Fact Check: Can almonds, saunf, black pepper and mishri powder with milk increase eyesight and get rid of reading glasses?

Written By :  Dr Nitisha Kalia
Medically Reviewed By :  Dr Arvind Chopra
Published On 2024-09-12 11:37 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-10 08:16 GMT

An Instagram post claims that almonds, saunf (fennel seeds), black pepper and mishri powder with milk can increase eyesight and get rid of reading glasses. This claim is False.


A viral Instagram reel suggests that combining almonds, saunf (fennel seeds), black pepper, and mishri powder mixed with milk can enhance eyesight and remove the need for reading glasses. Mix 15 to 20 almonds, a little fennel, 10 to 15 black peppercorns, and mishri in a blender and grind them into a fine powder. After that, take the mixture out in a container. Consume one teaspoon of this powder daily by mixing it with lukewarm milk. It is claimed by the user neelampandey93111 that this will improve your eyesight, and for those who wear glasses, they will supposedly get rid of them quickly. The video has 497,566 likes and can be accessed here.

Fact Check

This claim made by Instagram User is False. Eye glasses cannot be removed without surgical interventions.

Health Benefits of Almonds, Saunf, Black Pepper and Milk

Almonds (Prunus dulcis), part of the Rosaceae family, have long been valued for their rich nutrient content and are increasingly popular as a health food. Research on their composition has revealed a wealth of essential nutrients, including fatty acids, lipids, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. However, their nutritional quality is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, prompting further investigation into how these factors affect the nut’s composition. Additionally, recent research highlights their prebiotic properties, further enhancing their role in promoting overall health.


Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) also known as Saunf in Hindi is a type of herb belonging to the Apiaceae family and 50% of its seeds contain fiber. Fennel commonly known as saunf has various pharmacological effects, including anti-allergic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-stress, and cytotoxicity activity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states, 100g of fennel seeds include 345kcal, 15.8g protein, 52.3 g carbohydrate, 14.9g total fat, 39.8g total dietary fiber, 1200mg calcium, 18.5mg iron, 385mg magnesium, 487mg phosphorus, 1690mg potassium, and 88mg sodium. 

Black pepper (Piper nigrum), known as the "King of spices," is not only valued for enhancing flavor but also for its numerous medicinal properties. Rich in bioactive compounds like piperine, it offers antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and hypolipidemic effects. Studies have shown its potential to fight infections and reduce oxidative stress. Black pepper also possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties.

Milk is a nutrient-dense food providing 18 essential nutrients, including proteins, fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D, which support metabolism and health. It offers numerous health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and bone-strengthening properties. Globally recommended, milk is vital for children's growth and beneficial for adult health.

Can almonds, saunf, black pepper and mishri powder with milk increase eyesight and get rid of reading glasses?

While the ingredients almonds, saunf, black pepper and milk but there is no scientific evidence or medical consensus to support the claim that these ingredients with milk can increase eyesight and get rid of glasses. 

People get eyeglasses primarily to correct refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia (age-related difficulty focusing on close objects). These conditions occur when the eye's shape prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, leading to blurry vision. As people age, natural changes like presbyopia and cataracts may also require the use of glasses. In addition, some eye conditions like amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (crossed eyes) can be managed with corrective lenses. Glasses are also used for protection, such as reducing digital eye strain with blue-light lenses or protecting against UV rays with prescription sunglasses. Glasses can only be removed through LASIK, a type of refractive surgery. 

Almonds and Fennel seeds are a rich source of Vitamin E and there is limited scientific evidence supporting that Vitamin E may promote eye health.

Fazira Latib Ratib et. al.'s article reports that Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, two forms of vitamin E, exhibit antioxidant and neuroprotective effects, which may help lower intraocular pressure and safeguard optic nerve cells.

An article published in Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal highlights conflicting evidence concerning the role of vitamins A and E in preventing eye diseases. Several epidemiological studies associate low vitamin E levels with a higher risk of nuclear or cortical cataracts. Furthermore, some research indicates that nutrition, especially to oxidative stress, may impact intraocular pressure and the risk of developing glaucoma.

It’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence indicating that black pepper, mishri, or milk contribute to eye health once you get eye glasses. Additionally, no evidence or medical consensus supports the claim that a mixture of almonds, fennel seeds (saunf), black pepper, and mishri with milk can improve eyesight or eliminate the need for reading glasses. 

The Medical Dialogues Fact Check Team spoke with Dr. Rita Dash, Senior Consultant Ophthalmology, Manipal Hospital, Bhubaneshwar and she explained, "Your eyes are essential sensory organs, allowing you to perceive the world by capturing light and turning it into signals that your brain uses to create vision. Understandably, many of us are concerned about maintaining good eyesight, which leads people to seek remedies and follow social media advice, hoping to eliminate the need for glasses. One such idea is the consumption of almonds, saunf (fennel seeds), mishri (rock sugar), and black pepper with milk for improving vision.

While these ingredients are undoubtedly nutritious and beneficial for overall health, they cannot eliminate the need for glasses or correct genetic factors that affect vision. Here's why:

1. Genetic Factors: The size and shape of your eyes are genetically determined. People with elongated eyeballs need minus-power (-) lenses to correct their vision, while those with shorter eyeballs need plus-power (+) lenses. These structural issues cannot be corrected with food.

2. Age-Related Vision Changes: As people age, particularly after 40, they often require reading glasses due to a condition called presbyopia. This occurs naturally as the lens of the eye becomes less flexible, making it harder to focus on close objects. No food or supplement can prevent or reverse this condition.

3. Cylindrical Lens Needs: People with astigmatism, where the shape of the cornea is irregular, require cylindrical lenses for correction. Nutritional supplements cannot change the shape of the cornea or cure astigmatism.

4. Benefits for Vitamin Deficiency: While the mentioned foods are rich in nutrients, they primarily benefit individuals with specific deficiencies. For example, children with dry eyes due to vitamin A deficiency may see improvements with proper nutrition, including foods like almonds and milk, which are rich in vitamins and healthy fats. However, this is different from correcting refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness).

In conclusion, while almonds, saunf, mishri, and black pepper with milk are healthy additions to your diet, they cannot replace glasses or correct the structural issues of the eye that require lens correction. For maintaining eye health, it is best to follow a balanced diet, protect your eyes from strain (especially from screens), and consult with an eye care professional for proper corrective measures."

Dr Sukanya Meikandasivam, Consultant - Ophthalmology, Gleneagles BGS Hospital Kengeri, Bengaluru explained further "The combination of saunf,mishri, black pepper with milk has nutritive value to ensure healthy eyes. Almonds are rich in vitamin E and omega fatty acids. Mishri, black pepper also have anti oxidants to help in good eye health. The combined effect helps in cell regeneration, and reduce brain fog. Drinking it at bed time can help in inducing sleep due to presence of tryptophan, that relaxes the nerves. However, as refractive error is due to axial length and growth related measurements, one cannot totally avoid glasses. "

Medical Dialogues Final Take

Almonds and fennel seeds are rich in Vitamin E, but there is limited scientific evidence supporting its role in promoting eye health. No evidence supports the contribution of black pepper, mishri, or milk to eye health. However, no medical consensus supports the claim that a mixture of almonds, fennel, black pepper, and mishri with milk improves eyesight or removes the need for glasses, which, as of now can only be corrected through surgical methods.

Thus, the claim that almonds, saunf, black pepper and mishri powder with milk increase eyesight and get rid of reading glasses is FALSE.

Claim :  Can almonds, saunf, black pepper and mishri powder with milk increase eyesight and get rid of reading glasses?
Claimed By :  Instagram
Fact Check :  False

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