Health Minister Announces Plans to Enhance Palliative Care in Himachal Pradesh

Written By :  Jyoti Bhatia
Published On 2024-10-28 04:30 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-28 04:31 GMT

Himachal Pradesh: The state government has been actively working to integrate palliative care into the healthcare system of Himachal Pradesh which is a specialized medical care that aims at providing relief from pain, discomfort and stress to patients suffering from other serious ailments. This was stated by Health Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil who is leading a senior delegation, to study Pallium India’s palliative care model involving community in Kerala from 23rd to 26th October 2024.

He said that the purpose of the visit was to explore palliative care, its potential and scope of its implementation in Himachal Pradesh through the state healthcare delivery system. 

The visit aims to develop a customized palliative care framework for Himachal and integrate similar practices into its healthcare system, he said. The delegation also visited a palliative care hospital in Trivandrum and made home visits to witness the practice, procedure and effectiveness of palliative care delivery. The Health Minister would also meet former Chief Secretary of Kerala S M Vijayanand engaged in policy discussions regarding palliative care.

Read also: Himachal Pradesh health institutions to be upgraded soon: CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu

He said that the first palliative care centre of Himachal Pradesh was set up at Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda, District Kangra, in 2015. At present, four district hospitals and three medical colleges in the state were offering palliative care services.

He added that Pallium India and the National Health Mission (NHM) Himachal Pradesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in February, 2024 to further strengthen palliative care centres in the state. As per the MoU, Pallium India would provide palliative care training to medical officers, community Health officers, Health workers, Asha workers and other medical staff.

The delegation includes Secretary Health M. Sudha Devi, Mission Director NHM Priyanka Verma, Director Medical Education and Research Dr Rakesh Sharma, Deputy Mission Director Dr Gopal Beri and State Program Officer (NCD) Dr Anadi.


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