Surgeon Vice Admiral Kavita Sahai takes charge as Director General Medical Services-Navy

Published On 2024-10-16 10:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-16 10:00 GMT

New Delhi: Surgeon Vice Admiral Kavita Sahai, SM, VSM assumes charge as Director General Medical Services (Navy) on 14th October 2024. 

The Flag Officer was commissioned in the Army Medical Corps on 30 Dec 1986. 

An alumnus of the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College Pune, she has specialized in Pathology and super specialized in Oncopathology from the prestigious AIIMS, New Delhi. She has been Professor and head of Dept, Lab Sciences at AHRR and BHDC.  

Also Read:Lt General Kavita Sahai becomes first woman commandant of Army Medical College

She has also been Professor at Dept of Pathology, AFMC, Pune. Prior to assuming charge as the DGMS(Navy), she was the First woman Commandant of AMC Centre & College and O i/C Records. She is the first woman officer to be elected as Col Commandant of Army Medical Corps.

She has a special interest in Medical Education and was awarded prestigious Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) Fellowship for advancement of Med Education from Philadelphia, USA in 2013-14.


In recognition for her distinguished Service, the Flag Officer has been awarded the Sena Medal in 2024 and Vishisht Seva Medal in 2018 and has been Commended by the Chief of the Army Staff twice in 2008 & 2012 and the GOC-in-C (WC) in 2010.

Also Read:Surgeon Vice Admiral Arti Sarin takes charge as first woman Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services


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