MP Govt to recruit 3000 doctors soon

Published On 2024-10-02 04:00 GMT   |   Update On 2024-10-02 04:00 GMT
Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government is set to recruit 30,000 health workers, including 3,000 doctors, to enhance medical services in the state, announced Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla.

 Once a sufficient number of doctors and paramedical staff are available, the arrangements in the district hospitals as well as community and primary health centres will improve, Shukla said on Sunday.

The deputy CM, who holds charge of the state health department, was talking to reporters in Rewa.
According to the PTI report, he said 30,000 health workers, including 3,000 doctors, will be recruited in the state health department soon.
Shukla also said that Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is organising the Regional Industry Conclave in Rewa on October 23.
This will lead to huge investment for industrial development not only in Rewa but in the entire Vindhya region, he said, news agency PTI reported.
The Rewa airport will also be inaugurated soon and efforts are being made to have direct flight services from Rewa to Bhopal, Indore and Hyderabad, Shukla said.
Article Source : PTI

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