Only MBBS: Gujarat Medical Council warns FMGs on using MD, MS titles

Published On 2024-10-25 07:32 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-25 08:47 GMT

Ahmedabad: The Gujarat Medical Council has warned the Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGs) practising in the State not to use 'MD', 'MS', or 'Physician' etc. titles in their documents, stationery, clinic boards, or nameplates.

Asking them to only write 'MBBS', the Gujarat Medical Council has warned them that if they are found using such titles, their licences will be suspended, TOI has reported.

GMC issued these directions to the FMGs in its order dated October 21, 2024. In the order, the Council stated that the use of such titles as 'MD' or 'Physician' on their stationery, nameplates, visiting cards, signboards, and receipts by medical graduates from abroad would be a violation of the GMC rules.

Also Read: Gujarat Medical Council suspends 2 doctors for misconduct

As per the latest media report by the Times of India, apart from barring the FMGs from using such titles, the Council has also clarified that if the medical graduates from abroad are qualified to use such titles, they must obtain a licence from the GMC.

Medical graduates from abroad are often found using titles - 'MD' and 'MS' on their letterheads depending on the countries from where they pursued their undergraduate medical education. In India, 'MD' and 'MS' degrees such postgraduate specialisations such as 'Doctor of Medicine' and 'Master of Surgery' respectively.

In order to avoid confusion in the minds of Indian citizens, the State Medical Councils have time and again issued warning to the FMGs asking them not to use such titles in official documents, prescriptions, clinic boards and nameplates.

Medical Dialogues had earlier reported that back in 2022, the Nalgonda district officials had issued a similar warning to the FMGs practising there, asking them not to use such titles. The FMGs were asked to mention in the prescription pad only the degree which they actually owned or face stern action.

The officials had issued such a direction after noting that several foreign returned doctors were claiming to be MD (Physicians) when they were only MBBS degree holders in reality.

MBBS graduates from India or abroad are required to register with the concerned State Medical Councils to practice in the State. In case of additional qualifications such as PG degree or diplomas, such qualifications are also required to be registered with the State Medical Councils before displaying the same on the official documents.

Also Read: Warning issued to FMG graduates for writing MBBS degree as MD physician in Telangana

Article Source : with inputs

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