Bengaluru woman posing as doctor robs jewellery from patients at private hospital

Published On 2023-01-17 12:15 GMT   |   Update On 2023-01-17 12:16 GMT

Bengaluru: A 35-year-old female con artist has recently come under the radar of the Ashoknagar police for allegedly stealing 46 grams of gold jewellery from two female patients at St. Philomena’s hospital by posing as a doctor. She is currently absconding.  

Wearing a white coat and roaming at the hospital, the woman managed to deceive the patient’s relatives and rob their valuable items under the nose of the hospital authorities. CCTV footage captured the action, which showed the woman entering and exiting the hospital without security asking for her ID or stopping her because she wore a medical coat.

The relative of the patient whose belongings were stolen accused the hospital administration of negligence and security lapses that led to such thefts.

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Interestingly the matter came to light when the relative of a 72-year-old patient found out from a nurse who came to draw blood samples for tests and told him that the woman was not a doctor at the hospital.


The incident took place on January 14 when the woman dressing as a doctor entered the hospital campus, reached the first floor and walked into the ‘B’ ward around 2.45 pm to visit the patient’s room.

After she entered the patient’s room, the woman directed her son to go out since she had to check on her. While the patent’s son was waiting outside the room, the woman removed the gold ring and gold chain weighing 46 grams, came out and asked her son not to disturb the patient for 45 minutes, reports The Hindu .

Later, when a nurse came to take the patient's blood sample for a test. He enquired about the doctor with the nurse who claimed she had no knowledge. Upon checking Ramesh noticed that his mother’s chain and ring were missing. By the time he could catch the scammer, she had already left the premises with the gold jewellery.

Similarly, the woman had stolen a gold chain from another patient in an adjacent ward too and used a similar modus operandi and asked her son not to disturb the patient for 45 minutes.

A case of theft and cheating has been registered at the police station against the suspect by the relatives of the victims. A search has been launched to nab the accused.

Also read- Unidentified Burglars Break Into Doctor's House In Madhya Pradesh

Article Source : With Inputs

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