Telangana Govt Sanctions Rs 79.5 Crore for new hostel blocks at Gandhi Medical College

Published On 2024-10-20 08:45 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-20 08:46 GMT

Hyderabad: In a significant development, Telangana Health Minister C. Damodar Raja Narasimha laid the foundation stone for new hostel blocks at Gandhi Medical College in Secunderabad. The initiative, which has a budget of ₹79.5 crore, aims to improve accommodation for boys, girls, and senior residents.

This initiative is followed by the three-day strike. The strike was initiated by the junior doctors in June during which the doctors demanded better living conditions. After the Health Minister's promise for the construction of new hostel buildings at both Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College, the strike was concluded. On September 6th the foundation stone for the Osmania College hostel was laid.

Also Read: AIIMS Delhi students protest against administration over non-availability of hostels, women safety, non-upgradation of syllabus

The construction of these new hostel blocks is set to address the growing demand for student accommodation at the college.

During the speech at Gandhi Medical, Mr Raja Narasimha criticized the previous government for delaying the setting up of an IVF centre at Gandhi Hospital which had been under discussion for nearly six years with little progress.


According to the Hindu news report, Mr Raja Narasimha  said, “However, under the current government, the first IVF center in the country has now been established at Gandhi.”

The minister has also stressed the importance of fulfilling the aspirations of underprivileged women to become mothers by announcing an IVF centre at the Maternity Hospital in Patlaburj. The centre would be operational within 15 days. Plans for additional IVF centres in Warangal and Nizamabad are also in the pipeline.

To address the rise in cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease Narasimha has revealed plans to establish six cancer centres and 73 trauma centres across the state. This initiative aims to focus on providing medical care to rural and tribal areas within 15 minutes.

The minister further shared that the new Osmania General Hospital (OGH) will be constructed at Goshamahal, with a cost of ₹2,000 crore.

Also Read: AIIMS Delhi plans to lease hostels near institute for students, resident doctors


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