Area

7. Simulation/Skill Lab-based hands-on training provisions for training of NBEMS trainees

Supportive Services: The applicant hospital should have provisions for necessary supportive services for patient care as well as for the training of NBEMS Diploma trainees such as -

1. Radiology & Essential Imaging modalities

2. Clinical Biochemistry

3. Clinical Haematology

4. Clinical Microbiology

5. Surgical Pathology/Histopathology, Cytology

6. Blood Bank/Storage

7. Dietetics department with a qualified dietician


9. Medical Record Department

10. Any special diagnostic or therapeutic support service required for the applicant department

The fee to be paid by the Trainee -


Charges (in INR) per year

Tuition fees


Library fees


Annual Appraisal fees


Accommodation Charges




To view the notices, click on the links below -

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